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Last active January 18, 2016 03:39
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phantom types
{- Fun with phantom types. Type safe doubles. #-}
-- this lets us derive the Num implementation
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
-- P stands for Phantom, or Parametrized type
newtype P a b = Wrap { unwrap :: b } deriving Num
deriving instance Floating b => Floating (P a b)
deriving instance Fractional b => Fractional (P a b)
-- this could be used as a shortcut, e.g. P Price Double == PD Price
type PD a = P a Double
instance Show b => Show (P a b) where
show = show . unwrap
data Price
data LogRet
data SimpleRet
data PctRet
-- this should not be exported.
unsafeCast :: P a c -> P b c
unsafeCast = Wrap . unwrap
-- safe functions for converting between each other
-- this type signature could be written PD Price -> PD Price -> PD LogRet
-- write out full types for clarity.
logRet :: P Price Double -> P Price Double -> P LogRet Double
logRet old new = unsafeCast . log $ new / old -- log and (/) work correctly!
simple2LogRet :: P SimpleRet Double -> P LogRet Double
simple2LogRet = unsafeCast . log
log2SimpleRet :: P LogRet Double -> P SimpleRet Double
log2SimpleRet = unsafeCast . exp
simple2PctRet :: P SimpleRet Double -> P PctRet Double
simple2PctRet = unsafeCast . (+1)
pct2SimpleRet :: P PctRet Double -> P SimpleRet Double
pct2SimpleRet = unsafeCast . (\x -> x - 1)
cumulativeLogRet :: [P LogRet Double] -> P LogRet Double
cumulativeLogRet = foldl (+) 0
cumulativeSimpleRet :: [P SimpleRet Double] -> P SimpleRet Double
cumulativeSimpleRet = foldl (*) 1
-- External 'application'
prices :: [P Price Double]
prices = Wrap <$> [1,1.1,0.9,0.99]
main = do
print $ logRet 1 2 + logRet 2 3 -- (+) works correctly!
-- print $ logRet (logRet 1 2) (logRet 2 3) -- no compile
let logrets = zipWith logRet prices (tail prices)
print $ cumulativeLogRet logrets
let confusinglyNamedVariable = prices
-- print $ cumulativeLogRet confusinglyNamedVariable -- no compile
-- print $ cumulativeSimpleRet logrets -- no compile
let simpleRets = log2SimpleRet <$> logrets
print $ cumulativeSimpleRet $ simpleRets
-- let pctRets = simple2PctRet <$> simpleRets
-- print $ cumulativeSimpleRet pctRets -- no compile
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