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A Java utility class that caches the resulting value of (expensively?) computing a function taking a single argument
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* File:
* <p>
* Version: v2023.12.18
* <p>
* -
* <p>
* A {@link Memoizer} is a utility class that caches the resulting value of (expensively?) computing a function taking a
* single argument.
* <p>
* By storing the result (the value) of a call to the defining function for a particular input value (the key), all
* subsequent calls with the same input value (i.e. key) return the previously computed (cached) value as opposed to
* recomputing the function. This can significantly improve the performance of computationally expensive functions,
* especially those that are called repeatedly with the same inputs.
* <p>
* -
* <p>
* Memoization is particularly useful for a function with the following profile:
* <p>
* <ul>
* <li>Likely to be time-consuming to execute
* <li>Likely to be repeatedly called with the same inputs
* <li>Deterministic; i.e. always returns the same output for a given input
* </ul>
* <p>
* -
* <p>
* <b>CAUTION:</b> Because this design eliminates multi-thread race conditions, and this
* implementation allows a compute function to be defined within the {@link
* #from(Function, MethodOverride, InsertionOrder)} factory method, as well as allowing a compute function to be
* provided with the {@link #get(K, Function)} method, it is important to note that when a computed
* result (the value) is associated with the input parameter (the key), the association is made
* permanent and immutable in a thread-safe manner.
* <p>
* -
* <p>
* Said another way, the {@link #get(K, Function)} method is unable to "update" an existing
* association. Once an association is generated, it remains permanent and immutable.
* @param <K> type of the input value (the key) permanently associated with the computed, and subsequently cached,
* value
* @param <V> type of the cached computed value
public final class Memoizer<K, V> {
* Creates a lazy {@link Supplier<T>} that delays the creating of an instance of {@code t} until the first time it is
* requested. Upon request, the generated instance of {@code t} is, in a thread-safe way, cached and returned. And
* then for all future requests, the cached value of {@code t} is returned, as opposed to recomputing it.
* <p>
* -
* <p>
* <b>CAUTION:</b> If {@link Supplier#get()} throws an {@link Exception}, the exception is
* captured, suppressed, and the returned instance of {@link Supplier<T>} is defined to short-circuit by having
* {@link Supplier#get()} hardcoded to return <code>null</code>.
* @param executeExactlyOnceSupplierT The {@link Supplier#get()} used to create the {@code t} instance exactly once
* @param <T> type of computed function's resulting value instance of {@code t}
* @return lazy {@link Supplier<T>} that creates the instance of {@code t} upon the first call to
* {@link Supplier#get()}.
public static <T> Supplier<T> lazyInstantiation(Supplier<T> executeExactlyOnceSupplierT) {
return new Supplier<T>() {
private boolean isInitialized;
private Supplier<T> supplierT = this::executeExactlyOnce;
private synchronized T executeExactlyOnce() {
if (!isInitialized) {
try {
var t = executeExactlyOnceSupplierT.get();
supplierT = () -> t;
} catch (Exception exception) {
supplierT = () -> null;
isInitialized = true;
return supplierT.get();
public T get() {
return supplierT.get();
public enum InsertionOrder {
public enum MethodOverride {
private final Optional<Entry<Function<K, V>, MethodOverride>> optionalDefaultDeriveVFromKAndMethodOverride;
private final InsertionOrder insertionOrder;
private final Map<K, V> vByK;
* Creates a {@link Memoizer} without a default {@code deriveVFromK} function and doesn't maintain insertion order of
* the keys.
* <p>
* -
* <p>
* <b>CAUTION:</b> This requires all calls be routed through the {@link #get(K, Function)}.
* @return an instance of {@link Memoizer} without a default {@code deriveVFromK} function and doesn't maintain
* insertion order of the keys
public static <K, V> Memoizer<K, V> from() {
return new Memoizer<>(
* Creates a {@link Memoizer} with a specified default {@code deriveVFromK} function, disallows the function to be
* overridden by the {@link #get(K, Function)} method, and doesn't maintain insertion order of the keys.
