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Created September 3, 2018 23:03
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Desafio em Dart para um Meetup
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="scaffolded-by" content="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
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<script defer src="main.dart.js"></script>
import 'dart:html';
1) Deseja criar o bolo? Nâo => Obrigado!
2) Escolha o sabor: Chocolate Cenoura ...
3) Qual o tamanho? P M G GG
void main() {
String sabor = "";
String tamanho = "";
ButtonElement sim = ButtonElement()..text = "Sim";
ButtonElement nao = ButtonElement()..text = "Não";
DivElement painel = DivElement()
..text = "Deseja criar o bolo?"
sim.onClick.listen((Event e){
ButtonElement choco = ButtonElement()
..text = "Chocolate"
..value = "Chocolate"
..className = "btn";
ButtonElement mora = ButtonElement()
..text = "Morango"
..value = "Morango"
..className = "btn";
ButtonElement bauni = ButtonElement()
..text = "Baunilha"
..value = "Baunilha"
..className = "btn";
ButtonElement leite = ButtonElement()
..text = "Leite"
..value = "Leite"
..className = "btn";
..text = "Escolha o sabor:"
for(ButtonElement btn in querySelectorAll(".btn")){
btn.onClick.listen((Event e){
ButtonElement p = ButtonElement()
..text = "P"
..value = "P"
..className = "tam";
ButtonElement m = ButtonElement()
..text = "M"
..value = "M"
..className = "tam";
ButtonElement g = ButtonElement()
..text = "G"
..value = "G"
..className = "tam";
ButtonElement gg = ButtonElement()
..text = "GG"
..value = "GG"
..className = "tam";
..text = "Qual o tamanho?"
for(ButtonElement tam in querySelectorAll(".tam")){
tam.onClick.listen((MouseEvent e){
painel.text = "Você escolheu um Bolo de sabor: ${btn.value} e de tamanho: ${tam.value}";
nao.onClick.listen((Event e) => painel.text = "Agradecemos sua visita!!!");
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