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Created February 4, 2024 16:36
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Rovers landing sites Mars
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "index": "0", "Name": "Viking 2", "Space Agency": "NASA", "Type": "Lander", "Travel distance (km)": null, "Launch Date": "1975-09-09", "Landing Date": "1976-09-03", "Region": "Utopia Planitia", "Min Lat": 46.84, "Max Lat": 48.46, "Min Lon": 133.36, "Max Lon": 135.07, "Landing Lat": 47.643, "Landing Lon": 134.28799438476562, "Elevation": -4495.0, "Status": "Not Active" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 134.287994384765625, 47.643 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "index": "1", "Name": "Perseverance", "Space Agency": "NASA", "Type": "Rover", "Travel distance (km)": 0.2, "Launch Date": "2020-07-30", "Landing Date": "2021-02-18", "Region": "Jazero Crater", "Min Lat": 17.9, "Max Lat": 19.13, "Min Lon": 76.92, "Max Lon": 78.32, "Landing Lat": 18.4386, "Landing Lon": 77.503097534179688, "Elevation": -2640.0, "Status": "Active" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 77.503097534179688, 18.4386 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "index": "2", "Name": "Beagle 2", "Space Agency": "ESA ", "Type": "Lander", "Travel distance (km)": null, "Launch Date": "2003-06-02", "Landing Date": "nan", "Region": "Isidis Planitia", "Min Lat": 11.15, "Max Lat": 11.87, "Min Lon": 90.0, "Max Lon": 90.83, "Landing Lat": 11.5288, "Landing Lon": 90.431396484375, "Elevation": -3725.0, "Status": "Not Active" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 90.431396484375, 11.5288 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "index": "3", "Name": "InSight", "Space Agency": "NASA", "Type": "Lander", "Travel distance (km)": null, "Launch Date": "2018-05-05", "Landing Date": "2018-11-26", "Region": "Elysium Planitia", "Min Lat": 3.49, "Max Lat": 5.59, "Min Lon": 134.34, "Max Lon": 136.95, "Landing Lat": 4.502, "Landing Lon": 135.62300109863281, "Elevation": -2613.0, "Status": "Active" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 135.623001098632812, 4.502 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "index": "4", "Name": "Curiosity", "Space Agency": "NASA", "Type": "Rover", "Travel distance (km)": 25.0, "Launch Date": "1971-11-26", "Landing Date": "2012-08-06", "Region": "Gale Crater", "Min Lat": -5.45, "Max Lat": -3.85, "Min Lon": 136.58, "Max Lon": 138.21, "Landing Lat": -4.5895, "Landing Lon": 137.44169616699219, "Elevation": -4501.0, "Status": "Active" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 137.441696166992188, -4.5895 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "index": "5", "Name": "Mars 2", "Space Agency": "ROSCOSMOS", "Type": "Lander, Rover", "Travel distance (km)": null, "Launch Date": "1971-05-19", "Landing Date": "1971-11-27", "Region": "Hellas Chaos", "Min Lat": -45.13, "Max Lat": -44.18, "Min Lon": 57.87, "Max Lon": 58.14, "Landing Lat": -45.0, "Landing Lon": 58.0, "Elevation": -5000.0, "Status": "Not Active" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 58.0, -45.0 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "index": "6", "Name": "Phoenix", "Space Agency": "NASA", "Type": "Lander", "Travel distance (km)": null, "Launch Date": "2007-04-08", "Landing Date": "2008-05-25", "Region": "Vastitas Borealis", "Min Lat": 66.84, "Max Lat": 69.74, "Min Lon": -129.5, "Max Lon": -123.56, "Landing Lat": 68.2188, "Landing Lon": -125.74922180175781, "Elevation": -4130.0, "Status": "Not Active" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -125.749221801757812, 68.2188 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "index": "7", "Name": "Tianwen-1", "Space Agency": "CNSA", "Type": "Lander, Rover", "Travel distance (km)": null, "Launch Date": "2020-07-23", "Landing Date": "2021-05-01", "Region": "Utopia Planitia", "Min Lat": 19.0, "Max Lat": 30.0, "Min Lon": 90.0, "Max Lon": 134.0, "Landing Lat": 25.1, "Landing Lon": 109.90000152587891, "Elevation": null, "Status": "Active" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 109.900001525878906, 25.1 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "index": "8", "Name": "Spirit", "Space Agency": "NASA", "Type": "Rover", "Travel distance (km)": 7.73, "Launch Date": "2003-06-10", "Landing Date": "2004-01-03", "Region": "Gusev Crater", "Min