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Last active August 28, 2024 08:50
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  • Save chgeuer/e51aca40f55b9158da065e489b5e0242 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save chgeuer/e51aca40f55b9158da065e489b5e0242 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Identity.Client" Version="4.64.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Azure.Identity" Version="1.12.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Azure.Security.KeyVault.Keys" Version="4.6.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Azure.Storage.Blobs" Version="12.21.2" />
using Azure.Core;
using Azure.Core.Cryptography;
using Azure.Identity;
using Azure.Security.KeyVault.Keys;
using Azure.Security.KeyVault.Keys.Cryptography;
using Azure.Storage;
using Azure.Storage.Blobs;
using Azure.Storage.Blobs.Specialized;
using System.Text;
var (accountName, containerName, blobName) = ("deadbeef1", "container1", "myblob.txt");
var (keyVaultName, (keyWrapAlgorithm, rsaKeyNamesInKeyVault)) = (
(KeyWrapAlgorithm.RsaOaep, new[] { "keywrapkey1", "keywrapkey2", "keywrapkey3" }));
var (tenantId, clientId, clientSecret) = (
ClientSecretCredential credential = new(tenantId, clientId, clientSecret,
options: new ClientSecretCredentialOptions
AdditionallyAllowedTenants = { "*" }
Func<string, ClientSideEncryptionOptions> enc_opts(string keyVaultName, TokenCredential credential) =>
kekName =>
KeyEncryptionKey = new MyKeyEncryptionKey(
keyVaultName: keyVaultName,
keyName: kekName,
credential: credential),
KeyResolver = new MyKeyEncryptionKeyResolver(
keyVaultName: keyVaultName,
credential: credential),
KeyWrapAlgorithm = keyWrapAlgorithm.ToString()
var kek = enc_opts(keyVaultName, credential);
#region Upload
BlobServiceClient bsc = new(
serviceUri: new Uri($"https://{accountName}"),
credential: credential,
options: new SpecializedBlobClientOptions
ClientSideEncryption = kek(rsaKeyNamesInKeyVault[0])
BlobContainerClient containerClient = bsc.GetBlobContainerClient(containerName);
await containerClient.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();
BlobClient blob = containerClient.GetBlobClient(blobName);
var encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
blob.Upload(new MemoryStream(encoding.GetBytes("Hallo")), overwrite: true);
#region Re-wrap content encryption keys with a different key encryption key
await blob.UpdateClientSideKeyEncryptionKeyAsync(kek(rsaKeyNamesInKeyVault[1]));
await blob.UpdateClientSideKeyEncryptionKeyAsync(kek(rsaKeyNamesInKeyVault[2]));
#region Download the most recent version
// Not that for the download, we don't need to specify the key, only the IKeyEncryptionKeyResolver
BlobServiceClient bsc2 = new(
serviceUri: new Uri($"https://{accountName}"),
credential: credential,
options: new SpecializedBlobClientOptions
ClientSideEncryption = new(ClientSideEncryptionVersion.V2_0)
KeyResolver = new MyKeyEncryptionKeyResolver(
keyVaultName: keyVaultName,
credential: credential),
KeyWrapAlgorithm = keyWrapAlgorithm.ToString()
BlobContainerClient containerClient2 = bsc2.GetBlobContainerClient(containerName);
await containerClient2.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();
BlobClient blob2 = containerClient.GetBlobClient(blobName);
// Download and decrypt the encrypted contents from the blob.
MemoryStream outputStream = new();
Console.WriteLine($"Downloaded blob. Contents: {encoding.GetString(outputStream.ToArray())}");
public class MyKeyEncryptionKey(string keyVaultName, string keyName, TokenCredential credential) : IKeyEncryptionKey
private readonly string keyVaultName = keyVaultName;
private readonly string keyName = keyName;
private readonly TokenCredential credential = credential;
string IKeyEncryptionKey.KeyId => keyName;
byte[] IKeyEncryptionKey.WrapKey(string algorithm, ReadOnlyMemory<byte> key, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> ((IKeyEncryptionKey)this).WrapKeyAsync(algorithm, key, cancellationToken).Result;
byte[] IKeyEncryptionKey.UnwrapKey(string algorithm, ReadOnlyMemory<byte> encryptedKey, CancellationToken cancellationToken) =>
((IKeyEncryptionKey)this).UnwrapKeyAsync(algorithm, encryptedKey, cancellationToken).Result;
async Task<byte[]> IKeyEncryptionKey.WrapKeyAsync(string algorithm, ReadOnlyMemory<byte> key, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
CryptographyClient cryptoClient = await GetCryptographyClient(cancellationToken);
WrapResult wrapResult = await cryptoClient.WrapKeyAsync(algorithm, key.ToArray(), cancellationToken);
return wrapResult.EncryptedKey;
async Task<byte[]> IKeyEncryptionKey.UnwrapKeyAsync(string algorithm, ReadOnlyMemory<byte> encryptedKey, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
CryptographyClient cryptoClient = await GetCryptographyClient(cancellationToken);
var unwrapped = await cryptoClient.UnwrapKeyAsync(algorithm, encryptedKey.ToArray(), cancellationToken);
return unwrapped.Key;
private async Task<CryptographyClient> GetCryptographyClient(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
KeyClient keyClient = new(
vaultUri: new Uri($"https://{this.keyVaultName}"),
credential: credential);
KeyVaultKey rsaKey = await keyClient.GetKeyAsync(name: this.keyName, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
CryptographyClient cryptoClient = new(keyId: rsaKey.Id, credential: credential);
return cryptoClient;
public class MyKeyEncryptionKeyResolver(string keyVaultName, TokenCredential credential) : IKeyEncryptionKeyResolver
private readonly string keyVaultName = keyVaultName;
private readonly TokenCredential credential = credential;
IKeyEncryptionKey IKeyEncryptionKeyResolver.Resolve(string keyId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) =>
((IKeyEncryptionKeyResolver)this).ResolveAsync(keyId, cancellationToken).Result;
async Task<IKeyEncryptionKey> IKeyEncryptionKeyResolver.ResolveAsync(string keyId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"Resolving key #{keyId}");
return new MyKeyEncryptionKey(this.keyVaultName, keyId, this.credential);
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chgeuer commented Aug 22, 2024

