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Created February 20, 2024 08:49
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12. Integer to Roman
* Question Link:
class Solution {
enum Roman: Int, CaseIterable {
case I = 1
case IV = 4
case V = 5
case IX = 9
case X = 10
case XL = 40
case L = 50
case XC = 90
case C = 100
case CD = 400
case D = 500
case CM = 900
case M = 1000
func intToRoman(_ num: Int) -> String {
var num = num
var result = ""
var allCases = Roman.allCases
let allCasesReversed = allCases.reversed()
for r in allCasesReversed {
while num % r.rawValue != num && num > 0 {
result += "\(r)"
num -= r.rawValue
return result
Solution().intToRoman(3) == "III"
Solution().intToRoman(58) == "LVIII"
Solution().intToRoman(1994) == "MCMXCIV"
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