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''' | |
A python script which starts celery worker and auto reload it when any code change happens. | |
I did this because Celery worker's "--autoreload" option seems not working for a lot of people. | |
''' | |
import time | |
from watchdog.observers import Observer ##pip install watchdog | |
from watchdog.events import PatternMatchingEventHandler | |
import psutil ##pip install psutil | |
import os | |
import subprocess | |
code_dir_to_monitor = "/path/to/your/code/dir" | |
celery_working_dir = code_dir_to_monitor #happen to be the same. It may be different on your machine | |
celery_cmdline = 'celery worker -A some_project -l INFO'.split(" ") | |
class MyHandler(PatternMatchingEventHandler): | |
def on_any_event(self, event): | |
print("detected change. event = {}".format(event)) | |
for proc in psutil.process_iter(): | |
proc_cmdline = self._get_proc_cmdline(proc) | |
if not proc_cmdline or len(proc_cmdline) < len(celery_cmdline): | |
continue | |
is_celery_worker = 'python' in proc_cmdline[0].lower() \ | |
and celery_cmdline[0] == proc_cmdline[1] \ | |
and celery_cmdline[1] == proc_cmdline[2] | |
if not is_celery_worker: | |
continue | |
proc.kill() | |
print("Just killed {} on working dir {}".format(proc_cmdline, proc.cwd())) | |
run_worker() | |
def _get_proc_cmdline(self, proc): | |
try: | |
return proc.cmdline() | |
except Exception as e: | |
return [] | |
def run_worker(): | |
print("Ready to call {} ".format(celery_cmdline)) | |
os.chdir(celery_working_dir) | |
subprocess.Popen(celery_cmdline) | |
print("Done callling {} ".format(celery_cmdline)) | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
run_worker() | |
event_handler = MyHandler(patterns = ["*.py"]) | |
observer = Observer() | |
observer.schedule(event_handler, code_dir_to_monitor, recursive=True) | |
observer.start() | |
print("file change observer started") | |
try: | |
while True: | |
time.sleep(1) | |
except KeyboardInterrupt: | |
observer.stop() | |
observer.join() |
that amazing super script
Even you created this script two years ago, it still works like a charm! Thanks!
I adjusted line 28 to 'in' instead of '==' because i run it in a docker.
Bravo !!! Thanks for sharing
You are a genius! Thank you so so much! I was about to go crazy manually restarting my celery workers on windows everytime I changed my tasks.
I had to change the on_any_event function because I'm using winpython (need to open a seperate shell):
Had to start the new worker before killing the old process
def on_any_event(self, event):
print("detected change. event = {}".format(event))
for proc in psutil.process_iter():
proc_cmdline = self._get_proc_cmdline(proc)
if not proc_cmdline or len(proc_cmdline) < len(celery_cmdline):
is_celery_worker = 'python' in proc_cmdline[0].lower() \
and celery_cmdline[0] in proc_cmdline[1] \
and celery_cmdline[1] == proc_cmdline[2]
if not is_celery_worker:
print("Just killed {} on working dir {}".format(proc_cmdline, proc.cwd()))
except Exception as e:
Thanks for the code, I'm also using python on windows, and when running your suggestion with proc.kill()
I'm getting psutil.NoSuchProcess process no longer exists (pid=11800)
, any ideas?
did you experience memory leak using this script ? it eats up 40% of my memory
This made my day, Thanks Kent!