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Forked from KWKdesign/
Created March 4, 2014 20:39
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#! /usr/bin/perl
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dump qw/dd dump/;
use DBI;
use SVG;
use File::Temp qw/tempfile/;
use File::Copy qw/move/;
my $pass = '';
my $user = '';
my $host = '';
# my $pass = '';
# my $user = 'schemaverse';
# my $host = 'localhost';
my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Pg:host='.$host.';database=schemaverse',$user,$pass) or die "$!";
my $compress = 1;
my $s3_backend = 0;
my $write_file = 1;
my $path = '';
my $colors = [qw/1f77b4 aec7e8 ff7f0e ffbb78 2ca02c 98df8a d62728 ff9896 9467bd c5b0d5 8c564b c49c94 e377c2 f7b6d2 7f7f7f c7c7c7 bcbd22 dbdb8d 17becf 9edae5/];
my $luma_threshold = 5;
sub get_luma {
my $rgb = shift;
return 0 unless $rgb =~ /[[:xdigit:]]{6}/;
my ( $r,$g,$b ) = $rgb =~ m/[[:xdigit:]]{2}/g;
return ( 0.2126 * hex $r ) + ( 0.7152 * hex $g ) + ( 0.0722 * hex $b ); # luma objective
my $h = 750;
my $w = $h;
my $legend_w = 200;
my $svg = SVG->new( width => $w+$legend_w, height => $h );
my $map = $svg->group( id => 'map' );
$map->rect( id => 'map-bg', x => 1, y => 1, width => $w, height => $h );
my $legend = $svg->group(
id => 'legend',
style => {
'font-size' => '1.4em',
id => 'legend-bg',
x => $w+1, y => 1,
width => $legend_w, height => $h,
id => 'legend-border',
x1 => $w+1, x2 => $w+1,
y1 => 1, y2 => $h,
stroke => 'white',
'stroke-width' => 1,
x => $w+1, y => $h-100,
width => 200, height => 73,
'-href' => '',
id => 'logo',
my $legend_e = $legend->group(
id => 'entries',
onmouseover => q/
ship_hi(,1); = '1.3em';
onmouseout => q/
ship_hi(,0); = '1.2em';
my $max_tic = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(q/select last_value from tic_seq;/)->[0];
my $dur = .1;
my $min_dur = 20;
if ( $max_tic * $dur < $min_dur ) {
$dur = $min_dur / $max_tic;
my $round = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(q/select last_value from round_seq;/)->[0];
my $players = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(q/
select player_id from (
select count(ship_id),ship_id,player_id
from ship_flight_recorder
group by ship_id,player_id
having count(ship_id) > 1
group by player_id;
die 'No Players with Valid Moves' unless scalar @$players;
$svg->title(id=>'document-title')->cdata('Schemaverse | Max Tic '.$max_tic.' | Round '.$round);
my $reload = $svg->script(-type=>"text/ecmascript");
function Timer(cb, delay) {
var timer_id, start, remain = delay;
this.pause = function() {
remain -= new Date() - start;
this.resume = function() {
start = new Date();
timer_id = window.setTimeout(cb, remain);
var timer = new Timer( function(){
}, |.(1000*($max_tic*$dur)).qq| );
function ship_hi(name,r) {
if( r ) {
r = 2.5;
else {
r = 1.125;
var ships = document
for ( var i = 0, max = ships.length; i < max; i++ ) {
ships[i].r.baseVal.value = r;
function pause() {
var button = document.getElementById('pause');
button.setAttributeNS(null, 'display', 'none');
button = document.getElementById('play');
button.setAttributeNS(null, 'display', 'inline');
function play() {
var button = document.getElementById('play');
button.setAttributeNS(null, 'display', 'none');
button = document.getElementById('pause');
button.setAttributeNS(null, 'display', 'inline');
my $clock_g = $svg->group( id => 'clock' );
id => 'pause',
x => $w+5, y => $h - 96,
style => {
fill => 'white',
'font-size' => '1.4em',
onclick => 'pause();timer.pause();',
id => 'play',
x => $w+5, y => $h - 96,
style => {
fill => 'white',
'font-size' => '1.4em',
display => 'none',
onclick => 'play();timer.resume();',
id => 'round',
x => $w+$legend_w-111, y => $h-12,
style => {
fill => 'white',
'font-size' => '1.4em',
)->cdata(sprintf('Rd: %5s',$round));
for( 0 .. $max_tic ) {
my $clock = $clock_g->text(
id => 'clock'.$_,
x => $w+10,
y => $h-12,
visibility => 'hidden',
style => {
fill => 'white',
'font-size' => '2em',
-method => 'attribute',
attributeName => 'visibility',
to => 'visible',
begin => ( $_ * $dur ),
dur => $dur,
fill => ( $_ == $max_tic ? 'freeze' : 'remove' ),
my $paths_sth = $dbh->prepare(q\
select ship_id s, min(tic) start_tic, max(tic) end_tic,
string_agg( tic::text, ';') t,
string_agg( x, ';' ) x, string_agg( y , ';' ) y
from (
select ship_id, tic,
round( ( \.$w.q\ / ( 2e7 / ( (location[0]+1) + 1e7 ) ) )::numeric, 4 )::text x,
round( ( \.$h.q\ / ( 2e7 / ( (location[1]+1) + 1e7 ) ) )::numeric, 4 )::text y
from ship_flight_recorder
where player_id = ?
