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Created September 8, 2024 07:26
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Differences between matrix and tensor with nn.Linear
import torch
b = 2
s = 4
h = 4
d = 4
device = "cuda"
dtype = torch.bfloat16
hidden_states = torch.rand((b,s, h*d), device=device, dtype=dtype)
q_proj = torch.nn.Linear(h*d, h*d, device=device, dtype=dtype)
y1 = q_proj(hidden_states)[:,-1:,:]
y2 = q_proj(hidden_states[:,-1:,:])
y3 = q_proj(hidden_states[:,-1,:])
Running results:
tensor(0.0039, device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.bfloat16, grad_fn=<MaxBackward1>)
tensor(0., device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.bfloat16, grad_fn=<MaxBackward1>)
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