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Created December 13, 2012 15:43
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mcc mnc data from wikipedia
# modified
require 'uri'
require 'cgi'
require 'net/http'
require 'openssl'
def request(url, params = {}, klass = Net::HTTP::Get, pem_filecontent = nil)
uri = uri.kind_of?(URI::Generic) ? url : URI.parse(url)
if klass == Net::HTTP::Get && (!params.empty?)
uri.query = [uri.query, URI.encode_www_form(params.stringify_keys)].reject(&:blank?).join('&')
http =, uri.port)
if uri.scheme == 'https'
http.use_ssl = true
if pem_filecontent.blank?
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
http.cert =
http.key =
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
request =
if klass != Net::HTTP::Get && (!params.empty?)
# end
require 'nokogiri'
require 'json'
html = ARGV.first ? = ARGV.shift) : request("").body
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
result = doc.css("table tr th:contains('MCC')").collect {|th| th.parent.parent }.inject({}) do |sum, table|
country_name, *parts = table.previous_element.css('.mw-headline').inner_text.split(/\s+\-\s+/)
country_code = parts.pop
country_name = [country_name, *parts].join(' - ')
puts [country_code, country_name].inspect
headers = table.css('tr').first.css('th').collect &:inner_text
records = table.css('tr')[1..-1].collect {|tr|
row = tr.css('td').collect &:inner_text{}) {|sum,(k,v)| sum.merge(k => v) }
country_name => {
code: country_code,
operators: records,
end; nil # irb
open("mcc_mnc.json", "wb") {|f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(result)) }
"National operators": {
"code": null,
"operators": [
"MCC": "001",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "TEST",
"Operator": "Test Network",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Used by GSM test equipment"
"Abkhazia": {
"code": "AB",
"operators": [
"MCC": "289",
"MNC": "67",
"Brand": "Aquafon",
"Operator": "Aquafon",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "289",
"MNC": "88",
"Brand": "A-Mobile",
"Operator": "A-Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"Afghanistan": {
"code": "AF",
"operators": [
"MCC": "412",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "AWCC",
"Operator": "Afghan Wireless Communication Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[1] TSI"
"MCC": "412",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "Roshan",
"Operator": "Telecom Development Company Afghanistan Ltd.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "412",
"MNC": "40",
"Brand": "MTN",
"Operator": "MTN Group Afghanistan",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800/ UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "412",
"MNC": "50",
"Brand": "Etisalat",
"Operator": "Etisalat Afghanistan",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 /UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"Albania": {
"code": "AL",
"operators": [
"MCC": "276",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "AMC",
"Operator": "Albanian Mobile Communications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[2]"
"MCC": "276",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone Albania",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "276",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Eagle Mobile",
"Operator": "Eagle Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "276",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Plus Communication",
"Operator": "Plus Communication",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"Algeria": {
"code": "DZ",
"operators": [
"MCC": "603",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Mobilis",
"Operator": "ATM Mobilis",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[3]"
"MCC": "603",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Djezzy",
"Operator": "Orascom Telecom Algerie Spa",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "603",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Nedjma",
"Operator": "Wataniya Telecom Algerie",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"American Samoa (United States of America)": {
"code": "AS",
"operators": [
"MCC": "544",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "Bluesky",
"Operator": "Bluesky",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": ""
"Andorra": {
"code": "AD",
"operators": [
"MCC": "213",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Mobiland",
"Operator": "Servei De Tele. DAndorra",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[4]"
"Angola": {
"code": "AO",
"operators": [
"MCC": "631",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "UNITEL",
"Operator": "UNITEL S.a.r.l.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[5]"
"MCC": "631",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "MOVICEL",
"Operator": "MOVICEL Telecommunications S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 900",
"References and notes": "[5]"
"Anguilla (United Kingdom)": {
"code": "AI",
"operators": [
"MCC": "365",
"MNC": "010",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Weblinks Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "365",
"MNC": "840",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Cable & Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": ""
"Antigua and Barbuda": {
"code": "AG",
"operators": [
"MCC": "344",
"MNC": "030",
"Brand": "APUA",
"Operator": "Antigua Public Utilities Authority",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "[6]"
"MCC": "344",
"MNC": "920",
"Brand": "LIME",
"Operator": "Cable & Wireless Caribbean Cellular (Antigua) Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1800/ GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "344",
"MNC": "050",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "Antigua Wireless Ventures Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"Argentina": {
"code": "AR",
"operators": [
"MCC": "722",
"MNC": "010",
"Brand": "Movistar",
"Operator": "Telefónica Móviles Argentina S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "722",
"MNC": "020",
"Brand": "Nextel",
"Operator": "NII Holdings",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "iDEN 800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "722",
"MNC": "040",
"Brand": "Globalstar",
"Operator": "TE.SA.M Argentina S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "722",
"MNC": "070",
"Brand": "Movistar",
"Operator": "Telefónica Móviles Argentina S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "[7]"
"MCC": "722",
"MNC": "310",
"Brand": "Claro",
"Operator": "AMX Argentina S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "722",
"MNC": "320",
"Brand": "Claro",
"Operator": "AMX Argentina S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "722",
"MNC": "330",
"Brand": "Claro",
"Operator": "AMX Argentina S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "722",
"MNC": "340",
"Brand": "Personal",
"Operator": "Telecom Personal S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "722",
"MNC": "350",
"Brand": "PORT-HABLE",
"Operator": "Hutchison Telecommunications Argentina S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"Armenia": {
"code": "AM",
"operators": [
"MCC": "283",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Beeline",
"Operator": "ArmenTel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "283",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "VivaCell-MTS",
"Operator": "K Telecom CJSC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "283",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / UMTS 900",
"References and notes": ""
"Aruba (Kingdom of the Netherlands)": {
"code": "AW",
"operators": [
"MCC": "363",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "SETAR",
"Operator": "Servicio di Telecomunicacion di Aruba",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1900 / TDMA 800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "363",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / HSPA+ 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Australia": {
"code": "AU",
"operators": [
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Telstra",
"Operator": "Telstra Corporation Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Optus",
"Operator": "Singtel Optus Proprietary Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone Hutchison Australia Proprietary Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Department of Defence",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": "Private network, utilizing secure frequencies."
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Ozitel",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": "Brand was taken over by Telstra."
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "3",
"Operator": "Vodafone Hutchison Australia Proprietary Limited",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Vodafone Hutchison Australia and Telstra ended their network sharing agreement on 31 August 2012. The 3TELSTRA network was shut down on this date."
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "One.Tel",
"Operator": "One.Tel Limited",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Brand was dissolved."
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "Airnet",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": "No longer provide mobile services."
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "3",
"Operator": "Vodafone Hutchison Australia Proprietary Limited",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Vodafone Hutchison Australia and Telstra ended their network sharing agreement on 31 August 2012. The 3TELSTRA network was shut down on this date."
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "13",
"Brand": "Railcorp",
"Operator": "Rail Corporation New South Wales",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "For internal use by Railcorp Digital Train Radio System."
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "14",
"Brand": "AAPT",
"Operator": "Telecom New Zealand",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Wholesale from Vodafone Hutchison Australia"
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "15",
"Brand": "3GIS",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": "Taken over by Vodafone."
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "16",
"Brand": "Victorian Rail Track",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Digital Train Radio System. Starting to be seen."
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "21",
"Brand": "SOUL",
"Operator": "TPG Telecom Limited",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": "Also known as Total Peripherals Group."
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "24",
"Brand": "Advance Communications Technologies Pty. Ltd.",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "26",
"Brand": "Dialogue Communications Pty. Ltd.",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "38",
"Brand": "Crazy John's",
"Operator": "Vodafone Hutchison Australia Proprietary Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Some existing customers - wholesale from Telstra/all new and some existing from Vodafone Hutchison Australia."
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "62,68",
"Brand": "NBN",
"Operator": "National Broadband Network Co.",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "71",
"Brand": "Telstra",
"Operator": "Telstra Corporation Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "72",
"Brand": "Telstra",
"Operator": "Telstra Corporation Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "88",
"Brand": "Localstar Holding Pty. Ltd.",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": "Globalstar Satellite (no longer in service, locally)."
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "90",
"Brand": "Optus",
"Operator": "Singtel Optus Proprietary Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "99",
"Brand": "One.Tel",
"Operator": "One.Tel",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Brand was dissolved. Rail operators purchased 1800 spectrum."
"Austria": {
"code": "AT [8]",
"operators": [
"MCC": "232",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "A1 TA",
"Operator": "A1 Telekom Austria",
"Status": "Operational network",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM/UMTS/LTE",
"References and notes": "former Mobilkom / PTA"
"MCC": "232",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "A1 TA",
"Operator": "A1 Telekom Austria",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "232",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "T-Mobile AT",
"Operator": "T-Mobile Austria",
"Status": "Operational network",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM/UMTS/LTE",
"References and notes": "former Max.Mobil"
"MCC": "232",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Orange AT",
"Operator": "Orange Austria",
"Status": "Operational network",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM/UMTS",
"References and notes": "former One / Connect"
"MCC": "232",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Orange AT",
"Operator": "Orange Austria",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "232",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "tele.ring",
"Operator": "T-Mobile Austria",
"Status": "SIM only",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": "brand of T-Mobile"
"MCC": "232",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "A1 TA",
"Operator": "A1 Telekom Austria",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": "former Tele2Mobil"
"MCC": "232",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "3AT",
"Operator": "Hutchison 3G",
"Status": "Operational network",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS/LTE",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "232",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "bob",
"Operator": "A1 Telekom Austria",
"Status": "SIM only",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": "brand of A1 TA"
"MCC": "232",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "yesss!",
"Operator": "yesss",
"Status": "SIM only",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": "Reseller of Orange"
"MCC": "232",
"MNC": "14",
"Brand": "3AT",
"Operator": "Hutchison 3G",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "232",
"MNC": "15",
"Brand": "Barablu",
"Operator": "Barablu Mobile Ltd.",
"Status": "SIM only",
"Bands (MHz)": "-",
"References and notes": "MVNO of A1 TA"
"MCC": "232",
"MNC": "16",
"Brand": "3",
"Operator": "Hutchison 3G",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "232",
"MNC": "91",
"Brand": "GSM-R A",
"Operator": "ÖBB",
"Status": "Operational network",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM-R",
"References and notes": "railways communications"
"Azerbaijan": {
"code": "AZ",
"operators": [
"MCC": "400",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Azercell",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800/ UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[9]"
"MCC": "400",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Bakcell",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800/ UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "400",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "FONEX",
"Operator": "CATEL",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "400",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Nar Mobile",
"Operator": "Azerfon",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Bahamas": {
"code": "BS",
"operators": [
"MCC": "364",
"MNC": "39",
"Brand": "BaTelCo",
"Operator": "The Bahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS 850",
"References and notes": "[10]"
"Bahrain": {
"code": "BH",
"operators": [
"MCC": "426",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Batelco",
"Operator": "Bahrain Telecommunications Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "426",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "zain BH",
"Operator": "Zain Bahrain",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "426",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "VIVA",
"Operator": "Viva Bahrain",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[11]"
"MCC": "426",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Batelco",
"Operator": "Bahrain Telecommunications Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Special use only (VIP)."
"Bangladesh": {
"code": "BD",
"operators": [
"MCC": "470",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Grameenphone",
"Operator": "GrameenPhone Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900/ GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "470",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Robi",
"Operator": "Axiata Bangladesh Ltd.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Formerly Aktel [12]"
"MCC": "470",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Banglalink",
"Operator": "Orascom Telecom Holding",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900/ GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "470",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "TeleTalk",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "470",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Citycell",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "470",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "Airtel formerly Warid Telcom",
"Operator": "Bharti airtel Bangladesh Ltd.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Now Airtel"
"Barbados": {
"code": "BB",
"operators": [
"MCC": "342",
"MNC": "600",
"Brand": "LIME",
"Operator": "LIME (formerly known as Cable & Wireless)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "[13]"
"MCC": "342",
"MNC": "750",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "Digicel (Barbados) Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "342",
"MNC": "820",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Sunbeach Communications",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"Belarus": {
"code": "BY",
"operators": [
"MCC": "257",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "velcom",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "257",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "MTS",
"Operator": "Mobile TeleSystems",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "257",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "DIALLOG",
"Operator": "BelCel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "257",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "life:)",
"Operator": "Belarussian Telecommunications Network",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former BeST"
"MCC": "257",
"MNC": "501",
"Brand": "BelCel JV",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"Belgium": {
"code": "BE",
"operators": [
"MCC": "206",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Proximus",
"Operator": "Belgacom Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / UMTS 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "206",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Telenet",
"Operator": "Telenet",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": "MVNO using Mobistar's Network [14]"
"MCC": "206",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Mobistar",
"Operator": "France Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "206",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "BASE",
"Operator": "KPN",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Belize": {
"code": "BZ",
"operators": [
"MCC": "702",
"MNC": "67",
"Brand": "DigiCell",
"Operator": "Belize Telemedia",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "702",
"MNC": "99",
"Brand": "Smart",
"Operator": "SpeedNet Communications Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000",
"References and notes": null
"Benin": {
"code": "BJ",
"operators": [
"MCC": "616",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Libercom",
"Operator": "Benin Telecoms Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "616",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Moov",
"Operator": "Telecel Benin",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "EtiSalat / Atlantique Telecom/Moov"
"MCC": "616",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "MTN",
"Operator": "Spacetel Benin",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Former BeninCell, Areeba"
"MCC": "616",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "BBCOM",
"Operator": "Bell Benin Communications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[15]"
"MCC": "616",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Glo",
"Operator": "Glo Communication Benin",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "616",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "BLK",
"Operator": "BLK Communication Benin",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"Bermuda": {
"code": "BM",
"operators": [
"MCC": "350",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Digicel Bermuda",
"Operator": "Telecommunications (Bermuda & West Indies) Ltd",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "350",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Mobility",
"Operator": "M3 Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "338",
"MNC": "050",
"Brand": "Digicel Bermuda",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "59",
"Brand": "Cellular One",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000",
"References and notes": null
"Bhutan": {
"code": "BT",
"operators": [
"MCC": "402",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "B-Mobile",
"Operator": "B-Mobile / Bhutan Telecom Ltd.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "402",
"MNC": "77",
"Brand": "TashiCell",
"Operator": "Tashi InfoComm Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"Bolivia": {
"code": "BO",
"operators": [
"MCC": "736",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Nuevatel",
"Operator": "Nuevatel PCS De Bolivia SA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "[16]"
"MCC": "736",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Entel",
"Operator": "Entel SA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "736",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Tigo",
"Operator": "Telefónica Celular De Bolivia S.A",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": "Aka. Telecel Bolivia"
"Bosnia and Herzegovina": {
"code": "BA",
"operators": [
"MCC": "218",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "HT-ERONET",
"Operator": "Public Enterprise Croatian Telecom Ltd.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[17]"
"MCC": "218",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "m:tel",
"Operator": "RS Telecommunications JSC Banja Luka",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Mobilna Srpske"
"MCC": "218",
"MNC": "90",
"Brand": "BH Mobile",
"Operator": "BH Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Botswana": {
"code": "BW",
"operators": [
"MCC": "652",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Mascom",
"Operator": "Mascom Wireless (Pty) Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[18]"
"MCC": "652",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Orange (Botswana) Pty Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "formerly Vista Cellular [19]"
"MCC": "652",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "BTC Mobile",
"Operator": "Botswana Telecommunications Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[20]"
"Brazil": {
"code": "BR",
"operators": [
"MCC": "724",
"MNC": "00",
"Brand": "Nextel",
"Operator": "NII Holdings, Inc.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "IDEN 850",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "724",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "TIM",
"Operator": "Telecom Italia Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "724",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "TIM",
"Operator": "Telecom Italia Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "724",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "TIM",
"Operator": "Telecom Italia Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "724",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Claro BR",
"Operator": "Claro",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "724",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Vivo",
"Operator": "Vivo S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850/900/1800/1900 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "724",
"MNC": "055",
"Brand": "Sercomtel",
"Operator": "Sercomtel Celular",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "724",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Vivo",
"Operator": "Vivo S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850/900/1800/1900 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "724",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "Vivo",
"Operator": "Vivo S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850/900/1800/1900 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "724",
"MNC": "15",
"Brand": "CTBC Celular",
"Operator": "CTBC Celular S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900/1800 UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100mhz",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "724",
"MNC": "16",
"Brand": "Brasil Telecom GSM",
"Operator": "Brasil Telecom GSM",
"Status": "Phasing out",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Oi acquired Brasil Telecom and its mobile operations. It provides Brasil Telecom SIM Cards for existing consumers while they don't migrate to the Oi service plans, as required by consumer law."
