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Created June 4, 2012 00:08
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pcon Trigger Template - automated VSC insertion
public class ServiceRequestTrigger {
private final Map<Id, Service_Request__c> oldMap;
private final Map<Id, Service_Request__c> newMap;
private final List<Service_Request__c> newObjs;
private final Boolean isInsert;
private final Boolean isUpdate;
private final Boolean isDelete;
private final Boolean isBulk;
* The constructor
* @param xoldMap The old map from the trigger
* @param xnewObj The list of new objects from the trigger
* @param isBefore If the trigger is in before or after
public ServiceRequestTrigger(Map<Id, Service_Request__c> xoldMap, List<Service_Request__c> xnewObjs, Boolean isBefore) {
oldMap = xoldMap;
newObjs = xnewObjs;
if (!isBefore && newObjs != null) {
newMap = new Map<Id, Service_Request__c>(newObjs);
isDelete = (((newObjs == null || newObjs.isEmpty()) && isBefore) || ((newMap == null || newMap.isEmpty()) && !isBefore));
isUpdate = ! (isDelete || oldMap == null || oldMap.isEmpty());
isInsert = ! (isDelete || isUpdate);
isBulk = (newObjs != null && newObjs.size() > 1) ? true : false;
* Vendor Scorecard auto creation
* After Update, checks SRF is 'In Review', inserts list of VSCs with respective parent IDs
public void doAwesomeness() {
if (isUpdate) {
RecordType[] rec =
FROM RecordType
WHERE Name = 'Vendor Scorecard - Appraisals' AND SObjectType = 'Vendor_Scorecard__c'
AND IsActive = true];
set<Id> objIds = new Set<Id>();
for (Service_Request__c srf: newObjs) {
if (
oldMap.get(srf.ID) != null &&
oldMap.get(srf.ID).Status__c != srf.Status__c &&
srf.Status__c == 'In Review'
) {
//Set for unique IDs for records that pass conditionals above
//List is to house records that have passed conditions above
List <Service_Request__c> srfList =
[SELECT Status__c, Id, Vendor_Name__c
FROM Service_Request__c
WHERE Status__c = 'In Review'
AND Id IN: objIds];
//List for update of VSCs added, for each of the srf in the list above
List<Vendor_Scorecard__c> vscList = new List<Vendor_Scorecard__c>();
//for records in list, iterate through and use values from those records to create new child VSCs
for (Service_Request__c srf: srfList){
if(rec.size() > 0) {
Vendor_Scorecard__c vsc = new Vendor_Scorecard__c (
Service_Request__c = srf.Id,
Vendor__c = srf.Vendor_Name__c,
RecordTypeId = rec[0].Id);
if (!vscList.isEmpty()) {
try {
insert vscList;
} catch (DmlException e) {}
//End Routing Boolean
} else {
* Method to initiate trigger logic
* @param oldMap The old map from the trigger
* @param newObj The list of new objects from the trigger
* @param isBefore If the trigger is in before or after
public static void processTrigger(Map<Id, Service_Request__c> oldMap, List<Service_Request__c> newObj, Boolean isBefore) {
final ServiceRequestTrigger myTrigger = new ServiceRequestTrigger(oldMap, newObj, isBefore);
if (!isBefore) {
static testMethod void addVendorIdTest() {
//Create test Task Order
Task_Order__c t = new Task_Order__c(Name = 'Test Task Order');
Insert t;
//Create test Account
Account a = new Account(Name = 'Test', Task_Order__c = t.Id, Lin__c = '9999');
Insert a;
//Create test Contact
Contact c = new Contact(LastName = 'Test', AccountId = a.Id, Vendor_Id__c = '123ABC');
Insert c;
//Create test Service Request BULK
List <Service_Request__c> srfTestList = new List <Service_Request__c>();
for (integer i=0; i<5; i++) {
Service_Request__c sr = new Service_Request__c(
Task_Order__c = t.Id,
Vendor_Id__c = '123ABC',
Status__c = 'New'
insert srfTestList;
for(Service_Request__c srf: srfTestList) {
srf.Status__c = 'In Review';
update srfTestList;
Map <Id, Service_Request__c> SRFmap = new Map <Id, Service_Request__c>(srfTestList);
List <Service_Request__c> insertedSRFs =
[SELECT Vendor_Name__c, Id
FROM Service_Request__c
WHERE Id IN: SRFmap.keySet() ORDER BY CreatedDate Asc];
List <Vendor_Scorecard__c > insertedVSCs =
[SELECT Service_Request__c, Id
FROM Vendor_Scorecard__c
WHERE Service_Request__c IN: SRFmap.keySet() ORDER BY CreatedDate Asc];
Map <Id, Vendor_Scorecard__c> VSCmap = new Map <Id, Vendor_Scorecard__c>(insertedVSCs);
String testVendor =
[SELECT Vendor_Name__c
FROM Service_Request__c
WHERE Id = :srfTestList LIMIT 1].Vendor_Name__c;
for (Service_Request__c s: insertedSRFs) {
for (Vendor_Scorecard__c vsc : insertedVSCs) {
Service_Request__c srf = serviceRequestIndexMap.get(v.Id);
System.assertEquals(vsc.Id, srf.Service_Request__c);
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