$> my_array=(one two three)
$> echo ${my_array}
use std::error::Error; | |
use std::io::{Cursor, Write}; | |
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; | |
use std::thread; | |
struct Actor { | |
buffer: Arc<Mutex<dyn Write + Sync + Send>> | |
} | |
/// This Actor does write in the given Buffer (StdOut, File, …) |
use std::{collections::HashMap, error::Error, fmt::Display, path::PathBuf}; | |
#[derive(Debug)] | |
pub enum ConfigError { | |
/// Configuration setting named is missing. | |
Missing(String), | |
/// Type mismatch | |
TypeMismatch { expected: String, present: String }, |
use std::collections::HashMap; | |
struct Square { | |
name: String, | |
pawn: Option<String>, | |
} | |
struct GameBoard { | |
squares: HashMap<String, Square>, | |
} |
alias ll='ls -lh' | |
ylw=$(tput setaf 227) | |
grn=$(tput setaf 154) | |
red=$(tput setaf 196); | |
bld=$(tput bold); | |
rst=$(tput sgr0); | |
export PS1="LXC[\[$([ $UID -eq 0 ] && echo "$red" || echo "$grn")\]$(hostname)\[$rst\]]:\[$bld\]\w\[$rst\]# " |
parec \ | |
-d alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo.monitor \ | |
--fix-format --fix-rate --no-remix --file-format=wav \ | |
file.wav |
parec --channels=1 --latency-msec=2 | ./baudline -stdin -stdout | pacat |
-- gist from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5108876/kill-a-postgresql-session-connection | |
-- prevent people from connecting to the database | |
revoke connect on database :db_name from public, … ; | |
pg_terminate_backend(pid) | |
FROM | |
pg_stat_activity | |
-- don't kill my own connection! | |
pid <> pg_backend_pid() |
-- | |
-- PostgreSQL database dump | |
-- | |
-- Dumped from database version 10.3 (Debian 10.3-1.pgdg70+1) | |
-- Dumped by pg_dump version 10.3 (Debian 10.3-1.pgdg70+1) | |
SET statement_timeout = 0; | |
SET lock_timeout = 0; | |
SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0; |