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Created February 1, 2025 18:34
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A buggy implementation of a solution for Advent of Code Day 16 2024
(in-package #:cl-user)
;;; Parsing the grid
(defun read-char! (in k-char k-eos)
"Returns (k-char char). If end of stream returns (k-eos)"
(let ((char (read-char in nil nil)))
(char (funcall k-char char))
(t (funcall k-eos)))))
(defun read-line-char! (in k-char k-eol)
"Returns (k-char char). If end of line or end of stream returns (k-eol).
Discards #\return characters."
(read-char! in
(lambda (char)
(case char
(#\newline (funcall k-eol))
;; Discard #\return characters.
(#\return (read-line-char! in k-char k-eol))
(t (funcall k-char char))))
(defun read-grid-row! (in char row width)
(let ((row (cons char row))
(width (1+ width)))
(read-line-char! in
(lambda (char) (read-grid-row! in char row width))
(lambda () (values row width)))))
(defun read-grid-rows! (in rows width height)
(read-line-char! in
(lambda (char)
(multiple-value-bind (row width) (read-grid-row! in char () 0)
(read-grid-rows! in (cons row rows) width (1+ height))))
(lambda () (values rows width height))))
(defun read-grid! (in)
"Read the grid into a stack of rows, where each row is a stack of characters.
Returns (values rows-stack width height)"
(read-grid-rows! in () 0 0))
(defun fill-grid-row! (grid row-stack x y start end)
(let ((char (first row-stack)))
(setf (aref grid y x) char)
(fill-grid-row! grid (rest row-stack) (1- x) y
(or start (and (char= char #\S) (cons x y)))
(or end (and (char= char #\E) (cons x y))))))
;; finished parsing this row.
(t (values start end))))
(defun fill-grid-rows! (rows-stack y start end grid width)
(multiple-value-bind (start end) (fill-grid-row! grid (first rows-stack) (1- width) y start end)
(fill-grid-rows! (rest rows-stack) (1- y) start end grid width)))
(t (values grid start end))))
(defun init-grid (rows-stack width height)
"Parse the rows-stack from READ-GRID! into a 2d array with dimensions (height width).
Returns (values grid start end)."
(let ((grid (make-array (list height width) :initial-element #\.)))
(fill-grid-rows! rows-stack (1- height) nil nil grid width)))
(defun insert-sorted (list value compare key)
"Insert value into list in sorted order. Compares using (compare (key value) (key element))"
(let ((value-key (funcall key value)))
(labels ((iter (list)
((null list) (list value))
(t (let ((first (first list))
(rest (rest list)))
(if (funcall compare value-key (funcall key first))
;; (> value first)
(cons value list)
(cons first (iter rest))))))))
(iter list))))
;;; Queue interface:
(defun make-priority-queue (get-priority)
"enqueue! is O(n) dequeue! is O(1). (get-priority element) returns an integer priority."
(let ((values ()))
(labels ((enqueue! (value)
(setq values (insert-sorted values value #'> get-priority)))
(dequeue! (k-value k-empty)
((null values) (funcall k-empty))
(t (funcall k-value (pop values))))))
(cons #'enqueue! #'dequeue!))))
(defun enqueue! (queue value)
"Adds value to queue."
(funcall (car queue) value))
(defun dequeue! (queue k-value k-empty)
"Removes next element from queue and returns (k-value value) or (k-empty) if the queue is empty."
(funcall (cdr queue) k-value k-empty))
;;; Function composition
(defun compose2 (f g)
(lambda (&rest args) (multiple-value-call f (apply g args))))
(defun compose (&rest fs)
((null fs) #'values)
((null (rest fs)) (first fs))
(t (reduce #'compose2 fs))))
;;; 2D points. Positive x is east, Positive y is south.
(defun p (x y) (cons x y))
(defun x (p) (car p))
(defun y (p) (cdr p))
(defun p= (a b) (and (= (x a) (x b))
(= (y a) (y b))))
(defun p+ (a b) (p (+ (x a) (x b)) (+ (y a) (y b))))
;;; Directions
;; Directions are one of '(:north :south :east :west)
(defun rotate-cw (dir)
(ecase dir
(:east :south) (:south :west)
(:west :north) (:north :east)))
(defun rotate-ccw (dir) (rotate-cw (rotate-cw (rotate-cw dir))))
(defun direction->p (direction)
(ecase direction
(:east (p 1 0)) (:south (p 0 1))
(:west (p -1 0)) (:north (p 0 -1))))
(defun pos-moved (p direction)
(p+ p (direction->p direction)))
;;; Best-cost path Nodes
;;; Node includes both position and direction and the cost to get there.
