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Created May 18, 2016 20:19
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terraform environment
# Usage: ./ once to initialize remote storage for this environment.
# Subsequent tf actions in this environment don't require re-initialization,
# unless you have completely cleared your .terraform cache.
# terraform plan -var-file=./production.tfvars
# terraform apply -var-file=./production.tfvars
terraform remote config -backend=s3 \
-backend-config="bucket=hound-terraform-state" \
-backend-config="key=$tf_env.tfstate" \
echo "set remote s3 state to $tf_env.tfstate"
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jedi4ever commented Jul 18, 2016

@sean-abbott I guess it will use $(PWD) to use .terraform . So if you switch dirs (cd env-dev or cd env-production) and then run you'll get:

   - [.terraform]
      - .terraform.state
   - [.terraform]
      - .terraform.state

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We're doing much of what you've outlined here (hooray, we're doing it right too!), but my question is this: if you have a terraform remote state resource, why do you need to initialize it with the shell script? We had our own shell script already and it was my thinking that putting the remote state into Terraform as a resource would eliminate the need for it. BY which I mean, we had the shell script and NO terraform remote state resource declaration and it worked just fine.


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