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Last active December 26, 2024 16:06
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Save charrondev/43150e940bd2771b1ea88256d491c7a9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This code describes a mechanism to adjust traffic light positioning on MacOS with Tauri 2.x
use objc::{msg_send, sel, sel_impl};
use rand::{distributions::Alphanumeric, Rng};
use tauri::{
plugin::{Builder, TauriPlugin},
Manager, Runtime, Window,
}; // 0.8
const WINDOW_CONTROL_PAD_X: f64 = 15.0;
const WINDOW_CONTROL_PAD_Y: f64 = 23.0;
struct UnsafeWindowHandle(*mut std::ffi::c_void);
unsafe impl Send for UnsafeWindowHandle {}
unsafe impl Sync for UnsafeWindowHandle {}
pub fn init<R: Runtime>() -> TauriPlugin<R> {
.on_window_ready(|window| {
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
fn position_traffic_lights(ns_window_handle: UnsafeWindowHandle, x: f64, y: f64) {
use cocoa::appkit::{NSView, NSWindow, NSWindowButton};
use cocoa::foundation::NSRect;
let ns_window = ns_window_handle.0 as cocoa::base::id;
unsafe {
let close = ns_window.standardWindowButton_(NSWindowButton::NSWindowCloseButton);
let miniaturize =
let zoom = ns_window.standardWindowButton_(NSWindowButton::NSWindowZoomButton);
let title_bar_container_view = close.superview().superview();
let close_rect: NSRect = msg_send![close, frame];
let button_height = close_rect.size.height;
let title_bar_frame_height = button_height + y;
let mut title_bar_rect = NSView::frame(title_bar_container_view);
title_bar_rect.size.height = title_bar_frame_height;
title_bar_rect.origin.y = NSView::frame(ns_window).size.height - title_bar_frame_height;
let _: () = msg_send![title_bar_container_view, setFrame: title_bar_rect];
let window_buttons = vec![close, miniaturize, zoom];
let space_between = NSView::frame(miniaturize).origin.x - NSView::frame(close).origin.x;
for (i, button) in window_buttons.into_iter().enumerate() {
let mut rect: NSRect = NSView::frame(button);
rect.origin.x = x + (i as f64 * space_between);
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
struct WindowState<R: Runtime> {
window: Window<R>,
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
pub fn setup_traffic_light_positioner<R: Runtime>(window: Window<R>) {
use cocoa::appkit::NSWindow;
use cocoa::base::{id, BOOL};
use cocoa::foundation::NSUInteger;
use objc::runtime::{Object, Sel};
use std::ffi::c_void;
// Do the initial positioning
UnsafeWindowHandle(window.ns_window().expect("Failed to create window handle")),
// Ensure they stay in place while resizing the window.
fn with_window_state<R: Runtime, F: FnOnce(&mut WindowState<R>) -> T, T>(
this: &Object,
func: F,
) {
let ptr = unsafe {
let x: *mut c_void = *this.get_ivar("app_box");
&mut *(x as *mut WindowState<R>)
unsafe {
let ns_win = window
.expect("NS Window should exist to mount traffic light delegate.")
