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Created August 26, 2021 07:22
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// Reference:
import Foundation
class Item<Key: Hashable, Value> {
let key: Key
var value: Value
var next: Item?
init(key: Key, value: Value) {
self.key = key
self.value = value = nil
extension Item: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
return "[\(key): \(value)]"
class LinkedList<Key: Hashable, Value> {
var head: Item<Key, Value>?
func addItem(key: Key, value: Value) {
let item = Item(key: key, value: value) = head
head = item
func deleteItem(key: Key) -> Item<Key, Value>? {
guard let head = head else { return nil }
if head.key == key {
self.head = = nil
return head
var previous: Item = head
var current =
while current != nil, current!.key != key {
previous = current!
current = current!.next
if current != nil { = current!.next
current!.next = nil
return current
return nil
extension LinkedList: Sequence {
func makeIterator() -> LinkedListIterator<Key, Value> {
return LinkedListIterator(head)
struct LinkedListIterator<Key: Hashable, Value>: IteratorProtocol {
typealias Element = Item<Key, Value>
var current: Element?
init(_ head: Element?) {
self.current = head
mutating func next() -> Element? {
let element = current
current = current?.next
return element
struct MyDictionary<Key, Value> where Key : Hashable {
private var storage: [LinkedList<Key, Value>?] = Array(repeating: nil, count: 8)
private(set) var count: Int = 0
private let maxLoadFactor = 0.8
private var loadFactor: Double {
return Double(storage.compactMap { $0 }.count) / Double(storage.count)
var isEmpty: Bool {
count == 0
subscript(key: Key) -> Value? {
get {
let index = abs(key.hashValue) % storage.capacity
guard let list = storage[index] else { return nil }
for item in list where item.key == key {
return item.value
return nil
set {
let index = abs(key.hashValue) % storage.capacity
if let value = newValue {
update(key: key, value: value, at: index)
} else {
delete(key: key, at: index)
private mutating func delete(key: Key, at index: Int) {
guard let list = storage[index] else { return }
if list.deleteItem(key: key) != nil {
count -= 1
if list.head == nil {
storage[index] = nil
private mutating func update(key: Key, value: Value, at index: Int) {
let list: LinkedList<Key, Value>
if storage[index] == nil {
list = .init()
storage[index] = list
} else {
list = storage[index]!
if list.deleteItem(key: key) != nil {
count -= 1
list.addItem(key: key, value: value)
count += 1
private mutating func resizeIfNeeded() {
guard loadFactor >= maxLoadFactor else { return }
print("Resizing storage...")
let temp = storage.compactMap { $0 }
storage = Array(repeating: nil, count: storage.count * 2)
count = 0
var item: Item<Key, Value>?
for list in temp {
item = list.head
while item != nil {
self[item!.key] = item!.value
item = item!.next
func dump() {
print("Current load factor: \(loadFactor)")
for item in self {
print(item, terminator: " -> ")
extension MyDictionary: Sequence {
func makeIterator() -> MyDictionaryIterator<Key, Value> {
return MyDictionaryIterator(storage)
struct MyDictionaryIterator<Key: Hashable, Value>: IteratorProtocol {
typealias Element = Item<Key, Value>
let storage: [LinkedList<Key, Value>]
var currentItem: Element?
var currentListIndex: Int
init(_ storage: [LinkedList<Key, Value>?]) { = storage.compactMap { $0 }
currentListIndex = 0
if currentListIndex < {
currentItem =[currentListIndex].head
mutating func next() -> Element? {
let element = currentItem
if currentItem?.next != nil {
currentItem = currentItem?.next
} else if currentListIndex < storage.count-1 {
currentListIndex += 1
currentItem =[currentListIndex].head
} else {
currentItem = nil
return element
var dict = MyDictionary<Int, String>()
dict[300] = "Ooops"
dict[200] = "OK"
dict[400] = "test"
dict[200] = nil
dict[100] = "100"
dict[1] = "1"
dict[2] = "2"
dict[3] = "3"
dict[4] = "4"
dict[5] = "5"
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