"MCC": "724",
"MNC": "23",
"Brand": "Vivo",
"Operator": "Vivo S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850/900/1800/1900 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "724",
"MNC": "31",
"Brand": "Oi",
"Operator": "TNL PCS",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "724",
"MNC": "32",
"Brand": "CTBC Celular",
"Operator": "CTBC Celular S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900/1800 UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100mhz",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "724",
"MNC": "33",
"Brand": "CTBC Celular",
"Operator": "CTBC Celular S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900/1800 UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100mhz",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "724",
"MNC": "34",
"Brand": "CTBC Celular",
"Operator": "CTBC Celular S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900/1800 UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100mhz",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "724",
"MNC": "39",
"Brand": "Nextel",
"Operator": "NII Holdings, Inc.",
"Status": "Deploying",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"British Virgin Islands (United Kingdom)": {
"code": "VG",
"operators": [
"MCC": "348",
"MNC": "170",
"Brand": "LIME",
"Operator": "Cable & Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / HSPA+ (4G) 850/1900",
"References and notes": "[21]"
"MCC": "348",
"MNC": "570",
"Brand": "CCT Boatphone",
"Operator": "Caribbean Cellular Telephone",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "348",
"MNC": "770",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "Digicel (BVI) Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "[22]"
"Brunei": {
"code": "BN",
"operators": [
"MCC": "528",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Jabatan Telekom Brunei",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "528",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "B-Mobile",
"Operator": "B-Mobile Communications Sdn Bhd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[23]"
"MCC": "528",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "DSTCom",
"Operator": "Data Stream Technology",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"Bulgaria": {
"code": "BG",
"operators": [
"MCC": "284",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "M-Tel",
"Operator": "Mobiltel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "284",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Vivacom",
"Operator": "BTC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former Vivatel"
"MCC": "284",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Undisclosed",
"Operator": "Undisclosed",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Purchased on 22 Jul 2010. Pending formal announcement."
"MCC": "284",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "GLOBUL",
"Operator": "Cosmo Bulgaria Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Burkina Faso": {
"code": "BF",
"operators": [
"MCC": "613",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Telmob",
"Operator": "Onatel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[4]"
"MCC": "613",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Airtel",
"Operator": "Airtel Burkina Faso",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Previously Zain/Celtel.[24]"
"MCC": "613",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Telecel Faso",
"Operator": "Telecel Faso SA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[5]"
"Burundi": {
"code": "BI",
"operators": [
"MCC": "642",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Spacetel",
"Operator": "Econet Wireless Burundi PLC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[25]"
"MCC": "642",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Africell",
"Operator": "Africell PLC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Was Safaris"
"MCC": "642",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Onatel",
"Operator": "Onatel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "642",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "Smart Mobile",
"Operator": "LACELL SU",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "642",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "HiTs Telecom",
"Operator": "HiTs Telecom",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM ???",
"References and notes": "[26]"
"MCC": "642",
"MNC": "82",
"Brand": "Leo Orascom",
"Operator": "Orascom Telecom (a subsidiary of Vimplecom)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "formerly Telecel, then U-COM Burundi [27]"
"Cambodia": {
"code": "KH",
"operators": [
"MCC": "456",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Mobitel",
"Operator": "CamGSM",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "456",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "hello",
"Operator": "Telekom Malaysia International (Cambodia) Co. Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "456",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "S Telecom",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "456",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "qb",
"Operator": "Cambodia Advance Communications Co. Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "aka CADCOMMS"
"MCC": "456",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Star-Cell",
"Operator": "APPLIFONE CO. LTD.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "456",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Smart Mobile",
"Operator": "Latelz Co., Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "456",
"MNC": "18",
"Brand": "Mfone",
"Operator": "Camshin / Shinawatra",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "456",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "Excell",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "456",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "Beeline",
"Operator": "Sotelco Ltd.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "456",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "Metfone",
"Operator": "Viettel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"Cameroon": {
"code": "CM",
"operators": [
"MCC": "624",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "MTN Cameroon",
"Operator": "Mobile Telephone Network Cameroon Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[28]"
"MCC": "624",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Orange Cameroun S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Canada": {
"code": "CA",
"operators": [
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "220",
"Brand": "Telus",
"Operator": "Koodo Mobility and Telus Mobility",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": "Used in IMSI to identify Telus subscribers on shared network 302-880"
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "221",
"Brand": "Telus",
"Operator": "Telus Mobility",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "270",
"Brand": "unknown",
"Operator": "EastLink",
"Status": "Testing",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 1700",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "290",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Airtel Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "iDEN 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "320",
"Brand": "Mobilicity",
"Operator": "DAVE Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 1700",
"References and notes": "May 2010"
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "350",
"Brand": "FIRST",
"Operator": "FIRST Networks Operations",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": "March 2008"
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "360",
"Brand": "MiKe",
"Operator": "Telus Mobility",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "iDEN 800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "361",
"Brand": "Telus",
"Operator": "Telus Mobility",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800 / CDMA2000 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "370",
"Brand": "Fido",
"Operator": "Fido Solutions (Rogers Wireless)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": "former Microcell Telecommunications"
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "380",
"Brand": "DMTS",
"Operator": "Dryden Mobility",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "490",
"Brand": "WIND Mobile",
"Operator": "Globalive Communications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 1700",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "500",
"Brand": "Videotron",
"Operator": "Videotron",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 1700",
"References and notes": "[29]"
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "510",
"Brand": "Videotron",
"Operator": "Videotron",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 1700",
"References and notes": "[29]"
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "610",
"Brand": "Bell",
"Operator": "Bell Mobility",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": "Used in IMSI to identify Bell subscribers on shared network 302-880"
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "610",
"Brand": "Bell",
"Operator": "Virgin Mobile Canada",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": "Used in IMSI to identify Bell subscribers on shared network 302-880"
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "620",
"Brand": "ICE Wireless",
"Operator": "ICE Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "640",
"Brand": "Bell",
"Operator": "Bell Mobility",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800 / CDMA2000 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "652",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "BC Tel Mobility (Telus)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "653",
"Brand": "Telus",
"Operator": "Telus Mobility",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800 / CDMA2000 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "655",
"Brand": "MTS",
"Operator": "MTS Mobility",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800 / CDMA2000 1900",
"References and notes": "former Manitoba Telephone System"
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "656",
"Brand": "TBay",
"Operator": "Thunder Bay Telephone Mobility",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "657",
"Brand": "Telus",
"Operator": "Telus Mobility",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800 / CDMA2000 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "660",
"Brand": "MTS",
"Operator": "MTS Mobility",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "680",
"Brand": "SaskTel",
"Operator": "SaskTel Mobility",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800 / CDMA2000 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "701",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "MB Tel Mobility",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "702",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "MT&T Mobility (Aliant)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "703",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "New Tel Mobility (Aliant)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "710",
"Brand": "Globalstar",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "720",
"Brand": "Rogers Wireless",
"Operator": "Rogers Communications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": "former Rogers AT&T Wireless"
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "780",
"Brand": "SaskTel",
"Operator": "SaskTel Mobility",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "302",
"MNC": "880",
"Brand": "Bell / Telus / SaskTel",
"Operator": "Shared Telus, Bell, and SaskTel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": null
"Cape Verde": {
"code": "CV",
"operators": [
"MCC": "625",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "CVMOVEL",
"Operator": "CVMovel, S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "625",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "T+",
"Operator": "T+",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Cayman Islands (United Kingdom)": {
"code": "KY",
"operators": [
"MCC": "346",
"MNC": "140",
"Brand": "LIME",
"Operator": "Cable & Wireless (Cayman Islands) Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "[30]"
"MCC": "346",
"MNC": "050",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "Digicel Cayman Ltd.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"Central African Republic": {
"code": "CF",
"operators": [
"MCC": "623",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "CTP",
"Operator": "Centrafrique Telecom Plus",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[31] now Atlantique Telecom Centrafrique SA (ETISALAT)"
"MCC": "623",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "TC",
"Operator": "Telecel Centrafrique",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "623",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Orange RCA",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "623",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Nationlink",
"Operator": "Nationlink Telecom RCA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Chad": {
"code": "TD",
"operators": [
"MCC": "622",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Airtel",
"Operator": "Bharti Airtel SA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[24]"
"MCC": "622",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Tchad Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "aka Libertis"
"MCC": "622",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "TIGO - Millicom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "622",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "TAWALI",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "622",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Salam",
"Operator": "Sotel Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Chile": {
"code": "CL",
"operators": [
"MCC": "730",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "entel",
"Operator": "Entel PCS Telecomunicaciones S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": "[32]"
"MCC": "730",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "movistar",
"Operator": "Telefónica Móvil de Chile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "730",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Claro",
"Operator": "Claro Chile S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900 / UMTS 1900 / UMTS 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "730",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Nextel",
"Operator": "Centennial Cayman Corp. Chile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "iDEN 800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "730",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "Virgin Mobile",
"Operator": "Virgin Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "730",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "VTR Móvil",
"Operator": "VTR S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "730",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "Nextel",
"Operator": "Centennial Cayman Corp. Chile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "730",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "entel",
"Operator": "Entel Telefonía Móvil S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": "[32]"
"MCC": "730",
"MNC": "99",
"Brand": "Will",
"Operator": "WILL Telefonía",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900 / UMTS 1900 (Residential).",
"References and notes": null
"China": {
"code": "CN",
"operators": [
"MCC": "460",
"MNC": "00",
"Brand": "China Mobile",
"Operator": "China Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / TD-SCDMA 1880 / TD-SCDMA 2010",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "460",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "China Unicom",
"Operator": "China Unicom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "CDMA network sold to China Telecom, WCDMA commercial trial started in May 2009 and in full commercial operation as of October 2009."
