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Last active April 26, 2024 08:59
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LTI tool implementation
# You can use this script to test LTI tool implementation on
# To get a public domain, use: ngrok http 8000
# Ref JWK:
import time
from flask import Flask, request, redirect
import jwt
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from uuid import uuid4
from jwcrypto import jwk
from jwt import PyJWKClient
import time
# change this to the domain of your tool, ie., the domain this script is running
# Note: platform actually supports configuring multiple Redirection URIs
# Even LTI named it `URI`, you should use complete URLs
'TOKEN_REDIRECT_URL': f'{TOOL_DOMAIN}/lti/callback',
TOOL_PRIVATE_KEY = {"alg":"RS256","d":"HXxLXil9ywZbFJbD9qsRepeVF2S7ai6lwImqnC3azBRfqNYfD1udLFxG8CTIGF8Okp9HLoYtdKNZpZxPewtDlxMymOvIG1usbpDSsDv_g7DiS0sRVOwC0WRsRqpOg2FtQ2rJEq4uQHN338tCfy_EjlwDPGhhYRCa3okMRXJV9KuxS6XleMMHgNYYSj7uuD-GO_KjQFCOysDq7n-PSSGOVTr7OEcW_FHXYIR8ae_ZOJVMGUkw-SFfX5Yv5lwC0bDg-Cf7_SApXEEA9XBkI5q6r5i52CB9Nf_YZ2sc8gnT54Gyp2CRXT7PuRyDxC3_IuQJpkWl5FFg6P8tQm9JdpJCoQ","dp":"wXUUFxXns43G8ZeIZm5IFfuRhUKYsJazJ5ER2tmruc-d5CfM6_OiBTQ1_BLmEf1naOwgc33RYZQhNDUkz55LrTJNeNjDqD9-xcGc1tZ3PG6jOyOUN_Pgn-8L0BXUAHjl_NewuAT8tGS4gLJexbQ2zC-vuMSgDhkj83FcxM2Smmk","dq":"tNd27942zR6DcML9hHL09PmoVZ6ce3-Iaki9YmI36xvDBCVXAbpTAfQ6sME94OgrxLn16VPmuoWHbbNod_rb3-ky-ZqBwg_hJ5XwUHeai1azlGipl2VX1C_s6brm7iyGlfoW4tGkqHmboCjPKH0FvXjcOd04mW6lnfUpsCm6MXU","e":"AQAB","kid":"lti-tool-kid-public","kty":"RSA","n":"w1lbrU-1K3s9q167txkonzz2wqk4mKOOhe_uwqA4KCS9_KFHQjeaWDwgNHnzTBBUGZ3pYE6R04IT5ntRc7NcgIm44t6XHS-3Y2jlbFlu3BbtyREzPbtB367IE6G5wUQ8KnGSaZGsh3IwUuU_hRRIagRjmF5Z5Bn7N0bGgjCI0znpGLJT8ULO4Wit_KZ1OqUZMMvR0f11UEejCXcQ1gPWOwoLNPnYq_k8FIbHlKmlg9dZWqEEyr-nFw9dgPX-MOzjXL9fOmubYBDHR9XmJg--zV9BnDn9W9Co2Ds9_Pu7ZrPzGQuIXUuJHOjoKtejR2HTveiW7-np_14nZUyugdoi_w","p":"8p2hZU57b8SPjO4hFgw9Wn-Kvz-lBBoofprd7v04ZuP8xASXLMSHXfCiK5p4ATFWZXYJqJPtdcieSm8C2tVjFH8RTt8Sq1XU25WchJi29DQA8wMuWZHR1ULyA8At4iQ5SPNv-YW67yA1e1_74qlDyomEkqG45xw8nEb5dL_LNfU","q":"ziAywOpmeMnjjifnK9uIZHA46lSM2G_J50Sb4YtXZ7YMILMRos9Nv3AV9pisVR6t9yN_LpssPX8ohYv_8Z_4teQtSKRS3ojhACEpFoBvto9XpQNmzfXBlc1NQVm3pUJVjJ3P6zyYB51aynVOklJ3kKZh1rTmclCMG8t_HrEWqKM","qi":"X16T3LH1nj-ezrA9AfUTKN3t9OH7ogfpCvwW7CzbKOsqnFZvUvpx84VvAHGvHfHSWYQ1hRjQyGylZ3Dxo87YjNn3Bnsa-vx2MJRTM18Uy_Ekw3JH562OqnGOQ3yRpKuZGO9iB_5SCgZnJ1eWDZfyIhGT5ar9Npik_qlYfZwZ6ws","use":"enc"}
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
# get from saltire
kid = '6ox0b5ag4w',
message_hint="My LTI message hint!", # Message hint
mesage_url="", # Message URL
deployment_id="cLWwj9cbmkSrCNsckEFBmA", # Platform Deployment ID
client_id ="", # Platform Client ID
auth_url = "", # Platform Authentication request URL:
token_url = "", # Access Token service URL:
keyset_url = "", # Public keyset URL:
issuer = "" #Platform/Issuer ID
# don't use this in production
def insecure_ssl_context():
import ssl
context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT)
context.check_hostname = False
context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
return context