as id;
let current_delegate: id = ns_win.delegate();
extern "C" fn on_window_should_close(this: &Object, _cmd: Sel, sender: id) -> BOOL {
unsafe {
let super_del: id = *this.get_ivar("super_delegate");
msg_send![super_del, windowShouldClose: sender]
extern "C" fn on_window_will_close(this: &Object, _cmd: Sel, notification: id) {
unsafe {
let super_del: id = *this.get_ivar("super_delegate");
let _: () = msg_send![super_del, windowWillClose: notification];
extern "C" fn on_window_did_resize<R: Runtime>(this: &Object, _cmd: Sel, notification: id) {
unsafe {
with_window_state(&*this, |state: &mut WindowState<R>| {
let id = state
.expect("NS window should exist on state to handle resize")
as id;
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
UnsafeWindowHandle(id as *mut std::ffi::c_void),
let super_del: id = *this.get_ivar("super_delegate");
let _: () = msg_send![super_del, windowDidResize: notification];
extern "C" fn on_window_did_move(this: &Object, _cmd: Sel, notification: id) {
unsafe {
let super_del: id = *this.get_ivar("super_delegate");
let _: () = msg_send![super_del, windowDidMove: notification];
extern "C" fn on_window_did_change_backing_properties(
this: &Object,
_cmd: Sel,
notification: id,
) {
unsafe {
let super_del: id = *this.get_ivar("super_delegate");
let _: () = msg_send![super_del, windowDidChangeBackingProperties: notification];
extern "C" fn on_window_did_become_key(this: &Object, _cmd: Sel, notification: id) {
unsafe {
let super_del: id = *this.get_ivar("super_delegate");
let _: () = msg_send![super_del, windowDidBecomeKey: notification];
extern "C" fn on_window_did_resign_key(this: &Object, _cmd: Sel, notification: id) {
unsafe {
let super_del: id = *this.get_ivar("super_delegate");
let _: () = msg_send![super_del, windowDidResignKey: notification];
extern "C" fn on_dragging_entered(this: &Object, _cmd: Sel, notification: id) -> BOOL {
unsafe {
let super_del: id = *this.get_ivar("super_delegate");
msg_send![super_del, draggingEntered: notification]
extern "C" fn on_prepare_for_drag_operation(
this: &Object,
_cmd: Sel,
notification: id,
) -> BOOL {
unsafe {
let super_del: id = *this.get_ivar("super_delegate");
msg_send![super_del, prepareForDragOperation: notification]
extern "C" fn on_perform_drag_operation(this: &Object, _cmd: Sel, sender: id) -> BOOL {
unsafe {
let super_del: id = *this.get_ivar("super_delegate");
msg_send![super_del, performDragOperation: sender]
extern "C" fn on_conclude_drag_operation(this: &Object, _cmd: Sel, notification: id) {
unsafe {
let super_del: id = *this.get_ivar("super_delegate");
let _: () = msg_send![super_del, concludeDragOperation: notification];
extern "C" fn on_dragging_exited(this: &Object, _cmd: Sel, notification: id) {
unsafe {
let super_del: id = *this.get_ivar("super_delegate");
let _: () = msg_send![super_del, draggingExited: notification];
extern "C" fn on_window_will_use_full_screen_presentation_options(
this: &Object,
_cmd: Sel,
window: id,
proposed_options: NSUInteger,
) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe {
let super_del: id = *this.get_ivar("super_delegate");
msg_send![super_del, window: window willUseFullScreenPresentationOptions: proposed_options]
extern "C" fn on_window_did_enter_full_screen<R: Runtime>(
this: &Object,
_cmd: Sel,
notification: id,
) {
unsafe {
with_window_state(&*this, |state: &mut WindowState<R>| {
.emit("did-enter-fullscreen", ())
.expect("Failed to emit event");
let super_del: id = *this.get_ivar("super_delegate");
let _: () = msg_send![super_del, windowDidEnterFullScreen: notification];
extern "C" fn on_window_will_enter_full_screen<R: Runtime>(
this: &Object,
_cmd: Sel,
notification: id,
) {
unsafe {
with_window_state(&*this, |state: &mut WindowState<R>| {
.emit("will-enter-fullscreen", ())
.expect("Failed to emit event");
let super_del: id = *this.get_ivar("super_delegate");
let _: () = msg_send![super_del, windowWillEnterFullScreen: notification];
extern "C" fn on_window_did_exit_full_screen<R: Runtime>(
this: &Object,
_cmd: Sel,
notification: id,
) {
unsafe {
with_window_state(&*this, |state: &mut WindowState<R>| {
.emit("did-exit-fullscreen", ())
.expect("Failed to emit event");