"MCC": "460",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "China Mobile",
"Operator": "China Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / TD-SCDMA 1880 / TD-SCDMA 2010",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "460",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "China Telecom",
"Operator": "China Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800 / CDMA2000 2100",
"References and notes": "EV-DO"
"MCC": "460",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "China Telecom",
"Operator": "China Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "460",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "China Unicom",
"Operator": "China Unicom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "460",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "China Mobile",
"Operator": "China Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / TD-SCDMA 1880 / TD-SCDMA 2010",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "460",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "China Tietong",
"Operator": "China Tietong",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM-R",
"References and notes": ""
"Christmas Island (Australia)": {
"code": "CX",
"operators": [
"MCC": "",
"MNC": "",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"Cocos Islands (Australia)": {
"code": "CC",
"operators": [
"MCC": "",
"MNC": "",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"Colombia": {
"code": "CO",
"operators": [
"MCC": "732",
"MNC": "001",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Colombia Telecomunicaciones S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "732",
"MNC": "002",
"Brand": "Edatel",
"Operator": "Edatel S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "732",
"MNC": "101",
"Brand": "Claro",
"Operator": "Claro (Comcel)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "732",
"MNC": "102",
"Brand": "movistar",
"Operator": "Bellsouth Colombia",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / CDMA2000 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "732",
"MNC": "103",
"Brand": "Tigo",
"Operator": "Colombia Móvil",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "732",
"MNC": "111",
"Brand": "Tigo",
"Operator": "Colombia Móvil",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "732",
"MNC": "123",
"Brand": "movistar",
"Operator": "Telefónica Móviles Colombia",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / CDMA2000 850",
"References and notes": null
"Comoros": {
"code": "KM",
"operators": [
"MCC": "654",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "HURI - SNPT",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"Republic of the Congo": {
"code": "CG",
"operators": [
"MCC": "629",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Airtel",
"Operator": "Celtel Congo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Former Zain and Celtel brand [24]"
"MCC": "629",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Libertis Telecom",
"Operator": "MTN CONGO S.A",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "629",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Warid Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Cook Islands (New Zealand)": {
"code": "CK",
"operators": [
"MCC": "548",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Telecom Cook",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Costa Rica": {
"code": "CR",
"operators": [
"MCC": "712",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Kolbi ICE",
"Operator": "Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800, UMTS/HSPA+ 850",
"References and notes": "Network Name: Kolbi ICE"
"MCC": "712",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Kolbi ICE",
"Operator": "Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800, UMTS/HSPA+ 850",
"References and notes": "Network Name: Kolbi ICE"
"MCC": "712",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Claro",
"Operator": "Claro CR Telecomunicaciones",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Network Name: Claro"
"MCC": "712",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "movistar",
"Operator": "Telefónica Móviles Costa Rica",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800, UMTS/HSPA+ 850/2100 [33]",
"References and notes": "Network Name: movistar"
"MCC": "712",
"MNC": "017",
"Brand": "fullmóvil",
"Operator": "Virtualis S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800, UMTS/HSPA+ 850",
"References and notes": "Network Name: fullmovil"
"Croatia": {
"code": "HR",
"operators": [
"MCC": "219",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "T-Mobile",
"Operator": "T-Mobile Croatia",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "219",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Tele2",
"Operator": "Tele2",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "219",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Vip",
"Operator": "Vipnet",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"Cuba": {
"code": "CU",
"operators": [
"MCC": "368",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "CUBACEL",
"Operator": "Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba, SA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 850",
"References and notes": "[35] GSM 850 only available in limited areas (Havana, Varadero and Cayo Coco)"
"Cyprus": {
"code": "CY",
"operators": [
"MCC": "280",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Cytamobile-Vodafone",
"Operator": "Cyprus Telecommunications Auth",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "280",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "MTN",
"Operator": "Areeba Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "280",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "PrimeTel",
"Operator": "PrimeTel PLC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"Czech Republic": {
"code": "CZ [36]",
"operators": [
"MCC": "230",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "T-Mobile",
"Operator": "T-Mobile Czech Republic",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "former Paegas"
"MCC": "230",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "O2",
"Operator": "Telefónica Czech Republic",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 450 / GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "former Eurotel"
"MCC": "230",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone Czech Republic",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "former Oskar"
"MCC": "230",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "U:fon",
"Operator": "MobilKom, a. s.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 410 - 430",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "230",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "",
"Status": "unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "230",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "OSNO TELECOMUNICATION, s.r.o.",
"Status": "unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "230",
"MNC": "98",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Správa železniční dopravní cesty, s.o.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM-R 900",
"References and notes": "railways communication"
"MCC": "230",
"MNC": "99",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone Czech Republic",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "R&D Centre at FEE, CTU (educational, experimental)"
"Democratic Republic of the Congo": {
"code": "CD",
"operators": [
"MCC": "630",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Vodacom",
"Operator": "Vodacom Congo RDC sprl",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[37]"
"MCC": "630",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Zain",
"Operator": "Celtel Congo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[24]"
"MCC": "630",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Cellco",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "630",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Supercell",
"Operator": "Supercell SPRL",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "630",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Libertis Telecom",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "630",
"MNC": "86",
"Brand": "CCT",
"Operator": "Congo-Chine Telecom s.a.r.l.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "630",
"MNC": "89",
"Brand": "SAIT Telecom",
"Operator": "OASIS SPRL",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "630",
"MNC": " ?",
"Brand": "Africell",
"Operator": "Africell RDC sprl",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Denmark (Kingdom of Denmark)": {
"code": "DK",
"operators": [
"MCC": "238",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "TDC",
"Operator": "TDC A/S",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[38]"
"MCC": "238",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Telenor",
"Operator": "Telenor Denmark",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former Sonofon"
"MCC": "238",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "End2End",
"Operator": "MIGway A/S",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "238",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "ApS KBUS",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "238",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "3",
"Operator": "Hi3G Denmark ApS",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "238",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Barablu Mobile Ltd.",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "238",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "Nordisk Mobiltelefon",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "238",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Dansk Beredskabskommunikation A/S",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "-",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "238",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "TDC",
"Operator": "TDC A/S",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": "For experimental use"
"MCC": "238",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Dansk Beredskabskommunikation A/S",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "238",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Lycamobile Denmark Ltd",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "238",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "Telia",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "238",
"MNC": "30",
"Brand": "Telia",
"Operator": "Telia Nättjänster Norden AB",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "238",
"MNC": "40",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Ericsson Danmark A/S",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": "For experimental use."
"MCC": "238",
"MNC": "77",
"Brand": "Telenor",
"Operator": "Telenor Denmark",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Former Tele2"
"Djibouti": {
"code": "DJ",
"operators": [
"MCC": "638",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Evatis",
"Operator": "Djibouti Telecom SA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[39]"
"Dominica": {
"code": "DM",
"operators": [
"MCC": "366",
"MNC": "020",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "Digicel Group Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "Digicel acquired Orange Dominica in 2009[40]"
"MCC": "366",
"MNC": "110",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Cable & Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"Dominican Republic": {
"code": "DO",
"operators": [
"MCC": "370",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Orange Dominicana",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / 1900 / UMTS 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "370",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Claro",
"Operator": "Compañía Dominicana de Teléfonos, C por",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 1900 / GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "370",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Tricom",
"Operator": "Tricom S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "AMPS / IS-95A 800 / CDMA2000 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "370",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Viva",
"Operator": "Trilogy Dominicana, S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 1900 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "Former Centennial Dominicana"
"East Timor": {
"code": "TL",
"operators": [
"MCC": "514",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Timor Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[41][42]"
"Ecuador": {
"code": "EC",
"operators": [
"MCC": "740",
"MNC": "00",
"Brand": "Movistar",
"Operator": "Otecel S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": "Former BellSouth"
"MCC": "740",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Claro",
"Operator": "CONECEL S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "740",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "CNT Mobile",
"Operator": "Corporación Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CNT EP)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / CDMA2000 1900",
"References and notes": "Former Alegro / Telecsa"
"Egypt": {
"code": "EG",
"operators": [
"MCC": "602",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Mobinil",
"Operator": "ECMS-Mobinil",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "602",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone Egypt",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former Click"
"MCC": "602",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Etisalat",
"Operator": "Etisalat Egypt",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"El Salvador": {
"code": "SV",
"operators": [
"MCC": "706",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "CTE Telecom Personal",
"Operator": "CTE Telecom Personal SA de CV",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "706",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "digicel",
"Operator": "Digicel Group",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "706",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Tigo",
"Operator": "Telemovil EL Salvador S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": "Tigo / Millicom"
"MCC": "706",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "movistar",
"Operator": "Telefónica Móviles El Salvador",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 850 / GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "706",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "Claro",
"Operator": "América Móvil",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": null
"Equatorial Guinea": {
"code": "GQ",
"operators": [
"MCC": "627",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Orange GQ",
"Operator": "GETESA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "627",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Hits GQ",
"Operator": "HiTs EG.SA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"Eritrea": {
"code": "ER",
"operators": [
"MCC": "657",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Eritel",
"Operator": "Eritrea Telecommunications Services Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[43]"
"Estonia": {
"code": "EE",
"operators": [
"MCC": "248",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "EMT",
"Operator": "Estonian Mobile Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "248",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Elisa",
"Operator": "Elisa Eesti",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "248",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Tele 2",
"Operator": "Tele 2 Eesti",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "248",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "OY Top Connect",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "248",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "AS Bravocom Mobiil",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "248",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Progroup Holding",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Ethiopia": {
"code": "ET",
"operators": [
"MCC": "636",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "ETH-MTN",
"Operator": "Ethio Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Faroe Islands (Kingdom of Denmark)": {
"code": "FO",
"operators": [
"MCC": "288",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Faroese Telecom",
"Operator": "Faroese Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[44]"
"MCC": "288",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone Faroe Islands",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Former Kall"
"Fiji": {
"code": "FJ",
"operators": [
"MCC": "542",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone Fiji",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "542",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "Digicel Fiji",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Finland": {
"code": "FI",
"operators": [
"MCC": "244",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "DNA",
"Operator": "DNA Oy",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Former Telia"
"MCC": "244",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "AINA",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "244",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Elisa",
"Operator": "Elisa Oyj",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former Radiolinja"
"MCC": "244",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "Nokia",
"Operator": "Nokia Test Network",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "244",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Unknown",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "244",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "Finnet Group / NOKIA OYJ",
"Operator": "Global Network",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "244",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "TDC",
"Operator": "TDC Oy",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "244",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "VIRVE",
"Operator": "Suomen Erillisverkot Oy",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "TETRA",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "244",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "DNA",
"Operator": "DNA Oy",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[45]"
"MCC": "244",
"MNC": "14",
"Brand": "AMT",
"Operator": "Ålands Mobiltelefon",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "coverage only in Åland Islands"
"MCC": "244",
"MNC": "15",
"Brand": "SAMK",
"Operator": "Samk student network",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "coverage only in Satakunta University of Applied Sciences"
"MCC": "244",
"MNC": "21",
"Brand": "Saunalahti",
"Operator": "Elisa Oyj",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": "Internal MVNO of Elisa Oyj, former Saunalahti Group Oyj"
"MCC": "244",
"MNC": "29",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Scnl Truphone",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "244",
"MNC": "91",
"Brand": "Sonera",
"Operator": "TeliaSonera Finland Oyj",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE",
"References and notes": null
"France": {
"code": "FR",
"operators": [
"MCC": "208",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "France Télécom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / UMTS 900",
"References and notes": "GSMA maps[46]"
"MCC": "208",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "France Télécom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / UMTS 900",
"References and notes": "[47]Zones Blanches"
"MCC": "208",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Sisteer (MVNE)",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS",
"References and notes": "MVNE"
"MCC": "208",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Globalstar Europe",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Satellite",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "208",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Globalstar Europe",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Satellite",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "208",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Globalstar Europe",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Satellite",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "208",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "SFR",
"Operator": "Vivendi",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / UMTS 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "208",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "SFR",
"Operator": "Vivendi",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "UMTS"
"MCC": "208",
"MNC": "13",
"Brand": "SFR",
"Operator": "Vivendi",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / UMTS 900",
"References and notes": "[47]Zones Blanches"
"MCC": "208",
"MNC": "14",
"Brand": "RFF",
"Operator": "RFF",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM-R",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "208",
"MNC": "15",
"Brand": "Free Mobile",
"Operator": "Iliad",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100 / UMTS 900",
"References and notes": "[47]"
"MCC": "208",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "Bouygues",
"Operator": "Bouygues Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / UMTS 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "208",
"MNC": "21",
"Brand": "Bouygues",
"Operator": "Bouygues Telecom",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / UMTS 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "208",
"MNC": "22",
"Brand": "Transatel Mobile",
"Operator": "Transatel",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": "MVNE"
"MCC": "208",
"MNC": "23",
"Brand": "Virgin Mobile (MVNO)",
"Operator": "Omea Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM, UMTS",
"References and notes": "Full MVNO (SFR et Orange)"
"MCC": "208",
"MNC": "88",
"Brand": "Bouygues",
"Operator": "Bouygues Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Zones Blanches"
"French Guiana (France)": {
"code": "GF",
"operators": [
"MCC": "",
"MNC": "",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"French Polynesia (France)": {
"code": "PF",
"operators": [
"MCC": "547",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "Vini",
"Operator": "Tikiphone SA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[48]"
"French Southern Territories (France)": {
"code": "TF",
"operators": [
"MCC": "",
"MNC": "",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"Gabon": {
"code": "GA",
"operators": [
"MCC": "628",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Libertis",
"Operator": "Gabon Telecom & Libertis S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "628",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Moov",
"Operator": "Atlantique Télécom (Etisalat Group) Gabon S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "628",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Airtel",
"Operator": "Airtel Gabon S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[24]"
"MCC": "628",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Azur",
"Operator": "USAN Gabon S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Gambia": {
"code": "GM",
"operators": [
"MCC": "607",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Gamcel",
"Operator": "Gamcel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "607",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Africel",
"Operator": "Africel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "607",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Comium",
"Operator": "Comium",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "607",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "QCell",
"Operator": "QCell Gambia",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Georgia": {
"code": "GE",
"operators": [
"MCC": "282",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Geocell",
"Operator": "Geocell Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[49]"
"MCC": "282",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "MagtiCom",
"Operator": "Magticom GSM",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "282",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "MagtiCom",
"Operator": "Magtifix",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 450",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "282",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Beeline",
"Operator": "Mobitel LLC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "282",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Silknet",
"Operator": "Silknet CDMA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800",
"References and notes": "former UTG"
"Germany": {
"code": "DE",
"operators": [
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "T-Mobile",
"Operator": "T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "LTE 800 / GSM 900 / GSM/LTE 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 2600",
"References and notes": "D1 - DeTe Mobil"
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone D2 GmbH",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "E-Plus",
"Operator": "E-Plus Mobilfunk",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "E-Plus",
"Operator": "E-Plus Mobilfunk",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "T-Mobile",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "LTE 800 / GSM 900 / GSM/LTE 1800 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 2600",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "O2",
"Operator": "O2 (Germany) GmbH & Co. OHG",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "O2",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Arcor AG & Co",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM-R",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "O2",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Dolphin Telecom",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "TETRA",
"References and notes": "Company defunct since 2005"
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "13",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Mobilcom Multimedia",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "License returned in 2003"
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "14",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Group 3G UMTS",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "License revoked in 2007"
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "15",
"Brand": "Airdata",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "TD-SCDMA",
"References and notes": "data only"
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "16",
"Brand": "Telogic ex. Vistream",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 (MVNE)",
"References and notes": "uses E-Plus' radio access network (262-03)"
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "OnePhone",
"Operator": "E-Plus",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": "uses E-Plus' radio access network (262-03)"
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "42",
"Brand": "27C3",
"Operator": "Chaos Computer Club",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "OpenBSC Test Network"
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "43",
"Brand": "LYCA",
"Operator": "Lycamobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": "Runs on Vodafone network"
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "60",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "DB Telematik",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM-R 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "76",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Siemens AG",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Test network"
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "77",
"Brand": "E-Plus",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Test network"
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "92",
"Brand": "Nash Technologies",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Test network [50]"
"MCC": "262",
"MNC": "901",
"Brand": "Debitel",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"Ghana": {
"code": "GH",
"operators": [
"MCC": "620",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "MTN",
"Operator": "MTN Group",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "former spacefon [51]"
"MCC": "620",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone Group",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "former Onetouch"
"MCC": "620",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "tiGO",
"Operator": "Millicom Ghana",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "former MOBITEL"
"MCC": "620",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Expresso",
"Operator": "Kasapa / Hutchison Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000",
"References and notes": "former Kasapa"
"MCC": "620",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Airtel",
"Operator": "Airtel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / WCDMA",
"References and notes": "former Zain"
"MCC": "620",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "Globacom",
"Operator": "Globacom Group",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / WCDMA",
"References and notes": "-"
"Gibraltar (United Kingdom)": {
"code": "GI",
"operators": [
"MCC": "266",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "GibTel",
"Operator": "Gibtelecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "266",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "CTS Mobile",
"Operator": "CTS Gibraltar",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "266",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "Shine",
"Operator": "Eazi Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": "Currently Testing [52]"
"Greece": {
"code": "GR",
"operators": [
"MCC": "202",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Cosmote",
"Operator": "COSMOTE - Mobile Telecommunications S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[53]"
"MCC": "202",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone Greece",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "202",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "Wind",
"Operator": "Wind Hellas Telecommunications S.A. (Q-Telecom)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "202",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Wind",
"Operator": "Wind Hellas Telecommunications S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"Greenland (Kingdom of Denmark)": {
"code": "GL",
"operators": [
"MCC": "290",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "TELE Greenland A/S",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[54]"
"Grenada": {
"code": "GD",
"operators": [
"MCC": "352",
"MNC": "030",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "Digicel Grenada Ltd.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[55]"
"MCC": "352",
"MNC": "110",
"Brand": "Cable & Wireless",
"Operator": "Cable & Wireless Grenada Ltd.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"Guadeloupe (France)": {
"code": "GP",
"operators": [
"MCC": "340",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Orange Caraïbe Mobiles",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[56]"
"MCC": "340",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Outremer",
"Operator": "Outremer Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "340",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Telcell",
"Operator": "Saint Martin et Saint Barthelemy Telcell Sarl",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "340",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "Dauphin",
"Operator": "Dauphin Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "340",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "DIGICEL Antilles Française Guyane",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Former Bouygues Telecom Caraïbes"
"Guam (United States of America)": {
"code": "GU",
"operators": [
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "032",
"Brand": "IT&E Wireless",
"Operator": "IT&E Overseas, Inc",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 1900",
"References and notes": "GSM 1900 planned [57]"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "033",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Guam Telephone Authority",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "140",
"Brand": "mPulse",
"Operator": "GTA Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "370",
"Brand": "docomo",
"Operator": "docomo Pacific",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 850",
"References and notes": "Formerly Guamcell, shut down in late 2010."