* @param defaultDeriveVFromK function to use to derive {@link V} from {@link K}, if the association is not already
* cached
* @return an instance of {@link Memoizer} with a specified default {@code deriveVFromK} function, disallows the
* function to be overridden by the {@link #get(K, Function)} method, and doesn't maintain insertion order of the
* keys
public static <K, V> Memoizer<K, V> from(
Function<K, V> defaultDeriveVFromK
) {
return new Memoizer<>(
Optional.of(Map.entry(Objects.requireNonNull(defaultDeriveVFromK), MethodOverride.INHIBITED)),
* Creates a new {@link Memoizer} with a specified default {@code deriveVFromK} function, optionally allows the
* function to be overridden by the {@link #get(K, Function)} method, and doesn't maintain insertion order of the
* keys.
* @param defaultDeriveVFromK function to use to derive {@link V} from {@link K}, if the association is not already
* cached
* @param methodOverride when {@link MethodOverride#ALLOWED}, enables {@link #get(Object, Function)} to be
* called, otherwise the {@link #get(Object, Function)} method will throw an
* {@link UnsupportedOperationException}
* @return an instance of {@link Memoizer} with a specified default {@code deriveVFromK} function, optionally allows
* the function to be overridden by the {@link #get(K, Function)} method, and doesn't maintain insertion order of
* the keys
public static <K, V> Memoizer<K, V> from(
Function<K, V> defaultDeriveVFromK,
MethodOverride methodOverride
) {
return new Memoizer<>(
Optional.of(Map.entry(Objects.requireNonNull(defaultDeriveVFromK), methodOverride)),
* Creates a {@link Memoizer} without a default {@code deriveVFromK} function, and optionally maintain insertion order
* of the keys.
* <p>
* -
* <p>
* <b>CAUTION:</b> This requires all calls be routed through the {@link #get(K, Function)}.
* @param insertionOrder when {@link InsertionOrder#RETAIN}, retains the insertion order of the keys
* @return an instance of {@link Memoizer} without a default {@code deriveVFromK} function, and optionally maintain
* insertion order of the keys
public static <K, V> Memoizer<K, V> from(
InsertionOrder insertionOrder
) {
return new Memoizer<>(
* Creates a {@link Memoizer} with a specified default {@code deriveVFromK} function, optionally allowing this default
* function to be overridden by the {@link #get(K, Function)} method, and optionally maintaining the insertion order
* of the keys.
* @param defaultDeriveVFromK function to use to derive V from K, if the association is not already cached
* @param methodOverride when {@link MethodOverride#ALLOWED}, enables {@link #get(Object, Function)} to be
* called, otherwise the {@link #get(Object, Function)} method will throw an
* {@link UnsupportedOperationException}
* @param insertionOrder when {@link InsertionOrder#RETAIN}, retains the insertion order of the keys
* @return an instance of {@link Memoizer} with a specified default {@code deriveVFromK} function, optionally allowing
* this default function * to be overridden by the {@link #get(K, Function)} method, and optionally maintaining
* the insertion order of the keys.
public static <K, V> Memoizer<K, V> from(
Function<K, V> defaultDeriveVFromK,
MethodOverride methodOverride,
InsertionOrder insertionOrder
) {
return new Memoizer<>(
Optional.of(Map.entry(Objects.requireNonNull(defaultDeriveVFromK), methodOverride)),
private Memoizer(
Optional<Entry<Function<K, V>, MethodOverride>> optionalDefaultDeriveVFromKAndMethodOverride,
InsertionOrder insertionOrder
) {
this.optionalDefaultDeriveVFromKAndMethodOverride = optionalDefaultDeriveVFromKAndMethodOverride;
this.insertionOrder = insertionOrder;
this.vByK = insertionOrder == InsertionOrder.RETAIN
? new LinkedHashMap<>()
: new HashMap<>();
* Returns whether the {@link #get(K, Function)} method is allowed to provide an {@code overrideDeriveVFromK}
* function. If {@link MethodOverride#INHIBITED}, the {@link #get(K, Function)} method call will throw an
* {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
* @return if {@code true}, indicates the {@link #get(K, Function)} method is allowed to provide an
* {@code overrideDeriveVFromK} function, otherwise the same method call will throw an
* {@link UnsupportedOperationException}
public MethodOverride getMethodOverride() {
return this.optionalDefaultDeriveVFromKAndMethodOverride
* Returns whether {@link #keySet()} returns a {@link Set<K>} of keys currently managed, and in temporal (insertion)
* order, otherwise encounter order is unspecified.
