November 4, 2012 11:38
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if !exists('g:auplugin_disable') | |
let g:auplugin_disable = 0 | |
endif | |
command! -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,auplugin#_complete AuLoad call s:load_plugin(<q-args>) | |
function! auplugin#_complete(arglead, cmdline, cursorpos)"{{{ | |
let list = split(globpath(&runtimepath, 'auplugin/*'), '\n') | |
let list += split(globpath(&runtimepath, 'bundle/*'), '\n') | |
let rtp = map(split(&runtimepath, ','), 'expand(v:val)') | |
call filter(list, 'index(rtp, v:val) < 0') | |
call map(list, 'fnamemodify(v:val, ":p:~")') | |
call map(list, 'substitute(v:val, "/$", "", "")') | |
return filter(list, 'stridx(v:val, a:arglead) == 0') | |
endfunction"}}} | |
" TODO: Load plugin at filetype detected. | |
function! auplugin#ftplugin(path, filetype) | |
endfunction | |
function! auplugin#command(path, command, ...) | |
let path = expand(a:path) | |
if g:auplugin_disable || (get(a:000, 0, 1) == 0) | |
call s:append_runtimepath(path) | |
return | |
else | |
" TODO: ロード済みの場合は何もしないで終了する | |
call s:remove_runtimepath(path) | |
endif | |
execute 'command! -nargs=*' a:command printf("call auplugin#_load_command('%s', '%s', <q-args>)", escape(path, "'"), a:command) | |
endfunction | |
function! auplugin#map(path, mode, mapping, ...) | |
let path = expand(a:path) | |
if g:auplugin_disable || (get(a:000, 0, 1) == 0) | |
call s:append_runtimepath(path) | |
return | |
else | |
call s:remove_runtimepath(path) | |
endif | |
let mode = a:mode | |
if mode ==# '' | |
let mode = 'nvo' | |
endif | |
" mode variable accepts array of n, v, o. | |
for mode in split(mode, '\zs') | |
if mapcheck(a:mapping, mode) ==# '' | |
execute mode.'noremap <silent>' a:mapping printf(":<C-u>call auplugin#_load_map('%s', '%s', '%s')<CR>", mode, escape(path, "'"), a:mapping) | |
endif | |
endfor | |
endfunction | |
function! auplugin#textobj(path, mapping) | |
let path = expand(a:path) | |
if g:auplugin_disable | |
call s:append_runtimepath(path) | |
return | |
else | |
call s:remove_runtimepath(path) | |
endif | |
call auplugin#map(path, 'vo', a:mapping) | |
" if mapcheck(a:mapping, 'v') ==# '' | |
" execute 'vnoremap' a:mapping printf(":<C-u>call auplugin#_load_map('%s', '%s', '%s')<CR>", 'v', escape(a:path, "'"), a:mapping) | |
" endif | |
" if mapcheck(a:mapping, 'o') ==# '' | |
" execute 'onoremap' a:mapping printf(":<C-u>call auplugin#_load_map('%s', '%s', '%s')<CR>", 'o', escape(a:path, "'"), a:mapping) | |
" endif | |
endfunction | |
" TODO: Support unite sources. | |
function! auplugin#_load_map(mode, path, mapping) | |
echo 'Load mapping:' a:mapping | |
" Consume input keys. | |
let input = s:consume_inputs() | |
" Clear pre-load mapping. | |
execute 'unmap' a:mapping | |
" Load plugin. | |
call s:load_plugin(a:path) | |
if a:mode ==# 'v' | |
call feedkeys('gv', 'n') | |
elseif a:mode ==# 'o' | |
" TODO: omap | |
" v:prevcount? | |
" Cancel waiting operator mode. | |
" call feedkeys("\<C-\\>\<C-n>", 'n') | |
call feedkeys("\<Esc>", 'n') | |
call feedkeys(v:operator, 'm') | |
endif | |
let mapping = substitute(a:mapping, '<Plug>', "\<Plug>", 'g') | |
call feedkeys(mapping . input, 'm') | |
endfunction | |
function! auplugin#_load_command(path, command, args) | |
echo 'Load command:' a:command | |
" Clear pre-load command. | |
execute 'delcommand' a:command | |
" Load plugin. | |
call s:load_plugin(a:path) | |
execute a:command a:args | |
endfunction | |
function! s:load_plugin(path) | |
let path = expand(a:path) | |
let path = substitute(path, '/$', '', '') | |
call s:append_runtimepath(path) | |
call s:source_plugin(path) | |
endfunction | |
function! s:append_runtimepath(path) | |
" TODO: g:auplugin_disable = 1 の時に起動時に連続してrtputil#appendを呼び出すと遅い。 | |
if exists('*rtputil#append') | |
call rtputil#append(a:path) | |
else | |
let path = fnameescape(expand(a:path)) | |
execute 'set runtimepath^=' . path | |
execute 'set runtimepath+=' . path . '/after' | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
function! s:remove_runtimepath(path) | |
let r = &runtimepath | |
let path = fnameescape(expand(a:path)) | |
execute 'set runtimepath-=' . path | |
execute 'set runtimepath-=' . path . '/after' | |
" If can't remove, retry with expanded runtimepath. | |
if r ==# &runtimepath | |
let list = map(split(&runtimepath, ','), 'expand(v:val)') " Substitute path separator. | |
call filter(list, 'stridx(v:val, a:path) != 0') " Remove path and path/after. | |
let &runtimepath = join(list, ',') | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
" function! s:rtp_rm(dir) | |
" execute 'set rtp-='.fnameescape(neobundle#util#expand(a:dir)) | |
" execute 'set rtp-='.fnameescape(neobundle#util#expand(a:dir.'/after')) | |
" endfunction | |
" | |
" function! s:rtp_add(dir) abort | |
" execute 'set rtp^='.fnameescape(neobundle#util#expand(a:dir)) | |
" execute 'set rtp+='.fnameescape(neobundle#util#expand(a:dir.'/after')) | |
" endfunction | |
function! s:source_plugin(path) | |
let files = split(globpath(a:path, 'ftdetect/**/*.vim'), '\n') | |
let files += split(globpath(a:path, 'after/ftdetect/**/*.vim'), '\n') | |
let files += split(globpath(a:path, 'plugin/**/*.vim'), '\n') | |
let files += split(globpath(a:path, 'after/plugin/**/*.vim'), '\n') | |
for file in files | |
source `=file` | |
endfor | |
endfunction | |
function! s:consume_inputs() | |
let input = '' | |
let termstr = "<M-_>" | |
call feedkeys(termstr, 'n') | |
while 1 | |
let input .= nr2char(getchar()) | |
let idx = stridx(input, termstr) | |
if idx >= 1 | |
let input = input[: idx - 1] | |
break | |
elseif idx == 0 | |
let input = '' | |
break | |
endif | |
endwhile | |
return input | |
endfunction |
textobj-user 専用関数もある。
call auplugin#textobj('~/.vim/bundle/vim-textobj-indent' , '(textobj-indent-' )
call auplugin#textobj('~/.vim/bundle/vim-textobj-indent', '<Plug>(textobj-indent-')
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vimrcに以下のように書けば :Calender を実行した時に自動ロードできる。