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "250",
"Brand": "i CAN_GSM",
"Operator": "Wave Runner LLC",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "Planned"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "470",
"Brand": "docomo",
"Operator": "docomo Pacific",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900 / UMTS 850",
"References and notes": "Formerly Guamcell, and before that, HafaTEL. . / Clashes with nTelos 310-470 in the US. Perhaps this is meant to be 311-470?"
"Guatemala": {
"code": "GT",
"operators": [
"MCC": "704",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Claro",
"Operator": "Telecomunicaciones de Guatemala, S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 1900 / GSM 900 / GSM 1900 / UMTS/HSPA+ 1900",
"References and notes": "former Servicios de Comunicaciones Personales Inalambricas (SERCOM)"
"MCC": "704",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Tigo",
"Operator": "Millicom / Local partners",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / TDMA 800 / UMTS/HSPA+ 850",
"References and notes": "former COMCEL"
"MCC": "704",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "movistar",
"Operator": "Telefónica Móviles Guatemala (Telefónica)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 1900 / GSM 1900 / UMTS/HSPA+ 1900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "704",
"MNC": " ?",
"Brand": "digicel",
"Operator": "Digicel Group",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "704",
"MNC": " ?",
"Brand": "RED/INTELFON",
"Operator": "INTELFON Guatemala",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "iDEN 800",
"References and notes": "INTELFON GUATEMALA own by INTELFON El Salvador"
"Guernsey (United Kingdom)": {
"code": "GB",
"operators": [
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "55",
"Brand": "Sure Mobile",
"Operator": "Cable & Wireless Guernsey",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "50",
"Brand": "Wave Telecom",
"Operator": "Wave Telecom (JT-Wave)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Airtel Vodafone",
"Operator": "Guernsey Airtel Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Guinea": {
"code": "GN",
"operators": [
"MCC": "611",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Orange S.A.",
"Operator": "Orange",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Formerly Spacetel [58]"
"MCC": "611",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Sotelgui",
"Operator": "Sotelgui Lagui",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[58]"
"MCC": "611",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Telecel Guinee",
"Operator": "INTERCEL Guinée",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[58]"
"MCC": "611",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "MTN",
"Operator": "Areeba Guinea",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[58]"
"MCC": "611",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Cellcom",
"Operator": "Cellcom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[58]"
"Guinea-Bissau": {
"code": "GW",
"operators": [
"MCC": "632",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Areeba",
"Operator": "Spacetel Guiné-Bissau S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[59]"
"MCC": "632",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900/1800",
"References and notes": null
"Guyana": {
"code": "GY",
"operators": [
"MCC": "738",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "U-Mobile (Cellular) Inc.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "738",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "GT&T Cellink Plus",
"Operator": "Guyana Telephone & Telegraph Co.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Haiti": {
"code": "HT",
"operators": [
"MCC": "372",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Voila",
"Operator": "Communication Cellulaire d'Haiti S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "372",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "Unigestion Holding S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "372",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Natcom",
"Operator": "Telecommunication S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Honduras": {
"code": "HN",
"operators": [
"MCC": "708",
"MNC": "001",
"Brand": "Claro",
"Operator": "Servicios de Comunicaciones de Honduras S.A. de C.V.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "708",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Tigo",
"Operator": "Celtel / Tigo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 850 / GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "708",
"MNC": "30",
"Brand": "Hondutel",
"Operator": "Empresa Hondureña de Telecomunicaciones",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "708",
"MNC": "40",
"Brand": "DIGICEL",
"Operator": "Digicel de Honduras",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "[citation needed]"
"Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of People's Republic of China)": {
"code": "HK",
"operators": [
"MCC": "454",
"MNC": "00",
"Brand": "1O1O / One2Free / New World Mobility",
"Operator": "CSL Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "454",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "CITIC Telecom 1616",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "MVNO on CSL network; network code operational only at Airport to attract inbound roamers to join 454-00"
"MCC": "454",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "CSL Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Network code operational only at Airport to attract inbound roamers to join 454-00"
"MCC": "454",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "3 (3G)",
"Operator": "Hutchison Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "454",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "3 (2G)",
"Operator": "Hutchison Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "454",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "3 (CDMA)",
"Operator": "Hutchison Telecom",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800",
"References and notes": "Defunct CDMA IS-95 network, decommissioned on 19 Nov 2008 at 23:59"
"MCC": "454",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "SmarTone",
"Operator": "SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "454",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "MVNO on Hutchison Telecom network; network code operational only at Airport to attract inbound roamers to join 454-03 or 454-04"
"MCC": "454",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "Truphone",
"Operator": "Trident Telecom",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Defunct MVNO on PCCW Mobile network"
"MCC": "454",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "China Motion Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "MVNO on CSL network; network code operational at only Airport to attract inbound roamers to join 454-00"
"MCC": "454",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "New World Mobility",
"Operator": "CSL Limited",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Signal Combined with 454-00"
"MCC": "454",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "China-Hong Kong Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "MVNO on PCCW Mobile and Hutchison Telecom networks; network code operational only at Airport to attract inbound roamers to join 454-19"
"MCC": "454",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "CMCC HK",
"Operator": "China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600",
"References and notes": "Formerly Peoples"
"MCC": "454",
"MNC": "14",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Hutchison Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Network code operational only at Airport to attract inbound roamers to join 454-03 or 454-04"
"MCC": "454",
"MNC": "15",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Network code operational only at Airport to attract inbound roamers to join 454-06"
"MCC": "454",
"MNC": "16",
"Brand": "PCCW Mobile (2G)",
"Operator": "PCCW Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Formerly SUNDAY"
"MCC": "454",
"MNC": "17",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Network code operational only at Airport to attract inbound roamers to join 454-06"
"MCC": "454",
"MNC": "18",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "CSL Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Network code operational only at Airport to attract inbound roamers to join 454-00"
"MCC": "454",
"MNC": "19",
"Brand": "PCCW Mobile (3G)",
"Operator": "PCCW Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100 / LTE 1800 / LTE 2600",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "454",
"MNC": "29",
"Brand": "PCCW Mobile (CDMA)",
"Operator": "PCCW Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800",
"References and notes": "CDMA2000 1X EV-DO Rev A network for inbound roamers, with coverage limited to Golden Bowl Area around Victoria Harbour"
"Hungary": {
"code": "HU",
"operators": [
"MCC": "216",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Telenor",
"Operator": "Telenor Magyarország Zrt.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM/LTE 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former Pannon, Pannon GSM"
"MCC": "216",
"MNC": "30",
"Brand": "T-Mobile",
"Operator": "Magyar Telekom Plc",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM/LTE 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former WESTEL, Westel 900"
"MCC": "216",
"MNC": "70",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone Magyarország Zrt.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM/UMTS 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "216",
"MNC": "70",
"Brand": "Tesco Mobile",
"Operator": "Vodafone Magyarország Zrt.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "MVNO (Vodafone)"
"MCC": "216",
"MNC": "30",
"Brand": "BLUE Mobile",
"Operator": "Magyar Telekom Plc",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former WESTEL, Westel 900"
"Iceland": {
"code": "IS",
"operators": [
"MCC": "274",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Síminn",
"Operator": "Iceland Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former Landssimi hf [60]"
"MCC": "274",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Og fjarskipti hf",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Former Islandssimi ehf"
"MCC": "274",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone Iceland",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": "Former Islandssimi ehf"
"MCC": "274",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Viking",
"Operator": "IMC Island ehf",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "274",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Núll níu ehf",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "274",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "IceCell",
"Operator": "IceCell ehf",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "274",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "On-waves",
"Operator": "Iceland Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": "On ferries and cruise ships"
"MCC": "274",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "Nova",
"Operator": "Nova ehf",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "274",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "Tal",
"Operator": "Tal hf",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"India": {
"code": "IN",
"operators": [
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Vodafone IN",
"Operator": "Haryana",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "AirTel",
"Operator": "Punjab",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "AirTel",
"Operator": "Himachal Pradesh",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "IDEA",
"Operator": "Delhi & NCR",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Vodafone IN",
"Operator": "Gujarat",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Formerly Hutch / Fascel"
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "IDEA",
"Operator": "Andhra Pradesh",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "Reliance",
"Operator": "Assam",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "AirTel",
"Operator": "Delhi & NCR",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "Vodafone IN",
"Operator": "Delhi & NCR",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "IDEA",
"Operator": "Haryana",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Former Escotel"
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "13",
"Brand": "Vodafone IN",
"Operator": "Andhra Pradesh",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "14",
"Brand": "IDEA",
"Operator": "Punjab",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Former Spice"
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "15",
"Brand": "Vodafone IN",
"Operator": "Uttar Pradesh (East)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "16",
"Brand": "Airtel",
"Operator": "North East",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Former Hexacom"
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "17",
"Brand": "AIRCEL",
"Operator": "West Bengal",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "19",
"Brand": "IDEA",
"Operator": "Kerala",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Former Escotel"
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "Vodafone IN",
"Operator": "Mumbai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Former Hutchison Maxtouch / Orange / Hutch"
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "21",
"Brand": "Loop Mobile",
"Operator": "Mumbai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Former BPL Mobile"
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "22",
"Brand": "IDEA",
"Operator": "Maharashtra & Goa",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "24",
"Brand": "IDEA",
"Operator": "Gujarat",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "25",
"Brand": "AIRCEL",
"Operator": "Bihar",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "27",
"Brand": "Vodafone IN",
"Operator": "Maharashtra & Goa",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "28",
"Brand": "AIRCEL",
"Operator": "Orissa",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "29",
"Brand": "AIRCEL",
"Operator": "Assam",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "30",
"Brand": "Vodafone IN",
"Operator": "Kolkata",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Former Command / Hutch"
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "31",
"Brand": "AirTel",
"Operator": "Kolkata",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "34",
"Brand": "CellOne",
"Operator": "Haryana",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "36",
"Brand": "Reliance",
"Operator": "Bihar & Jharkhand",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "37",
"Brand": "Aircel",
"Operator": "Jammu & Kashmir",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "38",
"Brand": "CellOne",
"Operator": "Assam",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "40",
"Brand": "AirTel",
"Operator": "Chennai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "41",
"Brand": "Aircel",
"Operator": "Chennai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Formerly RPG"
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "42",
"Brand": "Aircel",
"Operator": "Tamil Nadu",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "44",
"Brand": "IDEA",
"Operator": "Karnataka",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Former Spice"
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "45",
"Brand": "Airtel",
"Operator": "Karnataka",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "46",
"Brand": "Vodafone IN",
"Operator": "Kerala",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "48",
"Brand": "Dishnet Wireless",
"Operator": "Unknown",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "49",
"Brand": "Airtel",
"Operator": "Andhra Pradesh",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "51",
"Brand": "CellOne",
"Operator": "Himachal Pradesh",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "52",
"Brand": "Reliance",
"Operator": "Orissa",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "53",
"Brand": "CellOne",
"Operator": "Punjab",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "54",
"Brand": "CellOne",
"Operator": "Uttar Pradesh (West)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "55",
"Brand": "CellOne",
"Operator": "Uttar Pradesh (East)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "56",
"Brand": "IDEA",
"Operator": "Uttar Pradesh (West)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "57",
"Brand": "CellOne",
"Operator": "Gujarat",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "58",
"Brand": "CellOne",
"Operator": "Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "59",
"Brand": "CellOne",
"Operator": "Rajasthan",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "60",
"Brand": "Vodafone IN",
"Operator": "Rajasthan",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "62",
"Brand": "CellOne",
"Operator": "Jammu & Kashmir",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "64",
"Brand": "CellOne",
"Operator": "Chennai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "66",
"Brand": "CellOne",
"Operator": "Maharashtra & Goa",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "UMTS 2100"
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "67",
"Brand": "Reliance GSM",
"Operator": "Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "UMTS 2100"
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "68",
"Brand": "DOLPHIN",
"Operator": "Delhi & NCR",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "69",
"Brand": "DOLPHIN",
"Operator": "Mumbai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "70",
"Brand": "AirTel",
"Operator": "Rajasthan",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "71",
"Brand": "CellOne",
"Operator": "Karnataka (Bangalore)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "72",
"Brand": "CellOne",
"Operator": "Kerala",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "73",
"Brand": "CellOne",
"Operator": "Andhra Pradesh",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "74",
"Brand": "CellOne",
"Operator": "West Bengal",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "76",
"Brand": "CellOne",
"Operator": "Orissa",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "(2100 MHz ?)"