* @return if {@link InsertionOrder#RETAIN}, indicates {@link #keySet} returns a {@link Set} of the keys currently
* managed, and in temporal (insertion) order, otherwise encounter order is unspecified
public InsertionOrder getInsertionOrder() {
return this.insertionOrder;
private V get(
K k,
Optional<Function<K, V>> optionalOverrideDeriveVFromK
) {
return Optional.ofNullable(this.vByK.get(Objects.requireNonNull(k, "k must not be null")))
.orElseGet(() -> {
synchronized (this.vByK) {
return Optional.ofNullable(this.vByK.get(k))
.orElseGet(() -> {
var lambda = optionalOverrideDeriveVFromK
.or(() ->
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException(
"when calling the get() method without providing an overrideDeriveVFromK function, defaultDeriveVFromK must be provided in the from() factory method"));
var v = Objects.requireNonNull(lambda.apply(k),
"v returned from the %sDeriveVFromK function, provided by the %s, must not be null".formatted(
? "default"
: "override",
? "from() factory method"
: "get() method"));
this.vByK.put(k, v);
return v;
* Retrieves the cached value for the specified key, first computing the value using the {@code defaultDeriveVFromK}
* function provided by the {@link #from(Function, MethodOverride, InsertionOrder)} factory method, if this is the first request for
* this input value.
* @param k key to use to retrieve the value
* @return cached (computed) value for the specified key
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if no value has been associated with {@code k}
* @throws NullPointerException if the value returned by the *DeriveVFromF function is {@code null}
public V get(K k) {
return get(k, Optional.empty());
* Retrieves the cached value for the specified key, first computing the value using the provided
* {@code overrideDeriveVFromK} function if this is the first request for this input value.
* <p>
* -
* <p>
* <b>CAUTION:</b> Because this design eliminates multi-thread race conditions, and this
* implementation allows a compute function to be defined within the {@link #from(Function, MethodOverride, InsertionOrder)} factory
* method, as well as allowing a compute function to be provided with this method, it is important to note that when a
* computed result (the value) is associated with the input parameter (the key), the association is made permanent and
* immutable in a thread-safe manner.
* <p>
* -
* <p>
* Said another way, this method is unable to "update" an existing association. Once an association has been
* generated, it remains permanent and immutable.
* @param k key to use to retrieve the permanently associated computed value
* @return cached (computed) value for the specified key
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if {@link #getMethodOverride()} method returns {@link MethodOverride#INHIBITED}
* @throws NullPointerException if the value returned by the {@code *DeriveVFromF} function is {@code null}
public V get(
K k,
Function<K, V> overrideDeriveVFromK
) {
if (this.getMethodOverride() == MethodOverride.INHIBITED) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("overrideDeriveVFromK is restricted from being provided by the from() factory method selected");
return get(k, Optional.of(overrideDeriveVFromK));
* Provides a {@link Set<K>} of keys currently managed, and is in temporal (insertion) order when
* {@link #getInsertionOrder()} returns {@link InsertionOrder#RETAIN}.
