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Created May 21, 2022 08:51
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Binary numbers with N digits and k 1s
// You are trying to figure out how many binary numbers there are that have N digits and k 1s, and are multiples of 3. Binary numbers that have N digits also include ones that start with 0.
// Suppose that N = 3 and K = 2. Binary numbers with three digits in this case include the following: 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, and 111--8 binary numbers in total. Among these numbers, the ones that have two 1s are 011, 101, and 110. Among these three numbers, two--011 and 110--are multiples of 3.
// Suppose parameters N and K are given, where N represents the number of digits of the given binary number(s) and K the number of 1s in these binary numbers. Please write a function solution that returns the number of binary numbers that have N digits and k 1s and are multiples of 3
// Constraints
// N is a natural number between 1 and 50.
// K is a natural number between 1 and N.
// Examples
// N K result
// 3 2 2
// 4 2 4
// 6 3 2
// Example #1
// Demonstrated in the prompt above.
// Example #2
// The binary numbers that have two 1s and 4 digits and are multiples of 3 are 0011, 0110, 1001, and 1100--4 in total.
// Example #3
// The binary numbers that have three 1s and 6 digits and are multiples of 3 are 101010 and 010101--two.
// -----
Swift 4 program for
Generate all the binary strings of N bits
class BinaryText
func solution(_ record: String, _ start: Int, _ last: Int) -> [String]
if (start == last)
return [record];
// Find result using recursion
let binaryNumber1 = self.solution(record + String("0"), start + 1, last);
let binaryNumber2 = self.solution(record + String("1"), start + 1, last);
return binaryNumber1 + binaryNumber2;
func binaryString(_ n: Int) -> [String]
// N indicate digit in binary
if (n <= 0)
return [];
// print(" Digit : ", n ," ");
let binaryNumber: [String] = self.solution("", 0, n);
return binaryNumber
func main(_ n: Int,_ k: Int)
let task: BinaryText = BinaryText();
var array: [String] = task.binaryString(n);
array = array.filter({
$0.components(separatedBy:"1").count - 1 == k
array = array.filter({
Int($0, radix: 2)! % 3 == 0
main(3, 2);
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