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Last active July 18, 2022 21:08
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  • Save chi-feng/cb52336f6a720fe9fe8f54327048f29f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Asynchronous Tasks with FastAPI and Celery
    participant Client
    participant App 
    participant Database 
    participant Broker as Broker (redis)
    participant Worker as Celery Worker
    Client->>App: POST /api/document/create
    activate App
    App->>Database: Insert document
    App->>Broker: Enqueue a new task
    App->>Client: Response with document ID 
    deactivate App
    Worker->>Broker: Worker picks up task
    activate Worker
    Worker->>Database: Write result database and EFS
    deactivate Worker
    Client->>App: GET /api/document/resource
    activate App
    App->>Database: Fetch document resource
    App->>Client: Appropriate response
    deactivate App
flowchart TD
    Import --> bibtex["BibTeX"]
    Import --> code["ID-like"]
    code --> DOI["DOI via CrossRef"]
    code --> PMID["PMID via PubMed"]    
    code --> ArxID["ArXivID via ArXiv"]
    DOI -->|bibtex|bibtex
    PMID -->|bibtex|bibtex    
    ArxID -->|bibtex|bibtex    
    bibtex --> Single
    bibtex --> Multiple
    Single --> ReviewSingle
    ReviewSingle --> BibMergeDialog
    ReviewSingle --> Create[Create]
    ReviewSingle --> Skip
    Multiple --> ReviewMultiple
    ReviewMultiple --> Create[Create]
    ReviewMultiple --> Skip
    ReviewMultiple --> ReviewMultipleDialog
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