let id = state.window.ns_window().expect("Failed to emit event") as id;
UnsafeWindowHandle(id as *mut std::ffi::c_void),
let super_del: id = *this.get_ivar("super_delegate");
let _: () = msg_send![super_del, windowDidExitFullScreen: notification];
extern "C" fn on_window_will_exit_full_screen<R: Runtime>(
this: &Object,
_cmd: Sel,
notification: id,
) {
unsafe {
with_window_state(&*this, |state: &mut WindowState<R>| {
.emit("will-exit-fullscreen", ())
.expect("Failed to emit event");
let super_del: id = *this.get_ivar("super_delegate");
let _: () = msg_send![super_del, windowWillExitFullScreen: notification];
extern "C" fn on_window_did_fail_to_enter_full_screen(
this: &Object,
_cmd: Sel,
window: id,
) {
unsafe {
let super_del: id = *this.get_ivar("super_delegate");
let _: () = msg_send![super_del, windowDidFailToEnterFullScreen: window];
extern "C" fn on_effective_appearance_did_change(
this: &Object,
_cmd: Sel,
notification: id,
) {
unsafe {
let super_del: id = *this.get_ivar("super_delegate");
let _: () = msg_send![super_del, effectiveAppearanceDidChange: notification];
extern "C" fn on_effective_appearance_did_changed_on_main_thread(
this: &Object,
_cmd: Sel,
notification: id,
) {
unsafe {
let super_del: id = *this.get_ivar("super_delegate");
let _: () = msg_send![
effectiveAppearanceDidChangedOnMainThread: notification
// Are we deallocing this properly ? (I miss safe Rust :( )
let window_label = window.label().to_string();
let app_state = WindowState { window };
let app_box = Box::into_raw(Box::new(app_state)) as *mut c_void;
let random_str: String = rand::thread_rng()
// We need to ensure we have a unique delegate name, otherwise we will panic while trying to create a duplicate
// delegate with the same name.
let delegate_name = format!("windowDelegate_{}_{}", window_label, random_str);
ns_win.setDelegate_(delegate!(&delegate_name, {
window: id = ns_win,
app_box: *mut c_void = app_box,
toolbar: id = cocoa::base::nil,
super_delegate: id = current_delegate,
(windowShouldClose:) => on_window_should_close as extern fn(&Object, Sel, id) -> BOOL,
(windowWillClose:) => on_window_will_close as extern fn(&Object, Sel, id),
(windowDidResize:) => on_window_did_resize::<R> as extern fn(&Object, Sel, id),
(windowDidMove:) => on_window_did_move as extern fn(&Object, Sel, id),
(windowDidChangeBackingProperties:) => on_window_did_change_backing_properties as extern fn(&Object, Sel, id),
(windowDidBecomeKey:) => on_window_did_become_key as extern fn(&Object, Sel, id),
(windowDidResignKey:) => on_window_did_resign_key as extern fn(&Object, Sel, id),
(draggingEntered:) => on_dragging_entered as extern fn(&Object, Sel, id) -> BOOL,
(prepareForDragOperation:) => on_prepare_for_drag_operation as extern fn(&Object, Sel, id) -> BOOL,
(performDragOperation:) => on_perform_drag_operation as extern fn(&Object, Sel, id) -> BOOL,
(concludeDragOperation:) => on_conclude_drag_operation as extern fn(&Object, Sel, id),
(draggingExited:) => on_dragging_exited as extern fn(&Object, Sel, id),
(window:willUseFullScreenPresentationOptions:) => on_window_will_use_full_screen_presentation_options as extern fn(&Object, Sel, id, NSUInteger) -> NSUInteger,
(windowDidEnterFullScreen:) => on_window_did_enter_full_screen::<R> as extern fn(&Object, Sel, id),
(windowWillEnterFullScreen:) => on_window_will_enter_full_screen::<R> as extern fn(&Object, Sel, id),
(windowDidExitFullScreen:) => on_window_did_exit_full_screen::<R> as extern fn(&Object, Sel, id),
(windowWillExitFullScreen:) => on_window_will_exit_full_screen::<R> as extern fn(&Object, Sel, id),
(windowDidFailToEnterFullScreen:) => on_window_did_fail_to_enter_full_screen as extern fn(&Object, Sel, id),
(effectiveAppearanceDidChange:) => on_effective_appearance_did_change as extern fn(&Object, Sel, id),
(effectiveAppearanceDidChangedOnMainThread:) => on_effective_appearance_did_changed_on_main_thread as extern fn(&Object, Sel, id)
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Hi! Has anyone adapted the traffic light position setup for Tauri v2? I would appreciate any information or links to similar solutions!

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