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Created July 14, 2018 15:22
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Prometheus exporter for RTX1200
lua /rtx1200_exporter.lua
show status lua
-- vim:fenc=cp932
tcp = rt.socket.tcp()
tcp:setoption("reuseaddr", true)
res, err = tcp:bind("*", 9100)
if not res and err then
rt.syslog("NOTICE", err)
res, err = tcp:listen()
if not res and err then
rt.syslog("NOTICE", err)
while 1 do
control = assert(tcp:accept())
raddr, rport = control:getpeername()
ok, err = pcall(function ()
-- get request line
request, err, partial = control:receive()
if err then error(err) end
-- get request headers
while 1 do
header, err, partial = control:receive()
if err then error(err) end
if header == "" then
-- end of headers
-- just ignore headers
if string.find(request, "GET /metrics ") == 1 then
sent, err = control:send(
"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"..
"Connection: close\r\n"..
"Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"..
"# Collecting metrics...\n"
if err then error(err) end
ok, result = rt.command("show environment")
if not ok then error("command failed") end
cpu5sec, cpu1min, cpu5min, memused = string.match(result, /CPU:\s*(\d+)%\(5sec\)\s*(\d+)%\(1min\)\s*(\d+)%\(5min\)\s*メモリ:\s*(\d+)% used/)
temperature = string.match(result, /筐体内温度\(.*\): (\d+)/)
sent, err = control:send(
"# TYPE yrhCpuUtil5sec gauge\n"..
$"yrhCpuUtil5sec ${cpu5sec}\n"..
"# TYPE yrhCpuUtil1min gauge\n"..
$"yrhCpuUtil1min ${cpu1min}\n"..
"# TYPE yrhCpuUtil5min gauge\n"..
$"yrhCpuUtil5min ${cpu5min}\n"..
"# TYPE yrhInboxTemperature gauge\n"..
$"yrhInboxTemperature ${temperature}\n"..
"# TYPE yrhMemoryUtil gauge\n"..
$"yrhMemoryUtil ${memused}\n"
if err then error(err) end
sent, err = control:send(
"# TYPE ifOutOctets counter\n"..
"# TYPE ifInOctets counter\n"
if err then error(err) end
for n = 1, 3 do
ok, result = rt.command($"show status lan${n}")
if not ok then error("command failed") end
txpackets, txoctets = string.match(result, /送信パケット:\s*(\d+)\s*パケット\((\d+)\s*オクテット\)/)
rxpackets, rxoctets = string.match(result, /受信パケット:\s*(\d+)\s*パケット\((\d+)\s*オクテット\)/)
sent, err = control:send(
$"ifOutOctets{if=\"${n}\"} ${txoctets}\n"..
$"ifInOctets{if=\"${n}\"} ${rxoctets}\n"..
$"ifOutPkts{if=\"${n}\"} ${txpackets}\n"..
$"ifInPkts{if=\"${n}\"} ${rxpackets}\n"
if err then error(err) end
ok, result = rt.command("show ip connection summary")
v4session, v4channel = string.match(result, /Total Session: (\d+)\s+Total Channel:\s*(\d+)/)
ok, result = rt.command("show ipv6 connection summary")
v6session, v6channel = string.match(result, /Total Session: (\d+)\s+Total Channel:\s*(\d+)/)
sent, err = control:send(
"# TYPE ipSession counter\n"..
$"ipSession{proto=\"v4\"} ${v4session}\n"..
$"ipSession{proto=\"v6\"} ${v6session}\n"..
"# TYPE ipChannel counter\n"..
$"ipChannel{proto=\"v4\"} ${v4channel}\n"..
$"ipChannel{proto=\"v6\"} ${v6channel}\n"
if err then error(err) end
elseif string.find(request, "GET / ") == 1 then
sent, err = control:send(
"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"..
"Connection: close\r\n"..
"Content-Type: text/html\r\n"..
"<!DOCTYPE html><title>RTX1200 Prometheus exporter</title><p><a href='/metrics'>/metrics</a>"
sent, err = control:send(
"HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found\r\n"..
"Connection: close\r\n"..
"Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"..
"Not Found"
if err then error(err) end
if not ok then
rt.syslog("INFO", "failed to response " .. err)
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