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Script to find the campaign extensions and shared lists used by a chosen template campaign, and apply them to all other campaigns.
* Extension and List Copying
* This script takes the ad extensions, shared campaign negative lists and excluded
* placement lists applied to one template campaign and applies them to all other
* campaigns that match the filters. Campaigns are then labelled.
* Version: 1.0
* Google AdWords Script maintained on
var campaignNameDoesNotContain = [];
// Use this if you want to exclude some campaigns.
// For example ["Display"] would ignore any campaigns with 'Display' in the name,
// while ["Display","Competitors"] would ignore any campaigns with 'Display' or
// 'Competitors' in the name. Case insensitive.
// Leave as [] to not exclude any campaigns.
var campaignNameContains = [];
// Use this if you only want to look at some campaigns.
// For example ["Brand"] would only look at campaigns with 'Brand' in the name,
// while ["Brand","Generic"] would only look at campaigns with 'Brand' or 'Generic'
// in the name. Case insensitive.
// Leave as [] to include all campaigns.
var ignorePausedCampaigns = false;
// Set this to true to only look at currently active campaigns.
// Set to false to also include campaigns that are currently paused.
// This is the name of the template campaign which has the correct lists already applied.
// All lists shared with this campaign will be shared with the other campaigns.
// Case sensitive!
var extensionsAndLists = ["sitelinks", "callouts", "reviews", "mobileApps", "phoneNumbers", "excludedPlacementLists", "negativeKeywordLists"];
// Which extensions and lists to copy.
// Possible values: "sitelinks", "callouts", "reviews", "mobileApps", "phoneNumbers",
// "excludedPlacementLists", "negativeKeywordLists"
// "mobileApps" are app extensions
// "phoneNumbers" are call extensions.
var labelName = "Extensions and shared lists done";
// Once a campaign has had all the lists added, it will be labelled with this.
function main() {
// Make sure the array of extensions and lists has entries,
// that they're all recognised extensions/lists,
// and that they're capitalised correctly
if (extensionsAndLists.length == 0) {
throw("No extension or list types entered. Please have at least one in the extensionsAndLists array.");
var allowedExtensionsAndLists = ["sitelinks", "callouts", "reviews", "mobileApps", "phoneNumbers", "excludedPlacementLists", "negativeKeywordLists"];
extensionsAndLists = checkListOfNames(allowedExtensionsAndLists, extensionsAndLists, "extension(s)/list(s)");
// Get the lists shared with the template campaign
var templateCampaigns = AdWordsApp.campaigns()
.withCondition('CampaignName = "' + campaignToCopy.replace(/"/g,'\\\"') + '"')
.withCondition("CampaignStatus IN [ENABLED, PAUSED]")
if (!templateCampaigns.hasNext()) {
throw("No template campaign called '" + campaignToCopy + "' found.");
// There should be precisely one campaign in the iterator, because there should be
// precisely one template campaign to look at. So we don't use a while loop, we just
// look at the first campaign in the iterator.
var templateCampaign =;
var objectsToAdd = [];
for (var i=0; i<extensionsAndLists.length; i++) {
if (extensionsAndLists[i] == "excludedPlacementLists" || extensionsAndLists[i] == "negativeKeywordLists") {
var iterator = templateCampaign[extensionsAndLists[i]]().get();
} else {
var iterator = templateCampaign.extensions()[extensionsAndLists[i]]().get();
objectsToAdd[i] = [];
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
var extension =
var totalObjectsToAdd = 0;
for (var i=0; i<extensionsAndLists.length; i++) {
Logger.log(objectsToAdd[i].length + " " + extensionsAndLists[i] + " found");
totalObjectsToAdd += objectsToAdd[i].length;
if (totalObjectsToAdd == 0) {
throw("No " + extensionsAndLists.join(", ") + " found to copy. Please check they are applied to template campaign '" + campaignToCopy + "'.");
// Get all the campaign IDs (based on campaignNameDoesNotContain, campaignNameContains
// and ignorePausedCampaigns options).