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "78",
"Brand": "Idea Cellular Ltd",
"Operator": "Madhya Pradesh & Chattishgarh",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "80",
"Brand": "CellOne",
"Operator": "Tamil Nadu",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "81",
"Brand": "CellOne",
"Operator": "Kolkata",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "82",
"Brand": "Idea",
"Operator": "Himachal Pradesh",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": "[citation needed]"
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "83",
"Brand": "Reliance Smart GSM",
"Operator": "Kolkata",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "84",
"Brand": "Vodafone IN",
"Operator": "Chennai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "85",
"Brand": "Reliance",
"Operator": "West Bengal",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "86",
"Brand": "Vodafone IN",
"Operator": "Karnataka",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "87",
"Brand": "Idea",
"Operator": "Rajisthan",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "88",
"Brand": "Vodafone IN",
"Operator": "Vodafone Punjab",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": "[citation needed]"
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "89",
"Brand": "Idea",
"Operator": "Uttar Pradesh (East)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "90",
"Brand": "AirTel",
"Operator": "Maharashtra",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "91",
"Brand": "AIRCEL",
"Operator": "Kolkata",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "92",
"Brand": "AirTel",
"Operator": "Mumbai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "93",
"Brand": "AirTel",
"Operator": "Madhya Pradesh",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "94",
"Brand": "AirTel",
"Operator": "Tamil Nadu",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "95",
"Brand": "AirTel",
"Operator": "Kerala",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "96",
"Brand": "AirTel",
"Operator": "Haryana",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "97",
"Brand": "AirTel",
"Operator": "Uttar Pradesh (West)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "404",
"MNC": "98",
"Brand": "AirTel",
"Operator": "Gujarat",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Reliance",
"Operator": "Andhra Pradesh",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Reliance",
"Operator": "Bihar",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Reliance",
"Operator": "Chennai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Reliance",
"Operator": "Delhi & NCR",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "\n\n 405 06 reliance gujarat operational gsm 1800\n"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "Reliance",
"Operator": "Jammu & Kashmir",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Reliance",
"Operator": "Karnataka",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "13",
"Brand": "Reliance",
"Operator": "Maharashtra & Goa",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "025",
"Brand": "TATA Teleservice",
"Operator": "Andhra Pradesh",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "026",
"Brand": "TATA Teleservice",
"Operator": "Assam",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000",
"References and notes": "EDGE, 2.5G"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "027",
"Brand": "TATA Teleservice",
"Operator": "Bihar/Jharkhand",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "EDGE, 2.75G"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "029",
"Brand": "TATA Teleservice",
"Operator": "Delhi",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000",
"References and notes": "EDGE, 2.75G"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "030",
"Brand": "TATA Teleservice",
"Operator": "Gujarat",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "031",
"Brand": "TATA Teleservice",
"Operator": "Haryana",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "032",
"Brand": "TATA Teleservice",
"Operator": "Himachal Pradesh",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "033",
"Brand": "TATA Teleservice",
"Operator": "Jammu & Kashmir",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000",
"References and notes": "EDGE, 2.75G"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "034",
"Brand": "TATA Teleservice",
"Operator": "Karnataka",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "035",
"Brand": "TATA Teleservice",
"Operator": "Kerala",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "036",
"Brand": "TATA Teleservice",
"Operator": "Kolkata",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "EDGE, 2.75G"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "037",
"Brand": "TATA Teleservice",
"Operator": "Maharashtra & Goa",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "038",
"Brand": "TATA Teleservice",
"Operator": "Madhya Pradesh",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "039",
"Brand": "TATA Teleservice",
"Operator": "Mumbai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "EDGE, 2.75G"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "041",
"Brand": "TATA Teleservice",
"Operator": "Orissa",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "EDGE, 2.75G"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "042",
"Brand": "TATA Teleservice",
"Operator": "Punjab",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "043",
"Brand": "TATA Teleservice",
"Operator": "Rajasthan",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "044",
"Brand": "TATA Teleservice",
"Operator": "Tamil Nadu including Chennai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "EDGE, 2.75G"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "045",
"Brand": "TATA Teleservice",
"Operator": "[Uttar Pradesh (E)]",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "EDGE, 2.75G"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "046",
"Brand": "TATA Teleservice",
"Operator": "[Uttar Pradesh (W) & Uttarkhand ]",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "HSPA+, 3G network, EDGE, 2.75G"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "047",
"Brand": "TATA Teleservice",
"Operator": "[West Bengal]",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "EDGE, 2.75G"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "51",
"Brand": "AirTel",
"Operator": "West Bengal",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "52",
"Brand": "AirTel",
"Operator": "Bihar & Jharkhand",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "54",
"Brand": "AirTel",
"Operator": "Uttar Pradesh (East)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "55",
"Brand": "Airtel",
"Operator": "Jammu & Kashmir",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UTMS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "56",
"Brand": "AirTel",
"Operator": "Assam",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "66",
"Brand": "Vodafone IN",
"Operator": "Uttar Pradesh (West)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "70",
"Brand": "IDEA",
"Operator": "Bihar & Jharkhand",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "750",
"Brand": "Vodafone IN",
"Operator": "Jammu & Kashmir",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "751",
"Brand": "Vodafone IN",
"Operator": "Assam",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "752",
"Brand": "Vodafone IN",
"Operator": "Bihar & Jharkhand",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "753",
"Brand": "Vodafone IN",
"Operator": "Orissa",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "754",
"Brand": "Vodafone IN",
"Operator": "Himachal Pradesh",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "755",
"Brand": "Vodafone IN",
"Operator": "North East",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "756",
"Brand": "Vodafone IN",
"Operator": "Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "799",
"Brand": "IDEA",
"Operator": "Mumbai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "800",
"Brand": "AIRCEL",
"Operator": "Delhi & NCR",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "801",
"Brand": "AIRCEL",
"Operator": "Andhra Pradesh",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "802",
"Brand": "AIRCEL",
"Operator": "Gujarat",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "803",
"Brand": "AIRCEL",
"Operator": "Karnataka",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "804",
"Brand": "AIRCEL",
"Operator": "Maharashtra & Goa",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "805",
"Brand": "AIRCEL",
"Operator": "Mumbai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "806",
"Brand": "AIRCEL",
"Operator": "Rajasthan",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "807",
"Brand": "AIRCEL",
"Operator": "Haryana",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "808",
"Brand": "AIRCEL",
"Operator": "Madhya Pradesh",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "809",
"Brand": "AIRCEL",
"Operator": "Kerala",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "810",
"Brand": "AIRCEL",
"Operator": "Uttar Pradesh (East)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "811",
"Brand": "AIRCEL",
"Operator": "Uttar Pradesh (West)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "812",
"Brand": "AIRCEL",
"Operator": "Punjab",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "819",
"Brand": "Uninor",
"Operator": "Andhra Pradesh",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "818",
"Brand": "Uninor",
"Operator": "Uttar Pradesh (West)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "820",
"Brand": "Uninor",
"Operator": "Karnataka",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "821",
"Brand": "Uninor",
"Operator": "Kerala",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "822",
"Brand": "Uninor",
"Operator": "Kolkata",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "824",
"Brand": "Videocon Datacom",
"Operator": "Assam",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "827",
"Brand": "Videocon Datacom",
"Operator": "Gujarat",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "834",
"Brand": "Videocon Datacom",
"Operator": "Madhya Pradesh",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "844",
"Brand": "Uninor",
"Operator": "Delhi & NCR",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "845",
"Brand": "IDEA",
"Operator": "Assam",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "846",
"Brand": "IDEA",
"Operator": "Jammu & Kashmir",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UTMS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "848",
"Brand": "IDEA",
"Operator": "Kolkata",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "850",
"Brand": "IDEA",
"Operator": "Orissa",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "855",
"Brand": "Loop Mobile",
"Operator": "Assam",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "864",
"Brand": "Loop Mobile",
"Operator": "Kolkata",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "865",
"Brand": "Loop Mobile",
"Operator": "Madhya Pradesh",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "875",
"Brand": "Uninor",
"Operator": "Assam",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "880",
"Brand": "Uninor",
"Operator": "West Bengal",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "881",
"Brand": "S Tel",
"Operator": "Assam",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "912",
"Brand": "Etisalat DB(cheers)",
"Operator": "Andhra Pradesh",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "913",
"Brand": "Etisalat DB(cheers)",
"Operator": "Delhi & NCR",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": "Coming soon"
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "914",
"Brand": "Etisalat DB(cheers)",
"Operator": "Gujarat",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "917",
"Brand": "Etisalat DB(cheers)",
"Operator": "Kerala",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "927",
"Brand": "Uninor",
"Operator": "Gujarat",
"Status": "operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "405",
"MNC": "929",
"Brand": "Uninor",
"Operator": "Maharashtra",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"Indonesia": {
"code": "ID",
"operators": [
"MCC": "510",
"MNC": "00",
"Brand": "PSN",
"Operator": "PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (ACeS)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Satellite",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "510",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "INDOSAT",
"Operator": "PT Indonesian Satellite Corporation Tbk (INDOSAT)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former PT Satelindo"
"MCC": "510",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "StarOne",
"Operator": "PT Indosat Tbk",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "510",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "TelkomFlexi",
"Operator": "PT Telkom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "510",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "AXIS",
"Operator": "PT Natrindo Telepon Seluler",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "510",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "SMART",
"Operator": "PT Smart Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "510",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Telkomsel",
"Operator": "PT Telekomunikasi Selular",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100/apn free arutmin",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "510",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "XL",
"Operator": "PT XL Axiata Tbk",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "510",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "TELKOMMobile",
"Operator": "PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Merged with Telkomsel"
"MCC": "510",
"MNC": "21",
"Brand": "IM3",
"Operator": "PT Indonesian Satellite Corporation Tbk (INDOSAT)",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Merged with Indosat (MNC 01) MNC 21 not used anymore"
"MCC": "510",
"MNC": "27",
"Brand": "Ceria",
"Operator": "PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 450",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "510",
"MNC": "28",
"Brand": "Fren/Hepi",
"Operator": "PT Mobile-8 Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "510",
"MNC": "89",
"Brand": "3",
"Operator": "PT Hutchison CP Telecommunications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "510",
"MNC": "99",
"Brand": "Esia",
"Operator": "PT Bakrie Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800",
"References and notes": null
"Iran": {
"code": "IR",
"operators": [
"MCC": "432",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "IR-MCI",
"Operator": "Mobile Communications Company of Iran",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[61]"
"MCC": "432",
"MNC": "14",
"Brand": "TKC",
"Operator": "KFZO",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "432",
"MNC": "19",
"Brand": "MTCE",
"Operator": "Mobile Telecommunications Company of Esfahan",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "432",
"MNC": "32",
"Brand": "Taliya",
"Operator": "Rafsanjan Industrial Complex",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "432",
"MNC": "35",
"Brand": "Irancell",
"Operator": "Irancell Telecommunications Services Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "432",
"MNC": "70",
"Brand": "TCI",
"Operator": "Telephone Communications Company of Iran",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Mostly used in rural areas with poor telephone line and cable equipments, instead of telephone"
"MCC": "432",
"MNC": "93",
"Brand": "Iraphone",
"Operator": "Iraphone",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Mostly used in rural areas with poor telephone line and cable equipments, instead of telephone"
"Iraq": {
"code": "IQ",
"operators": [
"MCC": "418",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Asia Cell",
"Operator": "Asia Cell Telecommunications Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "418",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "SanaTel",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "418",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "Zain",
"Operator": "Zain Iraq",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Former MTC Atheer"
"MCC": "418",
"MNC": "30",
"Brand": "Zain",
"Operator": "Zain Iraq",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Former Orascom Telecom (Iraqna)"
"MCC": "418",
"MNC": "40",
"Brand": "Korek",
"Operator": "Korek Telecom Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "418",
"MNC": "45",
"Brand": "Mobitel",
"Operator": "Mobitel Co. Ltd.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "418",
"MNC": "62",
"Brand": "Itisaluna",
"Operator": "Itisaluna Wireless CO.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 EVDO RevA 800/1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "418",
"MNC": "92",
"Brand": "Omnnea",
"Operator": "Omnnea Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA",
"References and notes": ""
"Ireland": {
"code": "IE",
"operators": [
"MCC": "272",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone Ireland",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[62]"
"MCC": "272",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "O2",
"Operator": "O2 Ireland",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "272",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Meteor",
"Operator": "Meteor Mobile Communications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "272",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Access Telecom",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "272",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "3",
"Operator": "Hutchison 3G Ireland limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "272",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "Eircom",
"Operator": "Eircom Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "272",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Clever Communications",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "272",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "Tesco Mobile",
"Operator": "Liffey Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Operating as Tesco Mobile"
"MCC": "272",
"MNC": "13",
"Brand": "Lycamobile",
"Operator": "Lycamobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"Isle of Man (United Kingdom)": {
"code": "IM",
"operators": [
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "58",
"Brand": "Pronto GSM",
"Operator": "Manx Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "Sure Mobile",
"Operator": "Cable & Wireless Isle of Man Ltd.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900/1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "",
"Brand": "Cloud 9 Mobile",
"Operator": "Cloud 9 Mobile Communications PLC",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Retired"
"Israel": {
"code": "IL",
"operators": [
"MCC": "425",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Partner Communications Company Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[63]"
"MCC": "425",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Cellcom",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 850 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "425",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Pelephone",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "425",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "Hot Mobile",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "iDEN / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "425",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "Golan Telecom",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "425",
"MNC": "14",
"Brand": "Youphone",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "MVNO (Orange)"
"MCC": "425",
"MNC": "15",
"Brand": "Home Cellular",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 850 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "MVNO (Cellcom)"
"MCC": "425",
"MNC": "16",
"Brand": "Rami Levy",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "MVNO (Pelephone)"
"Italy": {
"code": "IT",
"operators": [
"MCC": "222",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "TIM",
"Operator": "Telecom Italia SpA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "222",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Elsacom",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Satellite (Globalstar)",
"References and notes": "Retired"
"MCC": "222",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Intermatica",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "222",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Telespazio",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "222",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "Noverca",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": "uses TIM network"
"MCC": "222",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone Omnitel N.V.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 & 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "222",
"MNC": "30",
"Brand": "RFI",
"Operator": "Rete Ferroviaria Italiana",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM-R 900",
"References and notes": "railways communication"
"MCC": "222",
"MNC": "35",
"Brand": "Lyca Italy",
"Operator": "Lyca Mobile",
"Status": "Planned",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 /GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "uses Vodafone Italy Network"
"MCC": "222",
"MNC": "77",
"Brand": "IPSE 2000",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Retired"
"MCC": "222",
"MNC": "88",
"Brand": "Wind",
"Operator": "Wind Telecomunicazioni SpA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "222",
"MNC": "98",
"Brand": "Blu",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Retired"
"MCC": "222",
"MNC": "99",
"Brand": "3 Italia",
"Operator": "Hutchison 3G",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[64]"
"Ivory Coast": {
"code": "CI",
"operators": [
"MCC": "612",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Cora de Comstar",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "612",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Moov",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "612",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "612",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "KoZ",
"Operator": "Comium Ivory Coast Inc",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "612",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "MTN",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "612",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "ORICEL",
"Operator": "ORICEL",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"Jamaica": {
