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Created March 5, 2017 15:15
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FutureLearn Erlang MOOC Week 2: Indexing a file
-export([do_index/1, show_file_contents/1]).
%% Main entrypoint
%% In the Erlang shell, execute: rp(index:do_index("path_to_file")).
%% Reads the contents of the file using the provided functions, builds up a map
%% of words to their locations, compresses the locations to ranges and returns a
%% list sorted in alphabetical order
do_index(Name) ->
Lines = get_file_contents(Name),
Index = build_index(Lines),
CompressedIndex = maps:map(fun(_Word, Locations) -> build_ranges(lists:sort(Locations)) end, Index),
lists:sort(fun({A, _}, {B, _}) -> A =< B end, maps:to_list(CompressedIndex)).
%% Provided Function
% Used to read a file into a list of lines.
% Example files available in:
% gettysburg-address.txt (short)
% dickens-christmas.txt (long)
% Get the contents of a text file into a list of lines.
% Each line has its trailing newline removed.
get_file_contents(Name) ->
{ok,File} = file:open(Name,[read]),
Rev = get_all_lines(File,[]),
%% Provided Function
% Auxiliary function for get_file_contents.
% Not exported.
get_all_lines(File,Partial) ->
case io:get_line(File,"") of
eof -> file:close(File),
Line -> {Strip,_} = lists:split(length(Line)-1,Line),
%% Provided Function
% Show the contents of a list of strings.
% Can be used to check the results of calling get_file_contents.
show_file_contents([L|Ls]) ->
show_file_contents([]) ->
%% Builds up the index by processing the lines returned from the file reading function
%% Each line is lowercased and split on non-word characters to obtain a list of words.
%% These words are then added to the map along with their location.
build_index(Lines) -> build_index(Lines, 1, maps:new()).
build_index([], _, Index) -> Index;
build_index([H|T], N, Index) ->
Words = split_to_words(H),
UpdatedIndex = add_words_to_index(Words, N, Index),
build_index(T, N+1, UpdatedIndex).
%% Lowercase a line and split into a list of words, removing any non-word characters such as punctuation
split_to_words(Line) -> re:split(string:to_lower(Line), "\\W", [{return, list}, trim, notempty]).
%% Add a list of words and their location to the map containing the index.
add_words_to_index([], _, Index) -> Index;
add_words_to_index([[]|T], N, Index) -> add_words_to_index(T, N, Index);
add_words_to_index([H|T], N, Index) ->
case maps:find(H, Index) of
{ok, Lines} -> add_words_to_index(T, N, maps:put(H, [N|Lines], Index));
_ -> add_words_to_index(T, N, maps:put(H, [N], Index))
%% Convert a sorted list of integers into a list of tuples containing ranges
build_ranges([]) -> [];
build_ranges([H|T]) -> build_ranges(T, H, H).
build_ranges([], RangeStart, RangeEnd) -> [{RangeStart, RangeEnd}];
build_ranges([H|T], RangeStart, RangeEnd) when H == RangeEnd + 1 -> build_ranges(T, RangeStart, H);
build_ranges([H|T], RangeStart, RangeEnd) -> [{RangeStart, RangeEnd}|build_ranges(T, H, H)].
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