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chandraratnam /
Last active January 21, 2025 17:30
Mutt + isync mbsync + gmail + multiple accounts.

Mutt + isync multiple accounts Unfinished

This is the setup that I use for mutt, I have two google domain account (read as gmail) and an institution where I work and study account. This means I have two gmail accounts and one outlook 365 account that i want to sync and read via mutt.

I want to store all my email locally as I travel a lot and will be in countries without easy internet access. For this I use mbsync (iSync). As it can handle multiple account types easily and efficently.

The setup works this way

[Remote Mail Servers] <= mbsync => [Local Mail Folders]

chandraratnam / .colors.csv
Created March 1, 2017 00:14 — forked from avillafiorita/.colors.csv
change osx terminal colors and font from the command line
LightPink1 #ffbdc5 255 189 197 {65535 48573 50629}
pink4 #9d777f 157 119 127 {40349 30583 32639}
pink3 #d7a3ad 215 163 173 {55255 41891 44461}
pink2 #f2b9c4 242 185 196 {62194 47545 50372}
pink1 #ffc3cf 255 195 207 {65535 50115 53199}
HotPink4 #9e4f75 158 79 117 {40606 20303 30069}
HotPink3 #d878a1 216 120 161 {55512 30840 41377}
HotPink2 #f383b5 243 131 181 {62451 33667 46517}
HotPink1 #ff87c1 255 135 193 {65535 34695 49601}
DeepPink4 #9e1e62 158 30 98 {40606 7710 25186}