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(cl:defpackage #:pipe-client
(:use #:cl))
(in-package #:pipe-client)
;;; Create/Close pipe
(defun create-pipe-client! (pipe-filename)
"Creates a pipe-client with the given pipe-filename.
Returns a valid pipe handle or signals an error.
Assumes a pipe-server is already open with the same pipe-filname."
(let ((pipe (win32-create-file-a!
pipe-filename ; filename
(win32-generic-read/write) ; open with read/write permissions
0 ; default share-mode
(null-sap) ; default security attributes
(win32-open-existing) ; open an already existing pipe
0 ; default flags/attributes
(null-sap)))) ; no template file
(when (= (sb-sys:sap-int pipe) (win32-invalid-handle-value))
;; If the pipe handle is invalid, throw an error.
(win32-error (win32-get-last-error) "Failed to open pipe"))
;; The pipe opened successfully: set it to read mode.
(unless (set-pipe-read-message-mode! pipe)
(let ((error-code (win32-get-last-error)))
(close-pipe-client! pipe)
(win32-error error-code "Failed to set the pipe to read-message mode")))
;; Return the pipe.
(defun win32-generic-read ()
"CreateFile access flag to enable read operations."
(ash 1 31))
(defun win32-generic-write ()
"CreateFile access flag to enable write operations."
(ash 1 30))
(defun win32-generic-read/write ()
"CreateFile access flag to enable read and write operations."
(logior (win32-generic-read) (win32-generic-write)))
(defun win32-open-existing ()
"CreateFile creation disposition flag to indicate opening an existing file as opposed to e.g. creating a new file."
(defun win32-invalid-handle-value ()
"Integer value of an invalid file handle."
(defun null-sap ()
"NULL pointer in C."
(sb-sys:int-sap 0))
(sb-alien:define-alien-routine ("CreateFileA" win32-create-file-a!) sb-alien:system-area-pointer
(file-name sb-alien:c-string)
(desired-access (sb-alien:unsigned 32))
(share-mode (sb-alien:unsigned 32))
(security-attributes sb-alien:system-area-pointer)
(creation-disposition (sb-alien:unsigned 32))
(flags-and-attributes (sb-alien:unsigned 32))
(template-file sb-alien:system-area-pointer))
;;; Set pipe to read-message mode
(defun set-pipe-read-message-mode! (pipe)
"Sets the given pipe to read-message. Returns true if successful."
(sb-alien:with-alien ((mode (sb-alien:unsigned 32) 1))
(setf mode (win32-pipe-readmode-message))
(win32-set-named-pipe-handle-state! pipe
(sb-alien:addr mode) ; set to read-message mode
(null-sap) ; unused
(null-sap)))) ; unused
(defun win32-pipe-readmode-message ()
"SetNamedPipeHandleState mode flag used to set the pipe mode to read messages."
(sb-alien:define-alien-routine ("SetNamedPipeHandleState" win32-set-named-pipe-handle-state!) sb-alien:boolean
(named-pipe sb-alien:system-area-pointer)
(mode (sb-alien:* (sb-alien:unsigned 32)))
(max-collection-count (sb-alien:* (sb-alien:unsigned 32)))
(collection-data-timeout (sb-alien:* (sb-alien:unsigned 32))))
;;; Close client pipe
(defun close-pipe-client! (pipe)
"Closes the given pipe-client. Returns true if successful."
(win32-close-handle! pipe))
(sb-alien:define-alien-routine ("CloseHandle" win32-close-handle!) sb-alien:boolean
(object sb-alien:system-area-pointer))
;;; Send request
(defun send-pipe-request! (pipe request-bytes)
"Sends the request-bytes vector to the pipe-client.
Blocks until a response is read, and returns (values response-bytes num-response-bytes)."
(write-request-bytes! pipe request-bytes)
(read-response-bytes! pipe))
;;; Write request
(defun write-request-bytes! (pipe request-bytes)
"Write request-bytes to the pipe. Return the number of bytes written."
(multiple-value-bind (succeeded num-bytes-written)
(sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (request-bytes)
(win32-write-file! pipe ; file handle
(sb-sys:vector-sap request-bytes) ; byte array
(length request-bytes) ; number of bytes to write
(null-sap))) ; no overlapped IO
(unless succeeded
(win32-error (win32-get-last-error) "Failed to write request bytes"))
;; return the number of bytes written.