def jwt_encode(payload: dict):
# Out[35]: {"kid":"lti-tool-kid-public","thumbprint":"ueHpt-S0lxBAzcj0pkK_Ods55y2P4W-p-lW4FlTh8Kc"}
return jwt.encode(
key.export_to_pem(private_key=True, password=None),
headers={'kid': TOOL_PRIVATE_KEY['kid']})
def jwt_decode(token: str):
headers = jwt.get_unverified_header(token)
if headers['kid'] != kid: # normally we would look up public keys settings by `kid` in tool configuration
raise Exception('unexpected kid')
url = LTI_PLATFORM_CONFIG['keyset_url']
print(f'platform publick jwks url: {url}')
# insecure_ssl_context is used here, somehow in test environment, the ssl certificate is not valid
jwks_client = PyJWKClient(url, ssl_context=insecure_ssl_context())
signing_key = jwks_client.get_signing_key(kid)
audience = LTI_PLATFORM_CONFIG['client_id']
return jwt.decode(
audience = audience
def generate_keypair(kid):
"""Creates an lti key pair"""
key = jwk.JWK.generate(kty='RSA', size=2048, alg='RS256', use='enc', kid=kid)
return (key.export_public(), key.export_private())
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/ping', methods=['GET'])
def ping():
return 'pong'
# this endpoint generates a redirect to the platform's authentication endpoint
@app.route('/lti/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def lti_login():
# Form data:
# {'iss': '', 'target_link_uri': '', 'login_hint': '29123', 'lti_message_hint': 'My LTI message hint!', 'client_id': '', 'lti_deployment_id': 'cLWwj9cbmkSrCNsckEFBmA'}
# get as form data or query params
data = request.form or dict(request.args)
if not data:
raise Exception('failed to get request data')
nonce = str(uuid4())
state = str(uuid4())
client_id = data['client_id']
issuer = data['iss']
deployment_id = data['lti_deployment_id']
params = dict(
response_mode = 'form_post',
prompt = 'none', # hmm, is it string none, or it should just be None??
target_link_uri = data.get('target_link_uri', ''),
state = state,
nonce= nonce,
redirect_uri = TOOL_CONFIG['TOKEN_REDIRECT_URL'] , #
client_id = client_id
# Similarly to the login_hint parameter, lti_message_hint value is opaque to
# the tool. If present in the login initiation request, the tool MUST include
# it back in the authentication request unaltered.
login_hint = data.get('login_hint', '')
lti_message_hint = data.get('lti_message_hint', '')
if login_hint:
params['login_hint'] = login_hint
if lti_message_hint:
params['lti_message_hint'] = lti_message_hint
query_string = urlencode(params)
# The platform will redirect to this link which is on the tool server
platform_auth_url = LTI_PLATFORM_CONFIG.get('auth_url', '') + '?' + query_string
# the client_id is unique in the view of the platform, in this sample we only support one platform (one issuer + client_id)
if client_id != LTI_PLATFORM_CONFIG['client_id']:
raise Exception('unexpected client_id')
if issuer != LTI_PLATFORM_CONFIG['issuer']:
raise Exception('unexpected issuer')
print(f'redirect to {platform_auth_url}')
# todo add state to cookie
# Typically, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF, XSRF) mitigation is done by cryptographically binding the value of this parameter with a browser cookie.