* @return a {@link Set<K>} of keys currently managed, and is in temporal (insertion) order when
* {@link #getInsertionOrder()} returns {@link InsertionOrder#RETAIN}
public Set<K> keySet() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.vByK.keySet());
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
* File:
* <p>
* Version: v2024.02.02
public class MemoizerTests {
public void testLazyInstantiation() {
var threadSleepMillis = 1000;
var memoizerValue = Integer.valueOf(10);
var counter = new int[]{0};
var isExceptionDetected = new boolean[1];
var memoizer = Memoizer.lazyInstantiation(() -> {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
isExceptionDetected[0] = true;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return memoizerValue + counter[0] - 1;
assertEquals(counter[0], 0);
var threads = Stream.<Thread>generate(() ->
new Thread(
() -> {
var memoizerResultThreadSpawned = memoizer.get();
assertEquals(memoizerValue, memoizerResultThreadSpawned);
assertEquals(counter[0], 0);
var startMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
assertEquals(counter[0], 0);
var memoizerResultThreadMain = memoizer.get(); //thread blocks until timeout in memoizer elapses
var totalMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - startMillis;
//System.out.println("totalMillis: " + totalMillis);
assertEquals(counter[0], 1);
assertTrue(totalMillis >= threadSleepMillis);
assertEquals(memoizerValue, memoizerResultThreadMain);
var memoizerResultThreadMain2 = memoizer.get(); //get the value again
assertEquals(counter[0], 1); //ensure that the executeExactlyOnce is not re-executed
assertFalse(isExceptionDetected[0]); //ensure that no exception was generated (which seems impossible if the prior statement confirmed the lambda was not re-executed
public void testLazyInstantiationSupplierException() {
var memoizerValue = Integer.valueOf(10);
var counter = new int[]{0};
var memoizer = Memoizer.lazyInstantiation(() -> {
var oopsie = 999 / (counter[0] - 1);
//should never get here as prior expression contains a divide by zero
System.out.println("oopsie: " + oopsie);
return memoizerValue + counter[0] - 1;
assertEquals(counter[0], 0);
var thread = new Thread(
() -> {
var memoizerResultThreadSpawned = memoizer.get();
// memoizer.get throws an exception which we swallow and return null
var isExceptionDetected = new boolean[1];
(t, e) -> {
// memoizer.get exception is swallowed and thread's assert should pass
LOGGER.error("Exception detected: ", e);
isExceptionDetected[0] = true;
assertNull(memoizer.get()); //block until the other thread gets out of the way and allows this one through
assertEquals(counter[0], 1); //ensure the thread executed the executeExactlyOnce lambda exactly once, prior to the exception
assertFalse(isExceptionDetected[0]); //ensure the exception was successfully caught and suppressed
assertNull(memoizer.get()); //ensure null is consistently being returned
assertEquals(counter[0], 1); //ensure we are not re-executing the executeExactlyOnce lambda
private void testFactoriesExhaustiveHelper(
boolean isDefiningDefaultDeriveVFromK,
MethodOverride methodOverride,
InsertionOrder insertionOrder
) {
Function<Integer, Integer> lambdaDefaultTimes2 = (integer) -> integer * 2;
Function<Integer, Integer> lambdaOverrideMinus1 = (integer) -> integer - 1;
Function<Integer, Integer> lambdaOverridePlus1 = (integer) -> integer + 1;
Memoizer<Integer, Integer> memoizer =
? methodOverride == MethodOverride.ALLOWED //isAllowingMethodOverride
? insertionOrder == InsertionOrder.RETAIN //isRetainingInsertionOrder
? Memoizer.from(lambdaDefaultTimes2, methodOverride, insertionOrder)
: Memoizer.from(lambdaDefaultTimes2, methodOverride)
: insertionOrder == InsertionOrder.RETAIN //isRetainingInsertionOrder
? Memoizer.from(lambdaDefaultTimes2, methodOverride, insertionOrder)
: Memoizer.from(lambdaDefaultTimes2)
: insertionOrder == InsertionOrder.RETAIN //isRetainingInsertionOrder
? Memoizer.from(insertionOrder)
: Memoizer.from();
assertEquals(methodOverride, memoizer.getMethodOverride());
assertEquals(insertionOrder, memoizer.getInsertionOrder());
if (isDefiningDefaultDeriveVFromK) {
