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Created December 24, 2014 15:16
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# Find sqrt(2)
# Get a graph of y^2 - 2, find the 0. Use newtons's method.
import math
def iterate_root(start, n, p):
dx = .01
dy = ((start + dx) ** p) - (start ** p)
return start - ((start**p) - n)/(dy/dx)
def get_sqrt(n):
return reduce(lambda cur, y: iterate_root(cur, n, 2), [10] * 10)
def get_cube(n):
return reduce(lambda cur, y: iterate_root(cur, n, 3), [10] * 10)
def test_sqrt():
assert int(get_sqrt(2) * 1e5) == int(math.sqrt(2) * 1e5)
assert int(get_sqrt(3) * 1e5) == int(math.sqrt(3) * 1e5)
assert int(get_cube(2) * 1e5) == int(2 ** (1/3.0) * 1e5)
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