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Created July 24, 2014 11:43
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get zabbix history then plot it
#!/usr/bin/env python
Read item history from zabbix, and plot as histogram
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import requests
import json
import time
from datetime import datetime
ZABBIX_USR = 'user'
ZABBIX_PWD = 'pass'
HOURS = 24 * 1
def zabbixLogin(user, passwd):
params = {
return zabbixCall('user.login', params)
def zabbixCall(method='', params={}, auth=''):
data = {
if len(auth) != 0:
data['auth'] = auth
r =, data=json.dumps(data), headers={'content-type':'application/json-rpc'})
return r.json()['result']
authId = zabbixLogin(ZABBIX_USR, ZABBIX_PWD)
print('Get Auth ID: ' + authId)
params = {
items = zabbixCall('item.get', params, authId)
begin = time.mktime( - 3600 * HOURS
print('Begin loop for history...')
for item in items:
params = {
ret = zabbixCall('history.get', params, authId)
# for x in ret:
# print int(x['clock']),',',float(x['value'])
history = map(lambda x: float(x['value']), ret)
v = np.array(history)
plt.hist(v, bins=200, normed=1)
plt.title('item: ' + item['itemid'])
# lline = numpy.percentile(v, 25)
# uline = numpy.percentile(v, 75)
# length = uline - lline
# low = lline - length
# up = uline + length
# print(low, up)
plt.boxplot(v, sym='+', notch=True)
plt.title('item: ' + item['itemid'])
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