This gists contains a collection of docker-compose config for Polkadot and Substrate. You can find it here.
You may clone this gist with:
git clone [email protected]:be461d11c56baecb0e7bbcb920e964fb.git
Then run each docker-compose config using:
docker-compose -f <file.yml> up --force-recreate
Alternatively you can find below several one-liners that will download the config to your temp folder, pull and start containers, without the need to clone anything. |
I usually alias docker-compose as dcp and you will see dcp below. You can create this alias with alias dcp='docker-compose'
If you get any message similar to ERROR: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space , please run the following commands:
docker network ls | grep tmp | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker network rm
By default, all commands will pull the latest tag for the polkadot/substrate images. This may not always be what you want. To get the tag 1.2.3 you can prepend TAG=1.2.3 to the command. For instance TAG=bbqb dcp -f dcp-substrate-2nodes-noui.yml up --force-recreate
After starting the commands including a UI, you may reach the UI at http://localhost:80/. You need however to adjust the settings in the UI in order to switch from the Hosted node to your local node.
It is likely that some of the docker-compose config no longer work for very old docker images. |
You can cleanup your docker ENV using the following:
docker ps -a | grep "polkadot\|substrate" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker stop | xargs docker rm docker network ls | grep "polkadot\|substrate\|tmp" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker network rm docker volume ls | grep "polkadot\|substrate\|tmp" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs docker volume rm
This will NOT delete all your containers but only those related to polkadot or substrate.
2 nodes no UI
dcp -f dcp-polkadot-2nodes-noui.yml up --force-recreate
wget -O /tmp/dcp-local.yml && docker-compose -f /tmp/dcp-local.yml up --force-recreate
2 nodes with UI
dcp -f dcp-polkadot-2nodes-ui.yml up --force-recreate
wget -O /tmp/dcp-local.yml && docker-compose -f /tmp/dcp-local.yml up --force-recreate
5 nodes with UI
dcp -f dcp-polkadot-5nodes-ui.yml up --force-recreate
wget -O /tmp/dcp-local.yml && docker-compose -f /tmp/dcp-local.yml up --force-recreate
2 nodes no UI
dcp -f dcp-substrate-2nodes-noui.yml up --force-recreate
wget -O /tmp/dcp-local.yml && docker-compose -f /tmp/dcp-local.yml up --force-recreate
2 nodes with UI
dcp -f dcp-substrate-2nodes-ui.yml up --force-recreate
wget -O /tmp/dcp-local.yml && docker-compose -f /tmp/dcp-local.yml up --force-recreate