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Created November 2, 2018 20:23
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pum_mod2 <- function(conv_factor, value) {
mod <- 0
value < conv_factor ~ mod <- ceiling(conv_factor - value),
value %% conv_factor != 0 ~ mod <- ceiling((value / conv_factor) * conv_factor - value),
pum_mod <- function(conv_factor, value) {
# for values smaller than the conversion factor, we just need add the difference
if (value < conv_factor) {
mod <- ceiling(conv_factor - value)
# for values larger than the conversion factor, we calc the remainder to get up to a number that is evenly divisible
} else if ((value %% conv_factor) != '0') {
mod <- ceiling((value / conv_factor) * conv_factor - value)
} else {
mod <- 0
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