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Created February 17, 2020 02:38
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Simple backup script
Function runBackup()
Dim fileName, folderToBackup, fileToBackupTo, currentDate, fileExtensions, eachFileWrite, totalFileWrite
currentDate = DAY(date()) & "." & Month(date()) & "." & YEAR(Date())
fileName = "uTorrent " & currentDate & ".zip" 'File name; leave everything from the first "&" onwards
folderToBackup = "C:\Users\mlevit\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent" ' Location you wish to backup
fileExtensions = array("dat", "old") 'Specify which extensions you wish to backup on (i.e. leave as "array()" if you want the entire folder)
totalFileWrite = 2500
Dim fileSystem, fileObject, getFile
set fileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not fileSystem.FolderExists(folderToBackup) Then
End If
set fileToBackupTo = fileSystem.GetFile(fileName)
If Not fileSystem.FileExists(fileName) Then
End if
Dim shellApp, zipFile, folderToZip
set shellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
set zipFile = shellApp.NameSpace(fileSystem.GetAbsolutePathName(".") & "\" & fileName)
set folderToZip = shellApp.NameSpace(folderToBackup)
'If file extensions were specified, then run chekc
if (ubound(fileExtensions) > 0) Then
'Loops through each file in the folder
For Each file In folderToZip.Items
'Loops through all the file extensions specified above
For Each extension In fileExtensions
'Looks for a matching file extension within each file name
if (checkFileExtension(fileSystem.GetExtensionName(file), extension)) Then
newZipFileSize = 0
While (newZipFileSize < fileToBackupTo.Size)
newZipFileSize = fileToBackupTo.Size
WScript.Sleep 10000
Exit For
End If
End If
WScript.Sleep totalFileWrite
MsgBox "Backup has finished." & chr(13) & "A new file was created: " & fileName, 48, "Backup Completed"
End Function
Function checkFileExtension(fileExtension, extension)
If (StrComp(fileExtension,extension, 1) = 0) Then
checkFileExtension = true
checkFileExtension = false
End If
End Function
Function gotoError(errNumber)
Select Case errNumber
Case 1000
MsgBox "The folder you are trying to backup does not exist.", 16, "Missing Folder"
Case 1001
MsgBox "Could not create the .zip file for backup.", 16, "ZIP FIle"
End Select
End Function
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