// This ignores labelling - if there are no campaigns it must be because the options
// are set incorrectly, so it throws an error.
var campaignIds = getCampaignIds();
// Find or create the campaign label
var labels = AdWordsApp.labels().withCondition("Name = '" + labelName + "'").get();
if (!labels.hasNext()) {
// If the label does not exist, we create it
labels = AdWordsApp.labels().withCondition("Name = '" + labelName + "'").get();
if (AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().isPreview() && !labels.hasNext()) {
// We can't create labels when previewing scripts, so if this is a preview run
// and the label still doesn't exist we use a dummy value for the ID
// (as we know nothing can be labelled with the non-existent label anyway)
var labelId = 0;
} else {
var labelId =;
var addMethod = {};
addMethod["sitelinks"] = "addSitelink";
addMethod["callouts"] = "addCallout";
addMethod["reviews"] = "addReview";
addMethod["mobileApps"] = "addMobileApp";
addMethod["phoneNumbers"] = "addPhoneNumber";
addMethod["excludedPlacementLists"] = "addExcludedPlacementList";
addMethod["negativeKeywordLists"] = "addNegativeKeywordList";
// Make an iterator of the campaigns that match the settings and are not labelled
var campaigns = AdWordsApp.campaigns()
.withCondition("CampaignId IN [" + campaignIds.join(",") + "]")
.withCondition("Labels CONTAINS_NONE [" + labelId + "]")
var campaignCount = 0;
// Go through each campaign and apply the lists
while (campaigns.hasNext()) {
var campaign =;
for (var i=0; i<extensionsAndLists.length; i++) { // Loop over the types of list
for (var j=0; j< objectsToAdd[i].length; j++) { // Loop over the lists to add
campaign[addMethod[extensionsAndLists[i]]](objectsToAdd[i][j]); // Add the list
campaign.applyLabel(labelName); // Label the campaign now the lists have been applied
if (campaignCount%100 == 0) {
Logger.log("Applied lists to " + campaignCount + " campaigns so far");
if (campaignCount == 0) {
Logger.log(campaignIds.length + " campaigns match the settings, but all were labelled with '" + labelName + "'. This suggests the extensions/lists have been applied to everything.");
} else {
Logger.log("Finished. Extensions/lists applied to " + campaignCount + " campaigns.");
// Get the IDs of campaigns which match the given options
function getCampaignIds() {
var whereStatement = "WHERE ";
var whereStatementsArray = [];
var campaignIds = [];
if (ignorePausedCampaigns) {
whereStatement += "CampaignStatus = ENABLED ";
} else {
whereStatement += "CampaignStatus IN ['ENABLED','PAUSED'] ";
for (var i=0; i<campaignNameDoesNotContain.length; i++) {
whereStatement += "AND CampaignName DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_IGNORE_CASE '" + campaignNameDoesNotContain[i].replace(/"/g,'\\\"') + "' ";
if (campaignNameContains.length == 0) {
whereStatementsArray = [whereStatement];
} else {
for (var i=0; i<campaignNameContains.length; i++) {
whereStatementsArray.push(whereStatement + 'AND CampaignName CONTAINS_IGNORE_CASE "' + campaignNameContains[i].replace(/"/g,'\\\"') + '" ');
for (var i=0; i<whereStatementsArray.length; i++) {
var adTextReport =
"SELECT CampaignId " +
whereStatementsArray[i] +
var rows = adTextReport.rows();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
if (campaignIds.length == 0) {
throw("No campaigns found with the given settings.");
return campaignIds;
// Verify that all field names are valid, and return a deduped list of them
// with the correct capitalisation
function checkListOfNames(allowedFields, givenFields,fieldName) {
var allowedFieldsLowerCase = (str){return str.toLowerCase()});
var wantedFields = {};
var unrecognisedFields = [];
for (var i=0; i<givenFields.length; i++) {
var fieldIndex = allowedFieldsLowerCase.indexOf(givenFields[i].toLowerCase().replace(" ","").trim());
if (fieldIndex === -1) {
// Try with an 's' on the end
fieldIndex = allowedFieldsLowerCase.indexOf(givenFields[i].toLowerCase().replace(" ","").trim() + "s");
if(fieldIndex === -1){
} else {
wantedFields[allowedFields[fieldIndex]] = true;
if (unrecognisedFields.length > 0) {
throw unrecognisedFields.length + " " + fieldName + " not recognised: '" + unrecognisedFields.join("', '") +
"'. Please choose from '" + allowedFields.join("', '") + "'.";
return Object.keys(wantedFields);
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