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Created June 15, 2016 22:59
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Install IIS UrlRewrite 2.0 on Windows 10
(new-object net.webclient).DownloadFile("", "$env:TEMP\rewrite_2.0x64.msi")
Push-Location HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\InetStp
$prevMajorVer = Get-ItemProperty -path . | Select -expandproperty MajorVersion
Set-ItemProperty . MajorVersion 9
$process = start-process "msiexec" -windowstyle Hidden -ArgumentList "/i $env:TEMP\rewrite_2.0x64.msi /quiet /norestart /qn" -PassThru -Wait
$result = $process.ExitCode
Set-ItemProperty . MajorVersion $prevMajorVer
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