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Created October 22, 2017 12:11
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This sketch is based on the following sketch from Adafruit but has been adapted to FastLED by Chemdoc77:
Random Eyes sketch for WS2801 pixels
W. Earl 10/16/11
For Adafruit Industries
Creates randomized pairs of WS2801 led pixels that look like eyes peering
from the darkness.
Blinking is implemented as an array of state machines so that multiple pairs
of eyes can be active concurrently, but in different phases of a blink.
//#include "SPI.h" //removed by Chemdoc77
//#include <TimerOne.h> //removed by Chemdoc77
#include "FastLED.h"
#define NUM_LEDS 100
#define Data_Pin 6 // Change to D6 for Wemos D1 Mini Pro
#define chipset NEOPIXEL //WS2811
#define Brightness 100
const int maxEyes = 10; // maximum number of concurrently active blinkers
// dead-time between lighting of a range of pixels
const int deadTimeMin = 50;
const int deadTimeMax = 200; //default was 500;
// interval between blink starts - independent of position
const int intervalMin = 10;
const int intervalMax = 300;
const int stepInterval = 10;
long lastStep = 0;
Blinker Class
Implements a state machine which generates a blink of random duration and color.
The blink uses two adjacent pixels and ramps the intensity up, then down, with
a random repeat now and again.
class blinker
boolean m_active; // blinker is in use.
int m_deadTime; // don't re-use this pair immediately
int m_pos; // position of the 'left' eye. the 'right' eye is m_pos + 1
int m_red; // RGB components of the color
int m_green;
int m_blue;
int m_increment; // ramp increment - determines blink speed
int m_repeats; // not used
int m_intensity; // current ramp intensity
// Constructor - start as inactive
m_active = false;
// Initiate a blink at the specified pixel position
// All other blink parameters are randomly generated
void StartBlink(int pos)
m_pos = pos;
// Pick a random color - skew toward red/orange/yellow part of the spectrum for extra creepyness
m_red = random(150, 255);
m_blue = 0;
m_green = random(100);
m_repeats += random(1, 3);
// set blink speed and deadtime between blinks
m_increment = random(1, 6);
m_deadTime = random(deadTimeMin, deadTimeMax);
// Mark as active and start at intensity zero
m_active = true;
m_intensity = 0;
// Step the state machine:
void step()
if (!m_active)
// count down the dead-time when the blink is done
if (m_deadTime > 0)
// Increment the intensity
m_intensity += m_increment;
if (m_intensity >= 75) // max out at 75 - then start counting down
m_increment = -m_increment;
m_intensity += m_increment;
if (m_intensity <= 0)
// make sure pixels all are off
//strip.setPixelColor(m_pos, Color(0,0,0));
leds[m_pos]= CRGB::Black;
//strip.setPixelColor(m_pos+1, Color(0,0,0));
leds[m_pos+1]= CRGB::Black;
if (--m_repeats <= 0) // Are we done?
m_active = false;
else // no - start to ramp up again
m_increment = random(1, 5);
// Generate the color at the current intensity level
int r = map(m_red, 0, 255, 0, m_intensity);
int g = map(m_green, 0, 255, 0, m_intensity);
int b = map(m_blue, 0, 255, 0, m_intensity);
//uint32_t color = Color(r, g, b); //changed by Chemdoc77
CRGB color = CRGB( r, g, b);
// Write to both 'eyes'
leds[m_pos]= color;
// strip.setPixelColor(m_pos +1, color);
leds[m_pos+1]= color;
// An array of blinkers - this is the maximum number of concurrently active blinks
blinker blinkers[maxEyes];
// A delay between starting new blinks
int countdown;
void setup()
delay(2000); // power-up safety delay
FastLED.addLeds<chipset, Data_Pin>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
countdown = 0;
void loop()
if (millis() - lastStep > stepInterval)
lastStep = millis();
for(int i = 0; i < maxEyes; i++)
// Only start a blink if the countdown is expired and there is an available blinker
if ((countdown <= 0) && (blinkers[i].m_active == false))
int newPos = random(0,NUM_LEDS/2) * 2;
for(int j = 0; j < maxEyes; j++)
// avoid active or recently active pixels
if ((blinkers[j].m_deadTime > 0) && (abs(newPos - blinkers[j].m_pos) < 4))
newPos = -1; // collision - do not start
if (newPos >= 0) // if we have a valid pixel to start with...
Serial.print(" Activate - ");
countdown = random(intervalMin, intervalMax); // random delay to next start
// step all the state machines
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