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Created April 6, 2016 03:45
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Solve LP problem using Dual Simplex Method and Bland's Law.
%% Dual Simplex Method
% /DAA/dual_simplex.m
% [Description] Solve LP problem using Dual Simplex Method and Bland's Law.
% [Author] chaonan99(R)
% [Last Modify] 2016/04/03
% [Contact Me] [email protected]
% [Note] The input should already have an initial basic solution for the
% original problem and a feasible solution for its dual problem.
%% code
function [x,z] = dual_simplex(A,b,c)
% A -- constraint matrix
% b -- constraint vector
% c -- checknumber
% x -- solution vector
% z -- optimal solution
format rat;
S = [A b'; c 0];
[m,n] = size(A);
% Check the validity of inputs
assert(n==length(c), 'Scale of A and c do not match!');
assert(m==length(b), 'Scale of A and b do not match!');
r = find(b<0);
len = length(r);
while len
for k = 1:len
d = find(A(r(k),:)<0, 1);
% A(r,:)>=0, no feasible solution.
if (isempty(d))
error('No optimal solution!');
rb = zeros(1,n);
for p = 1:n
if A(r(1),p)>=0 % In-base variable have the minimum index (Bland's law)
rb(p) = Inf; % In order to use min to find out-base variable
rb(p) = c(p)/A(r(1),p);
[~, col] = min(rb); % min method find the minimum index when there are more than one min value
S(r(1),:) = S(r(1),:)./S(r(1),col);
for i = 1:m+1
if i ~= r(1)
S(i,:) = S(i,:) - S(r(1),:)*S(i,col);
A = S(1:m,1:n);
b = S(1:m,n+1)';
c = S(m+1,1:n);
r = find(b<0);
% break point
len = length(r);
x = zeros(1,n);
for i = 1:n
j = find(A(:,i)==1);
k = find(A(:,i)==0);
if length(j)==1 && length(k)==m-1
x(i) = b(j);
z = S(m+1, n+1);
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