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Last active November 11, 2024 19:25
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How to install Noto Sans CJK fonts for reMarkable Tablet

reMarkable is a paper tablet by

The reMarkable tablet is the best e-paper in the market. However, it does not have built-in support for CJK (Chiniese, Korean and Japanese) users.

Luckily, this could be resolved by installing CJK fonts on the tablet.

  1. Go to Preference > Storage > Enable USB web interface (Beta).
  2. Connect reMarkable with your PC via a microUSB cable.
  3. SSH to the device as user "root" using the password find in Preference > About. e.g. ssh [email protected]
  4. Download "NotoSansCJK[you language]-Regular.otf" from *note, there is limited space on the device, so do not sue "Super OpenType/CFF Collection (Super OTC)", an language-specific OTC is ok.
  5. Copy (using SCP or whateever tools you like) to /usr/share/fonts/opentype/
  6. Make sure the uploaded font file has the corrent permission (it should be 644).
  7. Run fc-cache -f -v to refresh to font cache.
  8. Reboot the device reboot. (or use the physical button)
  9. Read a book in your language, set the font as "Noto Sans" in Text settings.
  10. Done!
  • Note: CJK Serif Fonts does not work even if I have installed OTF on the device and select Noto Serif, not sure why. Noto Sans is good enough though!
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"so do not sue" should be "so do not use"

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chrominium97 commented Dec 5, 2020

It seems like adding the following to /etc/fonts/local.conf seems to solve the Noto Serif CJK issue!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
<!-- -->
  <!-- Generic name aliasing -->
      <family>Noto Sans CJK JP</family>
      <family>Noto Serif CJK JP</family>
  <match target="pattern">
    <test qual="any" name="family">
      <string>Noto Serif</string>
    <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="same">
      <string>Noto Serif CJK JP</string>

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@chrominium97 thanks!

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justinchuby commented Jan 24, 2021

As pointed out by, the /usr/share/fonts directory has very limited space. After I added the fonts there my system would crash when I try to change fonts. It's best to create a soft link that points to a directory in /home where we put the new fonts.

Edit: My system would still crash. Not sure why.

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@justinchuby try to download the font only with the language you need, not the font covers CJK, see "Language-specific OpenType/CFF (OTF)" here

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JulienVincenot commented Mar 20, 2021

excellent trick, thank you so much ChenHungHan ! I did it this fall but I just noticed after the recent updates all my ebooks were back to square blocks instead of 汉字... I guess because they reworked the ebook interface, or just because that's how updates work I don't remember. Nice occasion to do so ssh/scp workout, I don't use them so often !

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justinchuby commented Dec 16, 2021

I am now installing the fonts to /home/root/.fonts/, which will not be overwritten by OS updates and seems to be one of the paths the system searches fonts in.

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Instead of /etc/fonts/local.conf, placing the custom config to /home/root/.fontconfig works.

If you need mono font, add like following alias to config also.

      <family>Noto Sans Mono Condensed</family>

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I guess it’s because that character is a rare one that is not included in the font you are using. There are some fonts include the characters used in ancient Chinese languages, maybe can try those.

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I guess it’s because that character is a rare one that is not included in the font you are using. There are some fonts include the characters used in ancient Chinese languages, maybe can try those.

Thank you very much for your timely reply! I know some fonts containing more characters but can I add them in the same way? In the font menu there are only limited options, Noto Sans, Noto Serif, e.t.c, does this mean the font add also has to be Noto? Do you know any fonts that may work?

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You can add them as the same way as long as they are OpenType and they don’t have to be in Noto family.

I used to use some fonts made by Sinica in Taiwan but can’t find it now on the internet unfortunately.

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rjuni commented Sep 22, 2023

many of my coworkers are Chinese and are looking to use this, will it convert handwritten text when this font is installed? will this convert menus and such to Chinese as well?

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many of my coworkers are Chinese and are looking to use this, will it convert handwritten text when this font is installed? will this convert menus and such to Chinese as well?

I don't think so. The font will allow Chinese display if the text is in Chinese.

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hachung commented Nov 24, 2023

Really appreciate this post. I just want to add a small update. I'm using Remarkable 2 (firmware version I copied NotoSansKR-Regular.ttf to /usr/share/fonts/ttf/ instead (in the Noto package I downloaded, I don't have any otf fonts) and refresh the font cache as instructed. It works like a charm! Thanks again!

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bellisk commented Dec 25, 2023

Thanks so much, this worked for me! (Using .ttf instead of .otf, as in the comment above.)

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freizl commented Nov 10, 2024

Thanks the instructions!
I'm following same step by adding a new font (
But it didn't appear in the Text Settings -> Font of documents (EPUB, Text).
What I could be missing?

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chenhunghan commented Nov 11, 2024

@freizl you probably should reach out to ReMarkable, this was written in 2018, it was a hack to support CJK fonts, and back then ReMarkable was a small start-up, but now it's 2024, IMO it is not acceptable that they don't support CJK fonts.

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freizl commented Nov 11, 2024

@freizl you probably should reach out to ReMarkable, this was written in 2018, it was a hack to support CJK fonts, and back then ReMarkable was a small start-up, but now it's 2024, IMO it is not acceptable that they don't support CJK fonts.

Cool. thanks!

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