"code": "JM",
"operators": [
"MCC": "338",
"MNC": "020",
"Brand": "LIME",
"Operator": "LIME (Cable & Wireless)",
"Status": "Not Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "338",
"MNC": "050",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "Digicel (Jamaica) Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / CDMA2000 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "338",
"MNC": "180",
"Brand": "LIME",
"Operator": "LIME (Cable & Wireless)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / WCDMA 850",
"References and notes": null
"Japan": {
"code": "JP",
"operators": [
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "00",
"Brand": "eMobile",
"Operator": "EMOBILE Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 1700",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / WCDMA / HSDPA / HSUPA / LTE (4G)",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT DoCoMo - Kansai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT DoCoMo - Hokuriku",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "SoftBank",
"Operator": "SoftBank Mobile Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 900 UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Vodafone K.K."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "SoftBank",
"Operator": "SoftBank Mobile Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 900 UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Vodafone K.K."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "KDDI",
"Operator": "KDDI Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 / 1X EV-DO Rev.A",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "KDDI",
"Operator": "KDDI Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo - Kansai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo - Kansai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo - Tokai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / WCDMA / HSDPA / HSUPA / LTE (4G)",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "13",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / WCDMA / HSDPA / HSUPA / LTE (4G)",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "14",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo - Tohoku",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "15",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / WCDMA / HSDPA / HSUPA / LTE (4G)",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "16",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / WCDMA / HSDPA / HSUPA / LTE (4G)",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "17",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / WCDMA / HSDPA / HSUPA / LTE (4G)",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "18",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo - Tokai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "19",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo - Hokkaido",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "SoftBank",
"Operator": "SoftBank Mobile Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 900 UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Vodafone K.K."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "21",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / WCDMA / HSDPA / HSUPA / LTE (4G)",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "22",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo - Kansai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "23",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo - Tokai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "24",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo - Chugoku",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "25",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo - Hokkaido",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "26",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo - Kyushu",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "27",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo - Tohoku",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "28",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo - Shikoku",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "29",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / WCDMA / HSDPA / HSUPA / LTE (4G)",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "30",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / WCDMA / HSDPA / HSUPA / LTE (4G)",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "31",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo - Kansai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "32",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / WCDMA / HSDPA / HSUPA / LTE (4G)",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "33",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo - Tokai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "34",
"Brand": "NTT docomo",
"Operator": "NTT docomo - Kyushu",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "35",
"Brand": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Operator": "NTT DoCoMo - Kansai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "36",
"Brand": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Operator": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / WCDMA / HSDPA / HSUPA / LTE (4G)",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "37",
"Brand": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Operator": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / WCDMA / HSDPA / HSUPA / LTE (4G)",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "38",
"Brand": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Operator": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / WCDMA / HSDPA / HSUPA / LTE (4G)",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "39",
"Brand": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Operator": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / WCDMA / HSDPA / HSUPA / LTE (4G)",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "40",
"Brand": "SoftBank",
"Operator": "SoftBank Mobile Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / HSPA+ / DC-HSDPA",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Vodafone K.K."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "41",
"Brand": "SoftBank",
"Operator": "SoftBank Mobile Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / HSPA+ / DC-HSDPA",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Vodafone K.K."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "42",
"Brand": "SoftBank",
"Operator": "SoftBank Mobile Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / HSPA+ / DC-HSDPA",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Vodafone K.K."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "43",
"Brand": "SoftBank",
"Operator": "SoftBank Mobile Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / HSPA+ / DC-HSDPA",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Vodafone K.K."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "44",
"Brand": "SoftBank",
"Operator": "SoftBank Mobile Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / HSPA+ / DC-HSDPA",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Vodafone K.K."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "45",
"Brand": "SoftBank",
"Operator": "SoftBank Mobile Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / HSPA+ / DC-HSDPA",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Vodafone K.K."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "46",
"Brand": "SoftBank",
"Operator": "SoftBank Mobile Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / HSPA+ / DC-HSDPA",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Vodafone K.K."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "47",
"Brand": "SoftBank",
"Operator": "SoftBank Mobile Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / HSPA+ / DC-HSDPA",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Vodafone K.K."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "48",
"Brand": "SoftBank",
"Operator": "SoftBank Mobile Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / HSPA+ / DC-HSDPA",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Vodafone K.K."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "49",
"Brand": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Operator": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / HSDPA / LTE (4G)",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "50",
"Brand": "KDDI",
"Operator": "KDDI Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "WCDMA",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "51",
"Brand": "KDDI",
"Operator": "KDDI Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "WCDMA",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "52",
"Brand": "KDDI",
"Operator": "KDDI Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "WCDMA",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "53",
"Brand": "KDDI",
"Operator": "KDDI Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "WCDMA",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "54",
"Brand": "KDDI",
"Operator": "KDDI Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "WCDMA",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "55",
"Brand": "KDDI",
"Operator": "KDDI Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "WCDMA",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "56",
"Brand": "KDDI",
"Operator": "KDDI Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "WCDMA",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "58",
"Brand": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Operator": "NTT DoCoMo - Kansai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "60",
"Brand": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Operator": "NTT DoCoMo - Kansai",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "61",
"Brand": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Operator": "NTT DoCoMo - Chugoku",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "62",
"Brand": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Operator": "NTT DoCoMo - Kyushu",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "63",
"Brand": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Operator": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / WCDMA / HSDPA / HSUPA / LTE (4G)",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "64",
"Brand": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Operator": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / WCDMA / HSDPA / HSUPA / LTE (4G)",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "65",
"Brand": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Operator": "NTT DoCoMo - Shikoku",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "66",
"Brand": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Operator": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / WCDMA / HSDPA / HSUPA / LTE (4G)",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "67",
"Brand": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Operator": "NTT DoCoMo - Tohoku",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "68",
"Brand": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Operator": "NTT DoCoMo - Kyushu",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 800 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "69",
"Brand": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Operator": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / WCDMA / HSDPA / HSUPA / LTE (4G)",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "70",
"Brand": "au",
"Operator": "KDDI Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800 / CDMA2000 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "71",
"Brand": "KDDI",
"Operator": "KDDI Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "WCDMA",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "72",
"Brand": "KDDI",
"Operator": "KDDI Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "WCDMA",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "73",
"Brand": "KDDI",
"Operator": "KDDI Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "WCDMA",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "74",
"Brand": "KDDI",
"Operator": "KDDI Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "WCDMA",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "75",
"Brand": "KDDI",
"Operator": "KDDI Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "WCDMA",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "76",
"Brand": "KDDI",
"Operator": "KDDI Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "WCDMA",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "77",
"Brand": "KDDI",
"Operator": "KDDI Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "WCDMA",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "78",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Okinawa Cellular Telephone",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / HSDPA",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "79",
"Brand": "KDDI",
"Operator": "KDDI Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "WCDMA",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "80",
"Brand": "TU-KA",
"Operator": "TU-KA Cellular Tokyo",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": "Closed on March 31, 2008."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "81",
"Brand": "TU-KA",
"Operator": "TU-KA Cellular Tokyo",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": "Closed on March 31, 2008."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "82",
"Brand": "TU-KA",
"Operator": "TU-KA Phone Kansai",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": "Closed on March 31, 2008."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "83",
"Brand": "TU-KA",
"Operator": "TU-KA Cellular Tokai",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": "Closed on March 31, 2008."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "84",
"Brand": "TU-KA",
"Operator": "TU-KA Phone Kansai",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": "Closed on March 31, 2008."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "85",
"Brand": "TU-KA",
"Operator": "TU-KA Cellular Tokai",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": "Closed on March 31, 2008."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "86",
"Brand": "TU-KA",
"Operator": "TU-KA Cellular Tokyo",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": "Closed on March 31, 2008."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "87",
"Brand": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Operator": "NTT DoCoMo - Chugoku",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / HSDPA",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "88",
"Brand": "KDDI",
"Operator": "KDDI Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "WCDMA",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "89",
"Brand": "KDDI",
"Operator": "KDDI Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "WCDMA",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "90",
"Brand": "SoftBank",
"Operator": "SoftBank Mobile Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / HSPA+ / DC-HSDPA",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Vodafone K.K."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "92",
"Brand": "SoftBank",
"Operator": "SoftBank Mobile Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / HSPA+ / DC-HSDPA",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Vodafone K.K."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "93",
"Brand": "SoftBank",
"Operator": "SoftBank Mobile Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / HSPA+ / DC-HSDPA",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Vodafone K.K."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "94",
"Brand": "SoftBank",
"Operator": "SoftBank Mobile Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / HSPA+ / DC-HSDPA",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Vodafone K.K."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "95",
"Brand": "SoftBank",
"Operator": "SoftBank Mobile Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / HSPA+ / DC-HSDPA",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Vodafone K.K."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "96",
"Brand": "SoftBank",
"Operator": "SoftBank Mobile Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / HSPA+ / DC-HSDPA",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Vodafone K.K."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "97",
"Brand": "SoftBank",
"Operator": "SoftBank Mobile Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / HSPA+ / DC-HSDPA",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Vodafone K.K."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "98",
"Brand": "SoftBank",
"Operator": "SoftBank Mobile Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS / HSPA+ / DC-HSDPA",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Vodafone K.K."
"MCC": "440",
"MNC": "99",
"Brand": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Operator": "NTT DoCoMo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "LTE (4G)",
"References and notes": null
"Jersey (United Kingdom)": {
"code": "JE",
"operators": [
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "50",
"Brand": "JT-Wave",
"Operator": "Jersey Telecom (JT-Wave)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "55",
"Brand": "Sure Mobile",
"Operator": "Cable & Wireless Jersey Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Airtel Vodafone",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"Jordan": {
"code": "JO",
"operators": [
"MCC": "416",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "zain JO",
"Operator": "Jordan Mobile Telephone Services",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Former Fastlink[65]"
"MCC": "416",
"MNC": "74",
"Brand": "XPress Telecom",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "iDEN 800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "416",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Umniah",
"Operator": "Umniah Mobile Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "416",
"MNC": "77",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Petra Jordanian Mobile Telecommunications Company (MobileCom)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"": {
"code": null,
"operators": [
"MCC": "401",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Beeline",
"Operator": "KaR-Tel LLP",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "401",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Kcell",
"Operator": "GSM Kazakhstan Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "401",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "Dalacom",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "401",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "Kazakhtelecom",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800 / CDMA2000 450",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "401",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Dontelecom",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "401",
"MNC": "77",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Called Mobile Telecom Service before its acquisition by Tele2.[66]"
"Kenya": {
"code": "KE",
"operators": [
"MCC": "639",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Safaricom",
"Operator": "Safaricom Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[67]"
"MCC": "639",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Airtel",
"Operator": "B Airtel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[24]"
"MCC": "639",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "Orange Kenya",
"Operator": "Telkom Kenya",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 / GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "639",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "yu",
"Operator": "Econet Wireless Kenya",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[67]Zain\n"
"Kiribati": {
"code": "KI",
"operators": [
"MCC": "545",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "Kiribati Frigate",
"Operator": "Telecom Services Kiribati Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"North Korea": {
"code": "KP",
"operators": [
"MCC": "467",
"MNC": "192",
"Brand": "Koryolink",
"Operator": "Cheo Technology Jv Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "467",
"MNC": "193",
"Brand": "SunNet",
"Operator": "Korea Posts and Telecommunications Corporation",
"Status": "discontinued",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[68]"
"South Korea": {
"code": "KR",
"operators": [
"MCC": "450",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "KT",
"Operator": "KT",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 1700",
"References and notes": "Formerly Hansol PCS, Merged with KT"
"MCC": "450",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Power 017",
"Operator": "Shinsegi Telecom, Inc.",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800",
"References and notes": "Merged with SK Telecom in 2002"
"MCC": "450",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "KT",
"Operator": "KT",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 1700",
"References and notes": "HSM"
"MCC": "450",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "SKTelecom",
"Operator": "SK Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[69]"
"MCC": "450",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "LG U+",
"Operator": "LG Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 1700",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "450",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "olleh",
"Operator": "KT",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "450",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "SKTelecom",
"Operator": "Korea Cable Telecom(t-plus), Eco-mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "SKTelecom MVNO"
"Kosovo": {
"code": "RKS",
"operators": [
"MCC": "212",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Vala",
"Operator": "PTK - Directory of Post of Kosovo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Monaco MCC. Monaco Telecom is responsible for the delegated management of Vala GSM network in Kosovo.[70]"
"MCC": "293",
"MNC": "41",
"Brand": "IPKO",
"Operator": "IPKO",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Telekom Slovenije is responsible for the delegated management of IPKO GSM Network in Kosovo.[71]"
"MCC": "293",
"MNC": "41",
"Brand": "D3 Mobile",
"Operator": "Dukagjini",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "IPKO is responsible for the delegated management of D3 Mobile GSM Network in Kosovo."
"MCC": "212",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Z Mobile",
"Operator": "Dardaphone",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Vala is responsible for the delegated management of Z Mobile GSM Network in Kosovo."
