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Created December 4, 2015 17:35
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Save chadhutchins/1f6632ce4dc63a4ff746 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This script shows how to use the MailChimp v3 API to re-subscribe a large group of mistakingly unsubscribed email addresses in a MailChimp List. There are a couple examples commented out that can be used. The first shows how to look up the status of a batch API call sent to MailChimp. And the second shows how to make a batch API call to re-subsc…
// replace this with your mailchimp api key
$mailchimp_apikey = "mailchimp-api-key-goes-here";
// create mailchimp api object that is used later to make api calls
$mcapi = new MailChimp_API($mailchimp_apikey);
// Use the following code if you want to look up the status of a batch call
// array of batch ids provide after sending batch calls to mailchimp
$batch_ids = array(
foreach ($batch_ids as $batch_id)
$response = $mcapi->get_batches($batch_id);
echo "<hr>";
// Use the following code if you want to mass update subsribers in MailChimp
// The example below 'subscribes' people to the MailChimp list even if they have already unsubscribed
// This helps if there is an accidental mass unsubscribe
// the array of email addresses you want to update
$emails = array(
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
// the mailchimp list id you want to update the emails on
$list_id = 'd0ffa58810';
// the size of the batch calls you send at one time
$batch_size = 200;
$subscribers = array();
$num_emails = count($emails);
for ($i=1;$i<=$num_emails;$i++)
// you can set whatever data you want here to update in MailChimp
$subscribers []= array(
'id' => uniqid(),
'email_address' => $emails[($i-1)],
'status' => 'subscribed',
if ($i%$batch_size == 0)
// send the batch data every one hundred calls
$response = $mcapi->update_subscribers($list_id,$subscribers);
// print the response
// empty the subscriber array
$subscribers = array();
// for loop ended, process the final group
$response = $mcapi->update_subscribers($list_id,$subscribers);
// helper class to talk with MailChimp v3 batch API
class MailChimp_API
private $apikey = false;
function __construct($apikey=false)
if (!empty($apikey))
$this->apikey = $apikey;
public function update_subscribers($list_id,$subscribers)
if (empty($list_id))
$GLOBALS['log']->warning('MailChimp_API update_subscribers: list_id is empty');
return false;
if (empty($subscribers) or !is_array($subscribers))
$GLOBALS['log']->warning('MailChimp_API update_subscribers: subscribers is empty or not an array');
return false;
$operations = array();
$type = "PUT";
$url = "lists/{$list_id}/members/";
foreach ($subscribers as $key => $subscriber)
if (empty($subscriber['id']))
// id is required
$GLOBALS['log']->warning('MailChimp_API update_subscribers: no id for subscriber '.print_r($subscriber,true));
if (empty($subscriber['email_address']))
// email address required
$GLOBALS['log']->warning('MailChimp_API update_subscribers: no email_address for subscriber '.print_r($subscriber,true));
$email_hash = $this->get_email_hash($subscriber['email_address']);
$path = $url . $email_hash;
$operations []= array(
"method" => $type,
"path" => $path,
"operation_id" => $subscriber['id'],
"body" => json_encode($subscriber),
return $this->post_batches($operations);
public function post_batches($operations)
if (empty($operations) or !is_array($operations))
return false;
$type = "POST";
$url = "batches";
$data = array(
"operations" => $operations
return $this->call_API($type,$url,$data);
public function get_batches($batch_id)
if (empty($batch_id))
return false;
$type = "GET";
$url = "batches/{$batch_id}";
return $this->call_API($type,$url);
public function get_email_hash($email)
if (empty($email))
$GLOBALS['log']->warning('MailChimp_API get_email_hash: no email provided');
return false;
return md5(strtolower($email));
// the base API url is auto populated
// assuming json is being used goint to MC and returned from them
// $ext is used to set the extension
// example: call_API('POST', 'lists/'
public function call_API($request_type, $ext='', $body='')
// If using in a system where SugarChimp is installed
// You can use the following line to get the customers MailChimp apikey
$apikey = SugarChimp_Setting::retrieve('apikey');
// otherwise grab it from somewhere else
$apikey = $this->apikey;
$split = explode('-',$apikey);
$dc = $split[1];
$url = $dc . '' . $ext;
$curl = curl_init();
$opts = array(
CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('Authorization: apikey ' . $apikey),
CURLOPT_URL => $url,
switch ($request_type)
case 'POST':
case 'DELETE':
$opts[CURLOPT_POST] = 1;
$opts[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = json_encode($body);
case 'PUT':
$opts[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = json_encode($body);
curl_setopt_array($curl, $opts);
$result = curl_exec($curl);
return json_decode($result);
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