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Last active January 21, 2022 22:17
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RFC 5869, HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF) in C# for .Net Core

HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF)

public static HKDF HKDF(HashAlgorithmName algorithm, byte[] ikm, byte[] info, int outputLength = 0, byte[] salt = null)



The resulting hash from the HKDF calculation


HKDF takes 5 parameters:

  1. A HashAlgorithmName algorithm as defined from
  2. The initial keying material ikm represented in bytes.
  3. The additional authentication information info.
  4. A byte salt.
  5. The desired outputLength represented as an integer. If 0 is set, the outputLength will be set to the algorithm length.


// This is the hash algorithm to use
var algorithm = HashAlgorithmName.SHA256;

// ikm, info, and salt can be variable length - for an example we're just going to generate some random bytes
var rng = new Random();
var ikm = new byte[32];
var salt = new byte[32];
var info = new byte[4];

// Our HKDF can be calculated as follows.
var hkdf = new HKDF(algorithm, ikm, info, l, salt);
var hash = hkdf.hash;
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
class HKDF
public byte[] hash { get; set; }
private readonly HashAlgorithmName algorithm;
private readonly HMAC hmac;
private readonly int digestLength;
public HKDF(HashAlgorithmName algo, byte[] ikm, byte[] info, int outputLength = 0, byte[] salt = null)
this.algorithm = algo;
this.hmac = this.determineHMAC();
this.digestLength = this.hmac.ComputeHash(ikm).Length;
if (outputLength == 0) {
outputLength = this.digestLength;
if (outputLength < 0 || outputLength > 255 * digestLength) {
throw new Exception("Bad output length requested of HKDF");
this.hash = this.deriveKey(salt, ikm, info, outputLength);
private HMAC determineHMAC()
if (this.algorithm == HashAlgorithmName.MD5) {
return new HMACMD5();
} else if (this.algorithm == HashAlgorithmName.SHA1) {
return new HMACSHA1();
} else if (this.algorithm == HashAlgorithmName.SHA256) {
return new HMACSHA256();
} else if (this.algorithm == HashAlgorithmName.SHA384) {
return new HMACSHA384();
} else if (this.algorithm == HashAlgorithmName.SHA512) {
return new HMACSHA512();
return new HMACSHA256();
private byte[] extract(byte[] salt, byte[] ikm)
return this.HMAC(salt, ikm);
private byte[] HMAC(byte[] key, byte[] message)
var hmac = this.hmac;
hmac.Key = key;
return hmac.ComputeHash(message);
private byte[] expand(byte[] prk, byte[] info, int outputLength)
var resultBlock = new byte[0];
var result = new byte[outputLength];
var bytesRemaining = outputLength;
for (int i = 1; bytesRemaining > 0; i++)
var currentInfo = new byte[resultBlock.Length + info.Length + 1];
Array.Copy(resultBlock, 0, currentInfo, 0, resultBlock.Length);
Array.Copy(info, 0, currentInfo, resultBlock.Length, info.Length);
currentInfo[currentInfo.Length - 1] = (byte)i;
resultBlock = this.HMAC(prk, currentInfo);
Array.Copy(resultBlock, 0, result, outputLength - bytesRemaining, Math.Min(resultBlock.Length, bytesRemaining));
bytesRemaining -= resultBlock.Length;
return result;
private byte[] deriveKey(byte[] salt, byte[] ikm, byte[] info, int outputLength)
if (info == null) {
info = new byte[0];
if (salt == null) {
salt = new byte[this.digestLength];
var prk = extract(salt, ikm);
if (prk.Length < digestLength) {
throw new Exception("Psuedo-random key is larger then digest length. Cannot perform operation");
var result = expand(prk, info, outputLength);
return result;
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