"Kuwait": {
"code": "KW",
"operators": [
"MCC": "419",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "zain KW",
"Operator": "Zain Kuwait",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "419",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Wataniya",
"Operator": "National Mobile Telecommunications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "419",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Viva",
"Operator": "Kuwait Telecommunication Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Kyrgyzstan": {
"code": "KG",
"operators": [
"MCC": "437",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Beeline",
"Operator": "Sky Mobile LLC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "former Bitel"
"MCC": "437",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Fonex",
"Operator": "Aktel Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "437",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "MegaCom",
"Operator": "Alfa Telecom CJSC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "437",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "O!",
"Operator": "NurTelecom LLC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"Laos": {
"code": "LA",
"operators": [
"MCC": "457",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "LTC",
"Operator": "LaoTelecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[72]"
"MCC": "457",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "ETL",
"Operator": "Enterprise of Telecommunications Lao",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "457",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Unitel",
"Operator": "Star Telecom Co., Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former Lao-Asia Telecom Company (LAT)[73]"
"MCC": "457",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "Beeline",
"Operator": "VimpelCom Lao Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Former Millicom Lao Co Ltd (Tigo)"
"Latvia": {
"code": "LV",
"operators": [
"MCC": "247",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "LMT",
"Operator": "Latvian Mobile Telephone",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "247",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Tele2",
"Operator": "Tele2",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "247",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "TRIATEL",
"Operator": "Telekom Baltija",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 450",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "247",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Bite",
"Operator": "Bite Latvija",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Bite's postpaid customers are still being assigned SIM cards with 246 02 MNC"
"MCC": "247",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Rigatta",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": "No own network. Not in commercial use.[74]"
"MCC": "247",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "MTS",
"Operator": "Master Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": "Uses Bite network [74]"
"MCC": "247",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "IZZI",
"Operator": "IZZI",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": "Uses Bite network [74]"
"MCC": "247",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "Camel Mobile",
"Operator": "Camel Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": ""
"Lebanon": {
"code": "LB",
"operators": [
"MCC": "415",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Alfa",
"Operator": "MIC 1",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "415",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "mtc touch",
"Operator": "MIC 2",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "415",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Ogero Mobile",
"Operator": "Ogero Telecom",
"Status": "Planned",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[75]"
"Lesotho": {
"code": "LS",
"operators": [
"MCC": "651",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Vodacom",
"Operator": "Vodacom Lesotho (Pty) Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "651",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Econet Ezin-cel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"Liberia": {
"code": "LR",
"operators": [
"MCC": "618",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Lonestar Cell",
"Operator": "Lonestar Communications Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[75]"
"MCC": "618",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Libercell",
"Operator": "Atlantic Wireless (Liberia) Inc.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "618",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Comium",
"Operator": "Comium Liberia",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[75]"
"MCC": "618",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "Cellcom",
"Operator": "Cellcom Telecommunications, Inc",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "618",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "LIBTELCO",
"Operator": "Liberia Telecommunications Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000",
"References and notes": null
"Libya": {
"code": "LY",
"operators": [
"MCC": "606",
"MNC": "00",
"Brand": "Libyana",
"Operator": "Libyana",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "606",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Madar",
"Operator": "Al-Madar Al-Jadeed",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "606",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Al-Jeel Phone",
"Operator": "Al-Jeel Al-Jadeed",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Uses Al-Madar for frequency access"
"MCC": "606",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Libya Phone",
"Operator": "Libya Telecom and Technology (LTT)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Uses Libyana for frequency access"
"MCC": "606",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Hatef Libya",
"Operator": "Hatef Libya",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000",
"References and notes": null
"Liechtenstein": {
"code": "LI",
"operators": [
"MCC": "295",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Swisscom",
"Operator": "Swisscom Schweiz AG",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[76]"
"MCC": "295",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Orange Liechtenstein AG",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "295",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "FL1",
"Operator": "Mobilkom Liechtenstein AG",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "295",
"MNC": "77",
"Brand": "Alpmobil",
"Operator": "Alpcom AG",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Bankruptcy in February 2012 [77] , Former Tele2"
"MCC": "295",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Cubic Telecom",
"Operator": "Cubic Telecom AG",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Lithuania": {
"code": "LT",
"operators": [
"MCC": "246",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Omnitel",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "246",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "BITE",
"Operator": "UAB Bité Lietuva",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "246",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Tele 2",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "246",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "LitRail",
"Operator": "Lithuanian Railways",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM-R 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "246",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Mediafon",
"Operator": "UAB Mediafon",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"Luxembourg": {
"code": "LU",
"operators": [
"MCC": "270",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "LuxGSM",
"Operator": "P&T Luxembourg",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "270",
"MNC": "77",
"Brand": "Tango",
"Operator": "Tango SA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "270",
"MNC": "99",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Orange S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former VOXmobile"
"Macau (People's Republic of China)": {
"code": "MO",
"operators": [
"MCC": "455",
"MNC": "00",
"Brand": "SmarTone",
"Operator": "SmarTone Macao",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[78]"
"MCC": "455",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "CTM",
"Operator": "C.T.M. Telemovel+",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "455",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "China Telecom",
"Operator": "China Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "455",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "3",
"Operator": "Hutchison Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "455",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "CTM",
"Operator": "C.T.M. Telemovel+",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "455",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "3",
"Operator": "Hutchison Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Macedonia": {
"code": "MK",
"operators": [
"MCC": "294",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "T-Mobile MK",
"Operator": "T-Mobile Macedonia",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former Mobimak"
"MCC": "294",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "ONE",
"Operator": "One",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former Cosmofon"
"MCC": "294",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Vip MK",
"Operator": "VIP Operator",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Madagascar": {
"code": "MG",
"operators": [
"MCC": "646",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Airtel",
"Operator": "Bharti Airtel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Former Celtel (Zain), Madacom [79]"
"MCC": "646",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Orange Madagascar S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "646",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Sacel",
"Operator": "Sacel Madagascar S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "646",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Telma",
"Operator": "Telma Mobile S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Malawi": {
"code": "MW",
"operators": [
"MCC": "650",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "TNM",
"Operator": "Telecom Network Malawi",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[80]"
"MCC": "650",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Airtel",
"Operator": "Bharti Airtel Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Former Celtel (Zain)[24]"
"Malaysia": {
"code": "MY",
"operators": [
"MCC": "502",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "ATUR 450",
"Operator": "Telekom Malaysia Bhd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 450 (depreciated)011-(6digits)",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "502",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "DiGi Telecommunications",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": "[81]"
"MCC": "502",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "TM Homeline",
"Operator": "Telekom Malaysia Bhd [82]",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": "[81]"
"MCC": "502",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "Maxis",
"Operator": "Maxis Mobile Services SDN Berhad",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[83]"
"MCC": "502",
"MNC": "13",
"Brand": "Celcom",
"Operator": "Celcom Axiata Berhad",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Formerly TMTouch[84]"
"MCC": "502",
"MNC": "14",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Telekom Malaysia Berhad for PSTN SMS",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": "[81]"
"MCC": "502",
"MNC": "16",
"Brand": "DiGi",
"Operator": "DiGi Telecommunications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "502",
"MNC": "17",
"Brand": "Hotlink",
"Operator": "Maxis Prepaid",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Formerly TimeCel Adam017"
"MCC": "502",
"MNC": "18",
"Brand": "U Mobile",
"Operator": "U Mobile Sdn Bhd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Domestic Roaming with Celcom"
"MCC": "502",
"MNC": "18",
"Brand": "TM Homeline",
"Operator": "Telekom Malaysia Bhd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 850[85]",
"References and notes": "On MCMC website, 502-18 is allocated to U Mobile [81]"
"MCC": "502",
"MNC": "19",
"Brand": "Celcom",
"Operator": "Celcom Axiata Berhad",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[86]"
"MCC": "502",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Electcoms Wireless Sdn Bhd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA",
"References and notes": "PTT and CDMA Technology. Uses TM CDMA [81]"
"MCC": "502",
"MNC": "150",
"Brand": "Tune Talk",
"Operator": "Tune Talk Sdn Bhd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": "uses Celcom [81]"
"MCC": "502",
"MNC": "151",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Baraka Telecom Sdn Bhd (MVNE)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": "SalamFone[87] (MVNO)-MAXIS,[81] Previously using DiGi."
"MCC": "502",
"MNC": "152",
"Brand": "Yes",
"Operator": "YTL Communications Sdn Bhd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "WiMAX 2.3 GHz / LTE 4G",
"References and notes": "[81]"
"Maldives": {
"code": "MV",
"operators": [
"MCC": "472",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Dhiraagu",
"Operator": "Dhivehi Raajjeyge Gulhun",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[88]"
"MCC": "472",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Wataniya",
"Operator": "Wataniya Telecom Maldives",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Mali": {
"code": "ML",
"operators": [
"MCC": "610",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Malitel",
"Operator": "Malitel SA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[89]"
"MCC": "610",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Orange Mali SA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Malta": {
"code": "MT",
"operators": [
"MCC": "278",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone Malta",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Supports MVNO Redtouch Fone and MVNO VFC Mobile [90]"
"MCC": "278",
"MNC": "21",
"Brand": "GO",
"Operator": "Mobisle Communications Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Supports MVNO PING [91]"
"MCC": "278",
"MNC": "77",
"Brand": "Melita",
"Operator": "Melita Plc",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"Marshall Islands": {
"code": "MH",
"operators": [
"MCC": "",
"MNC": "",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"Martinique (France)": {
"code": "MQ",
"operators": [
"MCC": "340",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Orange Caraïbe Mobiles",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[56]"
"MCC": "340",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Outremer",
"Operator": "Outremer Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "340",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "DIGICEL Antilles Française Guyane",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Former Bouygues Telecom Caraïbes"
"Mauritania": {
"code": "MR",
"operators": [
"MCC": "609",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Mattel",
"Operator": "Mattel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[92]"
"MCC": "609",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Chinguitel",
"Operator": "Chinguitel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[93]"
"MCC": "609",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Mauritel",
"Operator": "Mauritel Mobiles",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Mauritius": {
"code": "MU",
"operators": [
"MCC": "617",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Cellplus Mobile Communications Ltd.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "617",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "MTML",
"Operator": "Mahanagar Telephone (Mauritius) Ltd.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / CDMA2000",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "617",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Emtel",
"Operator": "Emtel Ltd.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Mayotte (France)": {
"code": "YT",
"operators": [
"MCC": "",
"MNC": "",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"Mexico": {
"code": "MX",
"operators": [
"MCC": "334",
"MNC": "010",
"Brand": "Nextel",
"Operator": "Nextel México",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "iDEN 800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "334",
"MNC": "020",
"Brand": "Telcel",
"Operator": "América Móvil / Mextel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "TDMA 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "334",
"MNC": "030",
"Brand": "movistar",
"Operator": "Movistar - Telefónica Moviles (formerly Pegaso Comunicaciones y Sistemas)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2001 1900 / CDMA2001 800 / GSM 1900 / UMTS 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "334",
"MNC": "040",
"Brand": "Iusacell / Unefon",
"Operator": "Iusacell / Unefon",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2001 800 / CDMA2001 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "334",
"MNC": "050",
"Brand": "Iusacell",
"Operator": "Iusacell",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "334",
"MNC": "090",
"Brand": "Unknown",
"Operator": "Unknown",
"Status": "Detected but unknown status",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown frequencies.",
"References and notes": null
"Federated States of Micronesia": {
"code": "FM",
"operators": [
"MCC": "550",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "FSMTC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"Moldova": {
"code": "MD",
"operators": [
"MCC": "259",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Orange Moldova",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former Voxtel"
"MCC": "259",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Moldcell",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "259",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "IDC",
"Operator": "Interdnestrcom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 450 / CDMA 800",
"References and notes": "Sharing the same MNC with Unité"
"MCC": "259",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Unité",
"Operator": "Moldtelecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 450",
"References and notes": "Sharing the same MNC with IDC"
"MCC": "259",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Eventis",
"Operator": "Eventis Telecom",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Bankruptcy - License suspended"
"MCC": "259",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Unité",
"Operator": "Moldtelecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "259",
"MNC": "99",
"Brand": "Unité",
"Operator": "Moldtelecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Used for Femtocell service only"
"Monaco": {
"code": "MC",
"operators": [
"MCC": "212",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Office des Telephones",
"Operator": "Monaco Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Used for the Vala network in Kosovo. The GSM Association lists the PTK (P&T Kosovo) website for this network.[94]"
"Mongolia": {
"code": "MN",
"operators": [
"MCC": "428",
"MNC": "88",
"Brand": "Unitel",
"Operator": "Unitel LLC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "428",
"MNC": "91",
"Brand": "Skytel",
"Operator": "Skytel LLC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "428",
"MNC": "98",
"Brand": "G.Mobile",
"Operator": "G-Mobile LLC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 450",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "428",
"MNC": "99",
"Brand": "MobiCom",
"Operator": "Mobicom Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[95]"
"Montenegro": {
"code": "ME",
"operators": [
"MCC": "297",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Telenor",
"Operator": "Telenor Montenegro",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former ProMonte GSM[96]"
"MCC": "297",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "T-Mobile",
"Operator": "T-Mobile Montenegro LLC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "297",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "m:tel CG",
"Operator": "MTEL CG",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "297",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "T-Mobile",
"Operator": "T-Mobile Montenegro",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Montserrat (United Kingdom)": {
"code": "MS",
"operators": [
"MCC": "354",
"MNC": "860",
"Brand": "Cable & Wireless",
"Operator": "Cable & Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": ""
"Morocco": {
"code": "MA",
"operators": [
"MCC": "604",
"MNC": "00",
"Brand": "Méditel",
"Operator": "Medi Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[97]"
"MCC": "604",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "IAM",
"Operator": "Ittissalat Al Maghrib (Maroc Telecom)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "604",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Wana Corporate",
"Operator": "Wan Mobile (Wana)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "604",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "INWI",
"Operator": "WANA - Groupe ONA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"Mozambique": {
"code": "MZ",
"operators": [
"MCC": "643",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "mCel",
"Operator": "Mocambique Celular S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[98]"
"MCC": "643",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Movitel",
"Operator": "Movitel S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[98][99]"
"MCC": "643",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Vodacom",
"Operator": "Vodacom Mozambique, S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[98]"
"Myanmar": {
"code": "MM",
"operators": [
"MCC": "414",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "MPT",
"Operator": "Myanmar Post and Telecommunication",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[100][101]"
"Namibia": {
"code": "NA",
"operators": [
"MCC": "649",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "MTC",
"Operator": "MTC Namibia",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "649",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "switch",
"Operator": "Telecom Namibia",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "649",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Leo",
"Operator": "Orascom Telecom Holding",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "former Cell One"
"Nauru": {
"code": "NR",
"operators": [
"MCC": "536",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "Digicel (Nauru) Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Mnc is assigned to Digicel (Fiji) Limited to be used with Digicel networks in Nauru"
"Nepal": {
"code": "NP",
"operators": [
"MCC": "429",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Namaste / NT Mobile",
"Operator": "Nepal Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "429",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Ncell",
"Operator": "Ncell Pvt. Ltd.Spice Nepal",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "429",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Sky/C-Phone",
"Operator": "Nepal Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "429",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "SmartCell",
"Operator": "Smart Telecom Pvt. Ltd.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Netherlands (Kingdom of the Netherlands)": {
"code": "NL",
"operators": [
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "VastMobiel B.V.",
"Status": "Non-Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": "[102]"
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Tele2",
"Operator": "Tele2 Nederland B.V.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Voiceworks",
"Operator": "Voiceworks B.V.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNE / PrivateGSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Vodafone Libertel B.V.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Elephant Talk Communications Premium Rate Services",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Mundio Mobile (Netherlands) Ltd",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Teleena (MVNE)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNE",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "KPN",
"Operator": "KPN Mobile The Netherlands B.V.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "Lycamobile",
"Operator": "Lycamobile Netherlands Limited",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "KPN",
"Operator": "KPN B.V.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "Telfort",
"Operator": "KPN Mobile The Netherlands B.V.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "National Roaming Agreement on KPN",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "13",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Unica Installatietechniek B.V.",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "14",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "6GMOBILE B.V.",
"Status": "went into Bankruptcy",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "15",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Ziggo B.V.",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "16",
"Brand": "T-Mobile (BEN)",
"Operator": "T-Mobile Netherlands B.V",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "17",
"Brand": "Intercity Zakelijk",
"Operator": "Intercity Mobile Communications B.V.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNE",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "18",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "UPC Nederland B.V.",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "19",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Mixe Communication Solutions B.V.",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "T-Mobile",
"Operator": "T-Mobile Netherlands B.V",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "21",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "ProRail B.V.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM-R 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "22",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Ministerie van Defensie",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "23",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "ASPIDER Solutions Nederland B.V.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNE",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "24",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Private Mobility Nederland B.V.",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "25",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "CapX B.V.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "PrivateGSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "26",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "SpeakUp B.V.",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "27",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Breezz Nederland B.V.",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "28",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Lancelot B.V.",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "67",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "RadioAccess B.V.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "PrivateGSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "68",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Unify Group Holding B.V.",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "69",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "KPN Mobile The Netherlands B.V.",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"Netherlands Antilles (Kingdom of the Netherlands)": {
"code": "AN",
"operators": [
"MCC": "362",
"MNC": "51",
"Brand": "Telcell",
"Operator": "Telcell N.V.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "St.Maarten [103]"
"MCC": "362",
"MNC": "69",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "Curaçao Telecom N.V.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Curaçao"
"MCC": "362",
"MNC": "91",
"Brand": "UTS",
"Operator": "Setel N.V.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Chippie Land"
"MCC": "362",
"MNC": " ??",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "East Caribbean Cellular",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "362",
"MNC": " ??",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Antiliano Por N.V.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Live from July 2007"
"MCC": "362",
"MNC": "95",
"Brand": "MIO",
"Operator": "E.O.C.G. Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 850",
"References and notes": "[104]"
"MCC": "362",
"MNC": "94",
"Brand": "Bayòs",
"Operator": "Bòbò Frus N.V.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "TDMA PCS",
"References and notes": "Mobile Solutions"
"New Caledonia (France)": {
"code": "NC",
"operators": [
"MCC": "546",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Mobilis",
"Operator": "OPT New Caledonia",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[105]"
"New Zealand": {
"code": "NZ",
"operators": [
"MCC": "530",
"MNC": "00",
"Brand": "Telecom",
"Operator": "Telecom New Zealand",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "AMPS 800 / TDMA 800",
"References and notes": "AMPS MIN based IMSI's. This network was shut down on 31 March 2007."
