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Last active March 17, 2018 14:33
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Exercise answers of video tutorial "Python 3 for beginners - #4. Inputs" by TheTechnicalFist :
# Take two global values to perform all operations in this program
value1 = eval(input("Enter first integer value : "))
value2 = eval(input("Enter second integer value : "))
# Question 1. Create a program to Subtract two or more values
print(value1, " - ", value2, " = ", value1 - value2)
# Question 2. Create a program to Multiply two or more values
print(value1, " * ", value2, " = ", value1 * value2)
# Question 3. Create a program to Divide two or more values
print(value1, " / ", value2, " = ", value1 / value2)
# Question 4. Create a program to find Module between two values
print("Module of ", value1, " and ", value2, " is : ", value1 % value2)
# Question 5. Create a program to find power of value
print(value2, " power of ", value1, " is : ", value1 ** value2)
# Question 6. Create a program to swap two numbers using Third variable
print("--------Swapping using 3rd variable--------")
print("Values before swap - \nA : ", value1, "\nB : ", value2)
# Take backup of value 1
thirdVariable = value1
# Add value2 into value1
value1 = value2
# Add thirdVariable i.e. value1 into value2
value2 = thirdVariable
print("Values after swap - \nA : ", value1, "\nB : ", value2)
# Question 7. Create a program to swap two numbers without using Third variable
print("--------Swapping without using 3rd variable--------")
print("Values before swap - \nA : ", value1, "\nB : ", value2)
# Add sum of value1 and value2 into value1
value1 = value1 + value2
# Subtract value1(i.e. sum of both values) by value2
value2 = value1 - value2
# Subtract value1(i.e. sum of both values) by value2(i.e. original value of value1)
value1 = value1 - value2
print("Values after swap - \nA : ", value1, "\nB : ", value2)
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