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Created July 2, 2018 13:18
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Example of different approaches to wrapping STM with Cats
package com.changlinli
import cats.effect.{IO, Sync}
import cats.implicits._
import cats.~>
import scala.language.higherKinds
* A skeleton demonstration of what STM might look like with a Free monad vs
* tagless final. The standard tagless final approach is NOT what you want
* here. In particular it makes STM _too_ composable with other monads. The
* strength of the STM data type is precisely that it can't be combined with
* other effects because STM might arbitrarily retry actions.
* This is problematic with tagless final because the straightforward interpreter
* for STM into something like IO is the atomically operator, which executes
* all the built-up STM actions in a single transaction. With the usual tagless
* final machinery, this would force every STM action to be executed in a transaction
* of its own, which defeats the purpose of having STM (allowing multiple STM
* actions to be run in a single transaction).
* If you want to have tagless final work for STM you have two options (I think
* ; there may be other ones I haven't thought of):
* 1. Hide the fact you're using tagless final behind some opaque data type.
* 2. Use a non-standard representation of tagless final (e.g. just with
* standard OO interfaces/traits). I had a debate with some folks on the
* fs2 channel about whether that actually constitutes tagless final but
* that's really just a naming thing at that point.
final case class TVar[A](x: A)
sealed trait STMAlgebra[A]
final case class NewTVar[A](a: A) extends STMAlgebra[TVar[A]]
final case class ReadTVar[A](tVar: TVar[A]) extends STMAlgebra[A]
final case class WriteTVar[A](tVar: TVar[A], value: A) extends STMAlgebra[Unit]
object FreeMonadExample {
type STM[A] = Free[STMAlgebra, A]
def newTVar[A](a: A): STM[TVar[A]] =
Free.liftF(NewTVar(a): STMAlgebra[TVar[A]])
def readTVar[A](tVar: TVar[A]): STM[A] =
Free.liftF(ReadTVar(tVar) : STMAlgebra[A])
def writeTVar[A](tVar: TVar[A], value: A): STM[Unit] =
Free.liftF(WriteTVar(tVar, value): STMAlgebra[Unit])
def ioInterpreter: STM ~> IO = ???
def someCrazyEffect[F[_] : Sync]: F[Unit] = ???
def atomically[A](stmAction: STM[A]): IO[A] =
// Does not compile and it shouldn't compile
def attemptedBadSTMAction(tVar: TVar[Int]) = {
for {
currentValue <- readTVar(tVar)
_ <- someCrazyEffect[IO] // You have to choose some concrete Monad here
newValue = currentValue + 1
_ <- writeTVar(tVar, newValue)
} yield ()
trait STMTaglessAlgebra[F[_]] {
def newTVar[A](a: A): F[A]
def readTVar[A](tVar: TVar[A]): F[A]
def writeTVar[A](tVar: TVar[A], a: A): F[Unit]
object STMTaglessAlgebra {
def apply[F[_]]: STMTaglessAlgebra[F] = implicitly[STMTaglessAlgebra[F]]
object TaglessFinalExample {
def someCrazyEffect[F[_] : Sync]: F[Unit] = ???
def myBadSTMAction[F[_] : Sync : STMTaglessAlgebra](tVar: TVar[Int]): F[Unit] = {
for {
currentValue <- STMTaglessAlgebra[F].readTVar(tVar)
_ <- someCrazyEffect[F]
newValue = currentValue + 1
_ <- STMTaglessAlgebra[F].writeTVar(tVar, newValue)
} yield ()
def stmInterpreter: STMTaglessAlgebra[IO] = ???
val someTVar: TVar[Int] = ???
val nonAtomicReadAndWrite: IO[Unit] = myBadSTMAction(someTVar)(implicitly, stmInterpreter)
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