resp = redirect(platform_auth_url)
resp.set_cookie('state', state)
return resp
# this endpoint returns/redirects the users to access a resource on the tool
@app.route('/lti/callback', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def lti_launch():
# Form Data: {'id_token': 'jwt_encoded_id_token', 'state': '317b5056-503a-40c5-92c8-bb66087bf394'}
data = request.form
if not data:
raise Exception('no data in lti launch')
if 'error' in data:
print(f'callback failed: {data}')
raise Exception(data['error'] + ': ' + data.get('error_description', ''))
# todo validate this `state` value in cookie
state = data['state']
state_in_cookie = request.cookies.get('state')
if state != state_in_cookie:
raise Exception('state mismatch, possible CSRF attack')
id_token = data['id_token']
decoded = jwt_decode(id_token)
message_type = decoded.get('', '')
deep_link_return_url = None
if message_type == 'LtiResourceLinkRequest':
# Following LTI launch, the tool should redirect the user to the resource link URL
return dict(decoded=decoded, success=True, message_type=message_type, deep_link_return_url=deep_link_return_url)
elif message_type == 'LtiDeepLinkingRequest':
deep_link_return_url = decoded.get('', {}).get('deep_link_return_url', '')
# Following LTI deep linking request, the tool should return a form containing content items
# After the user selects a content item, the tool should redirect the user with a POST request to the deep link return URL
# Here we just redirect the user to deep link return URL with some sample content items
response_data = {'iss': decoded['aud'][0],
'aud': decoded['iss'],
'exp': int(time.time()) + 600,
'iat': int(time.time()),
'nonce': decoded['nonce'],
'': decoded[''],
'': 'LtiDeepLinkingResponse',
"": "1.3.0",
"": [
"type": "link",
"url": "",
"embed": {
"<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"autoplay; encrypted-media\" allowfullscreen></iframe>"
"window": {
"targetName": "youtube-corV3-WsIro",
"windowFeatures": "height=560,width=315,menubar=no"
"iframe": {
"width": 560,
"height": 315,
"src": ""
"type": "ltiResourceLink",
"title": "A title",
"text": "This is a link to an activity that will be graded",
"url": "",
"icon": {
"url": "",
"width": 100,
"height": 100
"thumbnail": {
"url": "",
"width": 90,
"height": 90
"lineItem": {
"scoreMaximum": 87,
"label": "Chapter 12 quiz",
"resourceId": "xyzpdq1234",
"tag": "originality",
"gradesReleased": True
"available": {
"startDateTime": "2018-02-06T20:05:02Z",
"endDateTime": "2018-03-07T20:05:02Z"
"submission": {
"endDateTime": "2018-03-06T20:05:02Z"
"custom": {
"quiz_id": "az-123",
"duedate": "$ResourceLink.submission.endDateTime"
"window": {
"targetName": "examplePublisherContent"
"iframe": {
"height": 890
return dict(decoded=decoded, success=True, message_type=message_type, deep_link_return_url=deep_link_return_url, response_data=response_data)
return dict(decoded=decoded, success=False)
def catch_all(e):
request_data = or request.get_json(silent=True)
print("Request Body:", request_data)
return {'success': True}
def log_request_info():
print('=' * 30 + ">")
print('Headers: ', request.headers)
print('Body: ', request.get_data(as_text=True))
print('Query params:', request.args)
# Log query parameters
if request.args:
print('Query Params: ', dict(request.args))
if request.method == 'POST':
if request.form:
print('Form Data: ', dict(request.form))
elif request.is_json:
print('Json Data: ', request.json)
@app.route('/tool/public-keys', methods=['GET'])
def public_keys():
# Note
# 1. this is a list of public keys, not a single key
# 2. `kid` must be present
return {
"keys": [
"alg": "RS256",
"e": "AQAB",
"kid": "lti-tool-kid-public",
"kty": "RSA",
"n": "w1lbrU-1K3s9q167txkonzz2wqk4mKOOhe_uwqA4KCS9_KFHQjeaWDwgNHnzTBBUGZ3pYE6R04IT5ntRc7NcgIm44t6XHS-3Y2jlbFlu3BbtyREzPbtB367IE6G5wUQ8KnGSaZGsh3IwUuU_hRRIagRjmF5Z5Bn7N0bGgjCI0znpGLJT8ULO4Wit_KZ1OqUZMMvR0f11UEejCXcQ1gPWOwoLNPnYq_k8FIbHlKmlg9dZWqEEyr-nFw9dgPX-MOzjXL9fOmubYBDHR9XmJg--zV9BnDn9W9Co2Ds9_Pu7ZrPzGQuIXUuJHOjoKtejR2HTveiW7-np_14nZUyugdoi_w",
"use": "enc"
}, debug=True)
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