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Facepalming at my own terrible code since 2005

Chadsten chadsten

Facepalming at my own terrible code since 2005
  • Colorado
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patrickfuller /
Last active October 7, 2024 16:28 — forked from unbracketed/
Export Issues from Github repo to CSV (API v3)
Exports issues from a list of repositories to individual csv files.
Uses basic authentication (Github username + password) to retrieve issues
from a repository that username has access to. Supports Github API v3.
Forked from: unbracketed/
import argparse
import csv
from getpass import getpass
import requests
johnny5th / em.scss
Last active February 1, 2016 21:04
@function em($px, $context-or-rem: strip_unit($base-font-size)) {
@if($context-or-rem == true) {
@return $px / strip_unit($base-font-size) * 1rem;
} @else {
@return $px / $context-or-rem * 1em;
/// Remove the unit of a length
/// @param {Number} $number - Number to remove unit from
staringispolite / asciiputsonglasses
Last active January 20, 2025 07:52
Ascii art sunglasses meme
Puts on glasses:
( •_•)>⌐■-■
Takes off glasses ("mother of god..."):
( •_•)>⌐■-■
SharaaEsper / sslishard.txt
Created January 12, 2015 23:11
Split certs into and
# ls ssl/
tmpkey www.<DOMAIN> www.<DOMAIN>.com.crt www.<DOMAIN>.com.csr www.<DOMAIN>.com.key
.ca.crt, .crt and .key are the needed files, the rest can be removed.
In /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf I commented out the default vhost (Starting with <Virutalhost> and through the rest of the file)
In /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf I added a NameVirtualHost directive. THis lets SNI work if you get more SSL sites in the future.
module_load_include('inc', 'pathauto');
$variables['classes_array'][] = "taxonomy-" . pathauto_cleanstring($node->field_experience_category['und'][0]['taxonomy_term']->name);
# Unit test for paths imported by feeds
# Not amazing, but will gather 404 info
function main() {
$paths = parse_csv('all-paths.csv',',');
$compare_path = compare_paths($paths);
function drupal-install() {
# Remove existing database
drush sql-drop -y;
# Remove existing install
sudo rm -rf sites/default;
# Restore the sites/default/default.settings.php file
sudo git checkout -- sites/default;
# Temporarily make the sites/default writable by anyone
sudo chmod -R 777 sites/default;
# Ensure the owner is the current user, not root user
SharaaEsper / gist:6504718
Created September 10, 2013 03:47
Basic redirect
server [
listen 80;
location / {
return 301;