if (methodOverride == MethodOverride.ALLOWED) {
//get(k) should return a value
assertEquals(50, memoizer.get(25)); //default lambda invoked
//get(k, overrideDeriveVFromK) should return a value
assertEquals(26, memoizer.get(27, lambdaOverrideMinus1)); //override lambda invoked with default lambda ignored
assertEquals(Set.of(25, 27), memoizer.keySet());
assertEquals(50, memoizer.get(25)); //default lambda ignored
assertEquals(52, memoizer.get(26)); //default lambda invoked
assertEquals(Set.of(25, 27, 26), memoizer.keySet());
if (insertionOrder == InsertionOrder.RETAIN) {
var keys = IntStream.range(20, 30)
.mapToObj(index -> {
memoizer.get(index); //override lambda invoked for all but 25, 26, and 27
return index;
assertNotEquals(keys, memoizer.keySet().stream().toList());
assertEquals(List.of(25, 27, 26, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29), memoizer.keySet().stream().toList());
} else {
//get(k, overrideDeriveVFromK) should throw an exception
var unsupportedOperationException =
() -> memoizer.get(15, lambdaOverrideMinus1)
"overrideDeriveVFromK is restricted from being provided by the from() factory method selected",
//get(k) should return a value
assertEquals(30, memoizer.get(15)); //default lambda invoked
assertEquals(Set.of(15), memoizer.keySet());
assertEquals(30, memoizer.get(15)); //default lambda ignored
assertEquals(34, memoizer.get(17)); //default lambda invoked
assertEquals(Set.of(15, 17), memoizer.keySet());
if (insertionOrder == InsertionOrder.RETAIN) {
var keys = IntStream.range(10, 20)
.mapToObj(index -> {
memoizer.get(index); //override lambda invoked for all but 15 and 17
return index;
assertNotEquals(keys, memoizer.keySet().stream().toList());
assertEquals(List.of(15, 17, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19), memoizer.keySet().stream().toList());
} else {
assertEquals(MethodOverride.ALLOWED, methodOverride); //isAllowingMethodOverride);
//get(k) should throw an exception
var illegalArgumentException =
() -> memoizer.get(5)
"when calling the get() method without providing an overrideDeriveVFromK function, defaultDeriveVFromK must be provided in the from() factory method",
//get(k, overrideDeriveVFromK) should return a value
assertEquals(4, memoizer.get(5, lambdaOverrideMinus1)); //override lambda invoked
assertEquals(Set.of(5), memoizer.keySet());
assertEquals(4, memoizer.get(5)); //should now work as the key is present
assertEquals(4, memoizer.get(5, lambdaOverridePlus1)); //override lambda ignored
assertEquals(Set.of(5), memoizer.keySet());
assertEquals(8, memoizer.get(7, lambdaOverridePlus1)); //override lambda invoked
assertEquals(Set.of(5, 7), memoizer.keySet());
assertEquals(8, memoizer.get(7)); //should now work as the key is present
assertEquals(8, memoizer.get(7, lambdaOverrideMinus1)); //override lambda ignored
assertEquals(Set.of(5, 7), memoizer.keySet());
if (insertionOrder == InsertionOrder.RETAIN) {
var keys = IntStream.range(0, 10)
.mapToObj(index -> {
memoizer.get(index, lambdaOverrideMinus1); //override lambda invoked for all but 5 and 7
return index;
assertNotEquals(keys, memoizer.keySet().stream().toList());
assertEquals(List.of(5, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9), memoizer.keySet().stream().toList());
public void testFactoriesExhaustive() {
//test all variations of from()
// from()
// equivalent: from(null, true, false)
// from(Function<K, V> defaultDeriveVFromK)
// equivalent: from(defaultDeriveVFromK, false, false)
// from(Function<K, V> defaultDeriveVFromK, boolean isAllowingMethodOverride)
// equivalent: from(defaultDeriveVFromK, isAllowingMethodOverride, false)
// from(boolean isRetainingInsertionOrder)
// equivalent: from(null, true, isRetainingInsertionOrder)
// from(Function<K, V> defaultDeriveVFromK, boolean isAllowingMethodOverride, boolean isRetainingInsertionOrder)
Stream.of(false, true)
.forEach(isDefiningDefaultDeriveVFromK ->
? Stream.of(MethodOverride.INHIBITED, MethodOverride.ALLOWED)
: Stream.of(MethodOverride.ALLOWED))
.forEach(methodOverride ->
Stream.of(InsertionOrder.NONE, InsertionOrder.RETAIN)
.forEach(insertionOrder ->
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