Lat": -15.67, "Max Lat": -13.85, "Min Lon": 175.1, "Max Lon": 176.85, "Landing Lat": -14.5692, "Landing Lon": 175.472900390625, "Elevation": -1936.0, "Status": "Not Active" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 175.472900390625, -14.5692 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "index": "9", "Name": "Mars 3", "Space Agency": "ROSCOSMOS", "Type": "Lander, Rover", "Travel distance (km)": null, "Launch Date": "1971-05-28", "Landing Date": "nan", "Region": "Terra Sirenum", "Min Lat": -45.55, "Max Lat": -44.33, "Min Lon": -158.59, "Max Lon": -157.05, "Landing Lat": -45.044, "Landing Lon": -157.98100280761719, "Elevation": 1626.0, "Status": "Not Active" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -157.981002807617188, -45.044 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "index": "10", "Name": "Mars Polar Lander", "Space Agency": "NASA", "Type": "Lander", "Travel distance (km)": null, "Launch Date": "1999-01-03", "Landing Date": "1999-12-03", "Region": "Planum Australe", "Min Lat": -77.83, "Max Lat": -75.52, "Min Lon": 163.5, "Max Lon": 167.47, "Landing Lat": -76.57, "Landing Lon": 165.19999694824219, "Elevation": 3000.0, "Status": "Not Active" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 165.199996948242188, -76.57 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "index": "11", "Name": "Viking 1", "Space Agency": "NASA", "Type": "Lander", "Travel distance (km)": null, "Launch Date": "1975-08-20", "Landing Date": "1976-07-20", "Region": "Chryse Planitia", "Min Lat": 22.08, "Max Lat": 22.56, "Min Lon": -48.15, "Max Lon": -47.75, "Landing Lat": 22.268, "Landing Lon": -47.951999664306641, "Elevation": -3637.0, "Status": "Not Active" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -47.951999664306641, 22.268 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "index": "12", "Name": "Rosalind Franklin, Kazachock", "Space Agency": "NASA, ROSCOSMOS", "Type": "Lander, Rover", "Travel distance (km)": null, "Launch Date": "2022", "Landing Date": "2023", "Region": "Oxia Planum", "Min Lat": null, "Max Lat": null, "Min Lon": null, "Max Lon": null, "Landing Lat": 18.14, "Landing Lon": -24.299999237060547, "Elevation": -3000.0, "Status": null }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -24.299999237060547, 18.14 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "index": "13", "Name": "Pathfinder, Sojourner", "Space Agency": "NASA", "Type": "Lander, Rover", "Travel distance (km)": null, "Launch Date": "1996-12-04", "Landing Date": "1997-07-04", "Region": "Ares Vallis", "Min Lat": 18.78, "Max Lat": 19.39, "Min Lon": -33.4, "Max Lon": -33.02, "Landing Lat": 19.33, "Landing Lon": -33.529998779296875, "Elevation": -3841.0, "Status": "Not Active" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -33.529998779296875, 19.33 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "index": "14", "Name": "Opportunity", "Space Agency": "NASA", "Type": "Rover", "Travel distance (km)": 45.16, "Launch Date": "2003-07-08", "Landing Date": "2004-01-24", "Region": "Meidiani Planum", "Min Lat": -3.2, "Max Lat": -1.29, "Min Lon": -6.86, "Max Lon": -4.63, "Landing Lat": -1.19462, "Landing Lon": -5.5265998840332031, "Elevation": -1387.0, "Status": "Not Active" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -5.526599884033203, -1.19462 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "index": "15", "Name": "Schiaparelli", "Space Agency": "ESA ", "Type": "Lander", "Travel distance (km)": null, "Launch Date": "2016-03-14", "Landing Date": "2016-10-19", "Region": "Meridiani Planum", "Min Lat": -3.2, "Max Lat": -1.29, "Min Lon": -6.86, "Max Lon": -4.63, "Landing Lat": -2.0524, "Landing Lon": -6.2076001167297363, "Elevation": -1444.0, "Status": "Not Active" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -6.207600116729736, -2.0524 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "index": "16", "Name": "Mars 6", "Space Agency": "ROSCOSMOS", "Type": "Lander", "Travel distance (km)": null, "Launch Date": "1973-08-05", "Landing Date": "1974-03-12", "Region": "Margaritifer Sinus", "Min Lat": -24.3, "Max Lat": -23.33, "Min Lon": -19.96, "Max Lon": -19.08, "Landing Lat": -24.0, "Landing Lon": -19.5, "Elevation": -500.0, "Status": "Not Active" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -19.5, -24.0 ] } }
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