Simply speaking, you can re-wrap the content encryption key with a different key encryption key, without having to download the full ciphertext, locally re-wrap, and re-upload.

Have a look here:

For this to work, I created a storage account and a KeyVault, and I have 3 (RSA) keys in KeyVault, called “keywrapkey1”, “…2” and “…3”. I upload a blob and request encryption under kek1, then I call UpdateClientSideKeyEncryptionKeyAsync once with kek2, and then with kek3, so that the content encryption key is wrapped with kek1 -> kek2 -> kek3 over time.


The UpdateClientSideKeyEncryptionKeyAsync function does what you would expect it does, below is a fiddler trace screenshot. This is the UpdateClientSideKeyEncryptionKeyAsync(kek2) call, i.e. where the blob currently protected with kek1.

  • In Request 1, the SDK fetches the encryption metadata (the JSON stored in the x-ms-meta-encryptiondata field):
  • The JSON is this
  • So as a result, the SDK knows that “keywrapkey1” is required to decrypt the content encryption key
  • Request 2 lists the versions of that key in KV
  • Request 3 fetches metadata about the most recent version
  • Request 4 is the POST to /keys/keywrapkey1/…/unwrapKey?api-version=7.5 to unwrap the content encryption key under keywrapkey1’s most recent version
  • Requests 6 and 7 fetch the most recent public key material (modulus exponent) of keywrapkey2
  • The encryption of the content encryption key unwrapped in step 4, under keywrapkey2, happens on the client side, i.e. no keyvault involved
  • Request 8 is PUT /container1/myblob.txt?comp=metadata which updates the blob’s metadata with the new EncryptedKey and indicating that it’s wrapped using keywrapkey2
    	"EncryptedKey": "…new stuff",

So long story short, you can achieve your whole thing just by rolling to a new KEK by calling UpdateClientSideKeyEncryptionKeyAsync, no need to mess around storing key material and stuff in some database.

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