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Forked from anonymous/gmailAutoarchive.js
Last active February 2, 2020 19:35
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// Original author fwed ([email protected])
// Modified from
var OP_ARCHIVE = 1;
var OP_READ = 2;
var OP_DELETE = 4;
var ONE_MONTH = "1m";
var THREE_MONTHS = "3m";
function gmailAutocleanup() {
gmailBatchArchive("label:foo", ONE_MONTH, THREE_MONTHS);
gmailBatchArchive("label:bar", "3d", THREE_MONTHS);
gmailBatchOp("from:spammy", "3d", null, OP_READ | OP_ARCHIVE);
* Archive threads
function gmailBatchArchive(search, older_than, newer_than) {
gmailBatchOp(search, older_than, newer_than, OP_ARCHIVE);
* Batch process gmail threads with one or more operations given by op
* @param search Search string to filter messages (e.g., by label or from)
* @param older_than Filter messages older than this timeframe (e.g., 2d [days], 1m [month])
* @param newer_than Optionally filter messages newer than this timeframe
* @param op Bitmask flag of operations to perform (OP_ARCHIVE, OP_READ, OP_DELETE)
function gmailBatchOp(search, older_than, newer_than, op) {
var string = search + " in:inbox -in:starred older_than:" + older_than;
if (newer_than) {
string += " newer_than:" + newer_than;
var ops = "";
if (op & OP_ARCHIVE) ops += "archive";
if (op & OP_READ) ops += "; mark_read";
if (op & OP_DELETE) ops += "; delete";
Logger.log("running gmail batch ops: " + ops);
Logger.log("search string: " + string);
var threads =, 0, 500);
var num = threads.length;
Logger.log("found: " + num + " threads older than " + older_than);
if (num === 0) {
var batch_size = 100;
while (threads.length) {
var this_batch_size = Math.min(threads.length, batch_size);
var this_batch = threads.splice(0, this_batch_size);
if (op & OP_ARCHIVE) {
if (op & OP_READ) {
if (op & OP_DELETE) {
Logger.log("finished processing " + num + " threads\n");
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