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#!groovy | |
# Best of Jenkinsfile | |
# `Jenkinsfile` is a groovy script DSL for defining CI/CD workflows for Jenkins | |
node { | |
} |
# Jenkinsfile | |
# Build and test a Maven project | |
node { | |
git url: 'https://github.com/user/repo.git' | |
def mvnHome = tool 'M3' | |
sh "${mvnHome}/bin/mvn -B -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore verify" | |
step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', testResults: | |
'**/target/foobar/TEST-*.xml']) | |
} |
# Jenkinsfile | |
# Verify a Maven project | |
node { | |
git url: 'https://github.com/user/repo.git' | |
def mvnHome = tool 'M3' | |
sh "${mvnHome}/bin/mvn -B verify" | |
} |
stage "unit test" | |
node { | |
git "[email protected]:michaelneale/oaks-trail-ride.git" | |
sh "echo unit test app" | |
} | |
stage "test on supported OSes" | |
parallel ( | |
windows: { node { | |
sh "echo building on windows now" | |
}}, | |
mac: { node { | |
sh "echo building on mac now" | |
}} |
node { | |
for (int i=0; i< 2; ++i) { | |
stage "Stage #"+i | |
print 'Hello, world $i!' | |
} | |
stage "Stage Parallel" | |
def branches = [:] | |
for (int i = 0; i < numHelloMessages.toInteger(); i++) { | |
branches["split${i}"] = { | |
stage "Stage parallel- #"+i | |
node('remote') { | |
echo 'Starting sleep' | |
sleep 10 | |
echo 'Finished sleep' | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
parallel branches | |
} |
Are we missing a closing )
from opening parallel (
in parallel-stage-2.groovy
For the parallel-stage.groovy
I get this:
ERROR: The ‘stage’ step must not be used inside a ‘parallel’ block.
Finished: FAILURE
Does it mean I have older or newer version?
@botchniaque , the error you're getting is due to a restriction recently introduced. It's not possible to use a stage
step inside a parallel block.
not a native speaker, so sorry for my poor english...
I was having some trouble with the parallel execution of your example and thought i could share my solution, in case somebody else stumbles upon this.
the insane restriction of no stages inside parallel (forcing us to go back to bash scripts for most tests, making the jenkins log significantly harder to read) has already been mentioned, but it hasn't been mentioned that the variable "i" inside the curly brakes isnt evaluated until the parallel execution - making it '3' in every single branch.
i solved it by using a method to create said command
def domains = ['leap42', 'opensuse13', 'sles12']
def executions = [:]
def create_execution(String dist) {
cmd = {
node {
sh "echo ${dist}"
return cmd
for(int i = 0; i < domains.size(); i++) {
executions[domains[i]] = create_execution(domains[i])
parallel executions
Thanks for this! Very useful.
Can someone tell me how to execute/run 'Jenkinsfile' when it's added as part of the project folder structure? Basically, I'm looking for a way where we can run this Jenkinsfile like how we execute docker from Dockerfile?
Are you asking how to run the Jenkinsfile on a local machine without jenkins?
@Headcult Dockerfiles can be run at the command line with a "docker build" command, but the Jenkinsfiles are not executed in this manner
When you commit and push your Jenkinsfile to your git repo (assuming you are using git, jenkins and the git plugin) then the Jenkins slave(s) will execute the steps in the Jenkinsfile for you. You will need to have configured a job pointing to the git repo and watching for changes first. Look at the Folders plugin and run Folder Computation in Jenkins - this will create a job for every branch which has a Jenkinsfile present in your repo, it's very useful!
(bonus tip: You can even setup your Jenkinsfile to run your docker build)
For the parallel case, reading the docs from Jenkins from "Jobs in Parallel," you should use:
node {
for (int i=0; i< 2; ++i) {
stage "Stage #"+i
print 'Hello, world $i!'
stage "Stage Parallel"
def branches = [:]
for (int i = 0; i < numHelloMessages.toInteger(); i++) {
def index = i
branches["split${i}"] = {
stage "Stage parallel- #"+index
node('remote') {
echo 'Starting sleep'
sleep 10
echo 'Finished sleep'
parallel branches
This will solve the issue of having i=4
for each iteration of the parallel loop.
Can you someone please help , That how can i deploy my 8 build artifact into the env server simultaneously via jenkins jobs through Deployit tool
Can anyone answer whether the examples with iteration actually work? JENKINS-26481 and this stack overflow indicate that loops of all kinds are broken
Hi guys, Can you give an example to pass parameters from one job to another job? (Pipeline project)
I have been stuck with this for a while now, kindly provide suggestions.
I'm trying the below, which did not work for me:(
Project Name: test2
node() {
stage 'pass params'
paramAValue = "paramAValue"
paramBValue = "paramBValue"
build job: 'test3', parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'ParamA', value: paramAValue], [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'ParamB', value: paramBValue]]
Project Name: test3
node() {
stage 'retrieve params'
print "${env.paramA}"
stage ('pass params') {
def paramAValue = "paramAValue"
Also try:
echo paramA not print "${env.paramA}"
The preferred method of getting job parameters is to use the "params" map.
So use echo params.paramA
Can someone please give an example of jenkins file which shows how to connect to jenkins slave and execute the shell scripts and python scripts residing in jenkins slave itself.
Hi! Mind if we pull some of these examples over into https://github.com/jenkinsci/workflow-examples? Thanks!