(sb-alien:define-alien-routine ("WriteFile" win32-write-file!) sb-alien:boolean
(file sb-alien:system-area-pointer)
(buffer sb-alien:system-area-pointer)
(number-of-bytes-to-write (sb-alien:unsigned 32))
(number-of-bytes-written (sb-alien:unsigned 32) :out)
(overlapped (sb-alien:* (sb-alien:unsigned 32))))
;;; Read Response
(defun read-response-bytes! (pipe &optional (buffer *response-buffer*))
"Read the next message from the pipe. Return (values buffer num-bytes-read)."
(sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (buffer)
(multiple-value-bind (succeeded num-bytes-read)
(win32-read-file! pipe
(sb-sys:vector-sap buffer) ; where to write the response bytes
(length buffer) ; max message length
(null-sap)) ; no overlapped IO
(unless succeeded
(win32-error (win32-get-last-error) "Could not read response bytes"))
(values buffer num-bytes-read))))
(defvar *response-buffer*)
(sb-alien:define-alien-routine ("ReadFile" win32-read-file!) sb-alien:boolean
(file sb-alien:system-area-pointer)
(buffer sb-alien:system-area-pointer)
(number-of-bytes-to-read (sb-alien:unsigned 32))
(number-of-bytes-read (sb-alien:unsigned 32) :out)
(overlapped (sb-alien:* (sb-alien:unsigned 32))))
;;; Error-Reporting
(sb-alien:define-alien-routine ("GetLastError" win32-get-last-error) (sb-alien:unsigned 32))
(defun win32-error (error-code format-string &rest format-arguments)
"Signals an error with the given format string and arguments.
Appends the error code and error string to the error message."
(error "~A: ~S ~S"
(apply #'format nil format-string format-arguments)
error-code (win32-error-code->string error-code)))
(defun win32-error-code->string (error-code)
"Convert a Win32 system error code to a string using FormatMessageA."
(sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (*error-code-buffer*)
(win32-format-message-a (win32-format-message-from-system) ; flags
(null-sap) ; source
error-code ; message-id
0 ; language-id
(sb-sys:vector-sap *error-code-buffer*) ; buffer
(length *error-code-buffer*) ; buffer length
(null-sap))) ; arguments
(bytes->string *error-code-buffer*))
(defun win32-format-message-from-system ()
"Flag for FormatMessageA indicating the message-id is a system error-code."
(sb-alien:define-alien-routine ("FormatMessageA" win32-format-message-a) (sb-alien:unsigned 32)
(flags (sb-alien:unsigned 32))
(source sb-alien:system-area-pointer)
(message-id (sb-alien:unsigned 32))
(language-id (sb-alien:unsigned 32))
(buffer (sb-alien:* (sb-alien:signed 8)))
(size (sb-alien:unsigned 32))
(arguments sb-alien:system-area-pointer))
(defun make-byte-vector (num-bytes)
"Return an array of num-bytes bytes."
(make-array num-bytes
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
:initial-element 0))
(defvar *error-code-buffer* (make-byte-vector 1024)
"The byte buffer used by win32-error-code->string.")
(defun bytes->string (bytes)
"Convert an array of c-string bytes into a lisp string."
(map 'string #'code-char (subseq bytes 0 (position 0 bytes))))
;;; Example
(defvar *pipe*)
(defun run-pipe-client-example! ()
"Connects to the example_pipe pipe server, sends a message, prints the response, and closes the pipe."
(setf *pipe* (create-pipe-client! (pipe-filename "example_pipe")))
;; Example server expects a string and will respond with a string.
(let ((*response-buffer* (make-byte-vector 1024)))
(print (bytes->string (send-pipe-request! *pipe* (string->bytes "Hello, server")))))
(close-pipe-client! *pipe*))
(defun pipe-filename (pipe-name)
"Prepends \"\\\\.\\pipe\\\" to pipe-name to form a valid pipe filename."
;; Looks like:
;; \\.\pipe\pipe-name
(concatenate 'string "\\\\.\\pipe\\" pipe-name))
(defun string->bytes (string)
"Convert a string into a 0-terminated byte-vector."
(let ((bytes (make-byte-vector (1+ (length string)))))
(loop for char across string
for i from 0
do (setf (aref bytes i) (char-code char)))
"Hello, client!"
;; => T
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