order by ship_id,tic
group by ship_id
having count(*) > 1
my $i = 0;
for my $player (@$players) {
$paths_sth->execute( $player );
my $ships = $paths_sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
my $p = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(q/select get_player_username(?);/, undef, $player)->[0];
my $player_rgb = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(q/select get_player_rgb(?::int);/, undef, $player )->[0];
my $new_color = 0;
# if ( defined $player_rgb ) {
# dump ( $p, $player_rgb, get_luma($player_rgb) );
# }
unless ( defined $player_rgb ) {
$new_color = 1;
elsif ( get_luma($player_rgb) < $luma_threshold ) {
$new_color = 1;
if ( $new_color ) {
my $scaled = $player % scalar @$colors;
$player_rgb = $colors->[ $scaled ];
my $text = $legend_e->text(
id => 'l-'.$player,
class => $p,
style => {
'fill' => '#'.$player_rgb,
'font-size' => '1.4em',
x => $w+5, y => ( ++$i * 32 ),
my $svgg = $map->group(
id => 'p-'.$player,
class => $p,
style => {
'fill' => '#'.$player_rgb,
for(@$ships) {
my $tv = [ split ';', $_->{t} ];
my $xv = [ split ';', $_->{x} ];
my $yv = [ split ';', $_->{y} ];
for ( 0 .. $#$tv ) {
last unless defined $tv->[$_+1];
my $gap = $tv->[$_+1] - $tv->[$_];
if( $gap > 1 ) {
splice $tv, $_+1, 0, $tv->[$_+1]-1;
splice $xv, $_+1, 0, $xv->[$_];
splice $yv, $_+1, 0, $yv->[$_];
my $ship = $svgg->circle(
id => 's-'.$_->{s},
r => 1.125,
my $begin = ( $dur * $_->{start_tic} );
my $ship_dur = ( $dur * ( $_->{end_tic} - $_->{start_tic} + 1 ) );
-method => 'attribute',
attributeName => 'cx',
values => join( ';', @$xv ),
begin=> $begin.'s',
dur => $ship_dur.'s',
calcMode => 'linear',
-method => 'attribute',
attributeName => 'cy',
values => join( ';', @$yv ),
begin=> $begin.'s',
dur => $ship_dur.'s',
calcMode => 'linear',
my $render = $svg->render();
my $output = $render;
my $dest = 'schemaverse_round'.$round.'.svg';
if ( $compress == 1 and eval "require Compress::Zlib" ) {
$output = Compress::Zlib::memGzip( $render ) or die "$!";
$dest .= 'z';
say '-' x 20;
if ( defined $s3_backend and $s3_backend == 1 and eval "require Net::Amazon::S3" ) {
my $aws_access_key_id = '';
my $aws_secret_access_key = '';
my $bucket_name = '';
my $s3 = Net::Amazon::S3->new({
aws_access_key_id => $aws_access_key_id,
aws_secret_access_key => $aws_secret_access_key,
my $c = Net::Amazon::S3::Client->new( s3 => $s3 );
my $b = $c->bucket( name => $bucket_name );
my $object = $b->object(
key => 'viz/'.$dest,
acl_short => 'public-read',
content_type => 'image/svg+xml',
content_encoding => 'gzip',
print $object->uri;
if( $write_file == 1 and defined $path and $path ne '' ) {
my ($tmp_fh, $tmp_name) = tempfile();
print $tmp_fh $output;
move( $tmp_name, $path.$dest );
chmod( 0644, $dest );
print $path.$dest;
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