(defun node (pos direction cost history) (vector pos direction cost history))
(defun node-pos (node) (aref node 0))
(defun node-direction (node) (aref node 1))
(defun node-cost (node) (aref node 2))
(defun node-history (node) (aref node 3))
(defun node= (n1 n2)
"Compare node-pos and node-direction. Cost is ignored."
(and (p= (node-pos n1) (node-pos n2))
(eq (node-direction n1) (node-direction n2))))
(defun each-neighbor (node proc)
"Apply proc to each neighbor of node."
(let ((pos (node-pos node))
(direction (node-direction node))
(cost (node-cost node))
(history (cons (list (node-pos node) (node-direction node)) (node-history node))))
;; Move forward in the same direction: cost 1
(funcall proc (node (pos-moved pos direction) direction (+ cost 1) history))
;; Rotate 90 degrees: cost 1000
(funcall proc (node pos (rotate-cw direction) (+ cost 1000) history))
(funcall proc (node pos (rotate-ccw direction) (+ cost 1000) history))))
(defun visited? (node visited)
"True if the node is in the set of visited nodes. Node-cost is ignored."
(member node visited :test #'node=))
(defun pos-valid? (pos grid width height)
"True if the position is on the grid and not a wall."
(let ((x (x pos))
(y (y pos)))
(and (and (<= 0 x (1- width))
(<= 0 y (1- height)))
(not (char= (aref grid y x) #\#)))))
(defun valid-and-unvisited? (node pos-valid? visited)
"True if the node is both valid and unvisited."
(and (funcall pos-valid? (node-pos node))
(not (visited? node visited))))
(defun each-valid-and-unvisited-neighbor (node pos-valid? visited proc)
"Apply proc to each neighbor of node that is both valid and unvisited."
(each-neighbor node
(lambda (neighbor)
(when (valid-and-unvisited? neighbor pos-valid? visited)
(funcall proc neighbor)))))
(defun best-cost (pos-valid? start end)
"(funcall pos-valid? p) returns true if the given position is on the grid and not a wall.
Start and end are the positions of the start and end of the maze.
Returns the lowest costing path."
(let ((queue
;; Queue prioritizes lower cost
(make-priority-queue (compose #'- #'node-cost)))
;; set of nodes that have been visited.
(visited ()))
(labels ((queue-empty () (error "No path found."))
(found-path? (node) (p= (node-pos node) end))
(found-path (node) node)
(visit-node! (node)
(push node visited)
(enqueue! queue node))
(visit-neighbors! (node)
;; visit each valid, unvisited neighbor
(each-valid-and-unvisited-neighbor node pos-valid? visited #'visit-node!))
;; The best-cost search loop.
(iter ()
;; continuation: queue has a node
(lambda (node)
;; node is the lowest cost path in the search queue.
((found-path? node) (found-path node))
;; visit neighbors and continue searching
(visit-neighbors! node)
;; continuation: queue is empty
;; Start out facing east
(visit-node! (node start :east 0 ()))
(multiple-value-bind (rows width height) (with-open-file (in "./day16.example") (read-grid! in))
(multiple-value-bind (grid start end) (init-grid rows width height)
(best-cost (lambda (pos) (pos-valid? pos grid width height)) start end)))
;; => 7036 (correct)
(multiple-value-bind (rows width height) (with-open-file (in "./day16.example2") (read-grid! in))
(multiple-value-bind (grid start end) (init-grid rows width height)
(best-cost (lambda (pos) (pos-valid? pos grid width height)) start end)))
;; => 11048 (correct)
(multiple-value-bind (rows width height) (with-open-file (in "./day16.input") (read-grid! in))
(multiple-value-bind (grid start end) (init-grid rows width height)
(let* ((node (best-cost (lambda (pos) (pos-valid? pos grid width height)) start end))
(cost (node-cost node))
(history (node-history node)))
(loop for e in history
do (destructuring-bind (pos direction) e
(unless (or (p= pos start) (p= pos end))
(setf (aref grid (y pos) (x pos)) (case direction
(:north #\^) (:south #\v)
(:east #\>) (:west #\<))))))
(with-output-to-string (out)
(loop for y from 0 below height do
(loop for x from 0 below width do
(format out "~A" (aref grid y x)))
(format out "~%")))))))
;; => 79412 (incorrect!)
;; Sanity check: output of maze looks correct. Path is connected and starts at S and ends at E.
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