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Created August 22, 2014 17:18
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Pivotal Tracker / Zendesk integrator
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This script receives POSTs from a Zendesk target and submits comments to existing Pivotal Tracker stories via
# the Pivotal API
# The Zendesk target is a URL target with the following settings:
# Url: http://SERVER_ADDRESS/pvt?token=PVT_API_TOKEN_HERE&project=PVT_PROJECT_ID_HERE&story={{ticket.ticket_field_XXXXXXX}}
# Method: POST
# Attribute name: comment
# where:
# SERVER_ADDRESS is replaced with your server's address, obviously
# PVT_API_TOKEN_HERE is replaced with your API token from Pivotal Tracker
# PVT_PROJECT_ID_HERE is replaced with your Pivotal Tracker project ID from the URL
# and the X's in ticket_field_XXXXXXX are replaced to supply a custom field ID form
# Zendesk where you've put the Pivotal story number on each ticket.
# This works well with the built-in Zendesk Pivotal integration if you set up triggers to create the
# tickets and then use this integrator to update comments on the Pivotal stories. You will
# need some triggers set up to prevent looping -- make sure that Zendesk doesn't send its own comments back to
# Pivotal.
import json, requests
from bottle import get, post, request, route, run, template
def index(name):
return template('<b>Hello {{name}}</b>!', name=request.remote_addr)
def submit_pvt_comment():
# if request.remote_addr.startswith("192.161.144" or "173.201.33"):
# ^^ IP address ranges that Zendesk requests come from. Saved for future implementation if necessary.
pvtoken = request.params.get('token')
pvprojectid = request.params.get('project')
pvstoryid = request.params.get('story')
pvcomment = request.params.get('comment')
if pvtoken:
return postcomment(pvprojectid, pvstoryid, pvtoken, pvcomment).content
return "<p>Your request was not understood.</p>"
def postcomment(projectid, storyid, token, commenttext):
storyurl = '' + projectid + '/stories/' + storyid + '/comments'
headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-TrackerToken": token }
data = { "text": commenttext }
r = storyurl, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers )
return r
run(host='', port=80, debug=True)
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