"MCC": "530",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone New Zealand",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "UMTS 2100 is used in urban areas. UMTS 900 is referred to as \"3G extended\" and used in rural areas."
"MCC": "530",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Telecom",
"Operator": "Telecom New Zealand",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800",
"References and notes": "Telecom shut this network down on 31 July 2012 due to their new 3G network."
"MCC": "530",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Woosh",
"Operator": "Woosh Wireless New Zealand Walker",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2000",
"References and notes": "Wireless Broadband only"
"MCC": "530",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "TelstraClear",
"Operator": "TelstraClear New Zealand",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Own a 3G spectrum licence but undeveloped, they had a wholesale agreement to resell Telecom's 530 02 CDMA 800 network, but are now selling services running over the Vodafone NZ network"
"MCC": "530",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "XT Mobile Network",
"Operator": "Telecom New Zealand",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Launched nationwide 3G/UMTS services in Mid 2009. No GSM coverage."
"MCC": "530",
"MNC": "24",
"Brand": "2degrees",
"Operator": "2degrees",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "UMTS 2100 recently enabled"
"MCC": "530",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Skinny",
"Operator": "Telecom New Zealand",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Launched nationwide 3G/UMTS services in Dec 2011. No GSM coverage. Virtual network of the XT Mobile Network."
"Nicaragua": {
"code": "NI",
"operators": [
"MCC": "710",
"MNC": "21",
"Brand": "Claro",
"Operator": "Empresa Nicaragüense de Telecomunicaciones, S.A. (ENITEL) (América Móvil)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "[106]"
"MCC": "710",
"MNC": "300",
"Brand": "movistar",
"Operator": "Telefonía Celular de Nicaragua, S.A. (Telefónica, S.A.)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 850 / GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "CDMA 800, TDMA 800 and NAMPS 800 are not commercial"
"MCC": "710",
"MNC": "73",
"Brand": "SERCOM",
"Operator": "Servicios de Comunicaciones S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "Not listed by the GSM Association (Merged with ENITEL in 2004 and became Claro in 2009)"
"Niger": {
"code": "NE",
"operators": [
"MCC": "614",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "SahelCom",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[107]"
"MCC": "614",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Airtel",
"Operator": "Bharti Airtel Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "formerly Zain [108] and Celtel [24]"
"MCC": "614",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Telecel",
"Operator": "Telecel Niger SA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "614",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Orange Niger",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"Nigeria": {
"code": "NG",
"operators": [
"MCC": "621",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "Airtel",
"Operator": "Bharti Airtel Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Former Zain,[108]V-Mobile[109]"
"MCC": "621",
"MNC": "30",
"Brand": "MTN",
"Operator": "MTN Nigeria Communications Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "621",
"MNC": "40",
"Brand": "M-Tel",
"Operator": "Nigerian Mobile Telecommunications Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "621",
"MNC": "50",
"Brand": "Glo",
"Operator": "Globacom Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "621",
"MNC": "60",
"Brand": "Etisalat",
"Operator": "Emerging Markets Telecommunication Services Ltd (Etisalat)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "621",
"MNC": "25",
"Brand": "Visafone",
"Operator": "Visafone Communications Ltd.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800 / CDMA2000 1900",
"References and notes": null
"Niue": {
"code": "NU",
"operators": [
"MCC": "555",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Telecom Niue",
"Operator": "Telecom Niue",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"Norfolk Island": {
"code": "NF",
"operators": [
"MCC": "505",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Norfolk Telecom",
"Operator": "Norfolk Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"Northern Mariana Islands": {
"code": "MP",
"operators": [
"MCC": "",
"MNC": "",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"Norway": {
"code": "NO",
"operators": [
"MCC": "242",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Telenor",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[110]"
"MCC": "242",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "NetCom",
"Operator": "NetCom GSM",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "242",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Teletopia",
"Operator": "Teletopia",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "242",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Tele2",
"Operator": "Mobile Norway AS",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MNO",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "242",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Network Norway",
"Operator": "Mobile Norway AS",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "242",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Ice",
"Operator": "Nordisk Mobiltelefon",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 450",
"References and notes": "Data services only"
"MCC": "242",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "Ventelo",
"Operator": "Ventelo AS",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO of Telenor NO",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "242",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "TDC",
"Operator": "TDC Mobil AS",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "242",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "Com4",
"Operator": "Com4 AS [111]",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": "Principally M2M services"
"MCC": "242",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "SystemNet",
"Operator": "SystemNet AS [112]",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Test",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "242",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Jernbaneverket AS",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM-R 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "242",
"MNC": "23",
"Brand": "Lyca",
"Operator": "Lyca Mobile Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": ""
"Oman": {
"code": "OM",
"operators": [
"MCC": "422",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Oman Mobile",
"Operator": "Oman Telecommunications Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[114]"
"MCC": "422",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Nawras",
"Operator": "Omani Qatari Telecommunications Company SAOC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"Pakistan": {
"code": "PK",
"operators": [
"MCC": "410",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Mobilink",
"Operator": "Mobilink-PMCL",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes}": null
"MCC": "410",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Ufone",
"Operator": "Pakistan Telecommunication Mobile Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900/ GSM 1800",
"References and notes}": null
"MCC": "410",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Zong",
"Operator": "China Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes}": "Formerly Paktel"
"MCC": "410",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Telenor",
"Operator": "Telenor Pakistan",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes}": null
"MCC": "410",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "Warid",
"Operator": "WaridTel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes}": null
"Palau": {
"code": "PW",
"operators": [
"MCC": "552",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "PNCC",
"Operator": "Palau National Communications Corp.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "552",
"MNC": "80",
"Brand": "Palau Mobile",
"Operator": "Palau Mobile Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"Palestinian Authority": {
"code": "PS",
"operators": [
"MCC": "425",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Jawwal",
"Operator": "Palestine Cellular Communications, Ltd.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[6] [115]Took over by Israel changed to MCC:425 MNC :04\n"
"MCC": "425",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Wataniya",
"Operator": "Wataniya Palestine Mobile Telecommunications Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[7]"
"Panama": {
"code": "PA",
"operators": [
"MCC": "714",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Cable & Wireless",
"Operator": "Cable & Wireless Panama S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / UMTS 850",
"References and notes": "[116]"
"MCC": "714",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "movistar",
"Operator": "Telefónica Moviles Panama S.A, Bell South Corp. (BSC)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": "CDMA2000 800, TDMA 800 and NAMPS 800 are closed."
"MCC": "714",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "Digicel Group",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "714",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Claro",
"Operator": "América Móvil",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": null
"Papua New Guinea": {
"code": "PG",
"operators": [
"MCC": "537",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "B-Mobile",
"Operator": "Pacific Mobile Communications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "537",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "Digicel PNG",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Paraguay": {
"code": "PY",
"operators": [
"MCC": "744",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "VOX",
"Operator": "Hola Paraguay S.A",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "744",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Claro/Hutchison",
"Operator": "AMX Paraguay S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "744",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Tigo",
"Operator": "Telefónica Celular Del Paraguay S.A. (Telecel)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / UMTS 850",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "744",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Personal",
"Operator": "Núcleo S.A(TIM)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "744",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Copaco",
"Operator": "Copaco S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"Peru": {
"code": "PE",
"operators": [
"MCC": "716",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Movistar",
"Operator": "Telefónica Móviles Perú",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 850 / GSM 850 / UMTS 850",
"References and notes": "[117]"
"MCC": "716",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "NEXTEL",
"Operator": "NII Holdings",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "iDEN / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": "[118]"
"MCC": "716",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Claro(TIM)",
"Operator": "América Móvil Perú",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900 / UMTS 850",
"References and notes": null
"Philippines": {
"code": "PH",
"operators": [
"MCC": "515",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Islacom",
"Operator": "Globe Telecom via Innove Communications",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[119]"
"MCC": "515",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Globe",
"Operator": "Globe Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "EDGE 900 / EDGE 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "515",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Smart",
"Operator": "PLDT via Smart Communications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "EDGE 900 / EDGE 1800 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "515",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Sun",
"Operator": "Digital Telecommunications Philippines",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "EDGE 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "515",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "PLDT via ACeS Philippines",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "515",
"MNC": "18",
"Brand": "Cure",
"Operator": "PLDT via Smart's Connectivity Unlimited Resources Enterprise",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100 (defunct)",
"References and notes": "Formerly ümobile, now D/B/A Red Mobile"
"MCC": "515",
"MNC": "88",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Nextel",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"Pitcairn Islands (United Kingdom)": {
"code": "PN",
"operators": [
"MCC": "",
"MNC": "",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"Poland": {
"code": "PL",
"operators": [
"MCC": "260",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Plus",
"Operator": "Polkomtel S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[120]"
"MCC": "260",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "T-Mobile",
"Operator": "Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. z o.o.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "former Era"
"MCC": "260",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Polska Telefonia Komórkowa Centertel Sp. z o.o.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / CDMA2000 450",
"References and notes": "former Idea"
"MCC": "260",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "CenterNet S.A.",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "260",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Polska Telefonia Komórkowa Centertel Sp. z o.o.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "not in use, using MNC 03"
"MCC": "260",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Play",
"Operator": "P4 Sp. z o.o.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Also roaming on Polkomtel and Centertel 2G/3G network"
"MCC": "260",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "Netia",
"Operator": "Netia S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "MVNO roaming on Play (P4) network"
"MCC": "260",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "E-Telko Sp. z o.o.",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "260",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "Lycamobile",
"Operator": "Lycamobile Sp. z o.o.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": "On Polkomtel 2G/3G network"
"MCC": "260",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Sferia",
"Operator": "Sferia S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 850",
"References and notes": "Formerly assigned to Telefony Opalenickie S.A."
"MCC": "260",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "Nordisk Polska",
"Operator": "Nordisk Polska Sp. z o.o.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 420",
"References and notes": "[121]"
"MCC": "260",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "Cyfrowy Polsat",
"Operator": "Cyfrowy Polsat S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "MVNO using national roaming with several operators"
"MCC": "260",
"MNC": "13",
"Brand": "Sferia",
"Operator": "Sferia S.A.",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": "Uses MNC 10"
"MCC": "260",
"MNC": "14",
"Brand": "Sferia",
"Operator": "Sferia S.A.",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": "Uses MNC 10"
"MCC": "260",
"MNC": "15",
"Brand": "CenterNet",
"Operator": "CenterNet S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "LTE 1800",
"References and notes": "LTE1800 with 20 MHz channels. Used wRodzinie brand cards until 2010, now data transmission only.[122]"
"MCC": "260",
"MNC": "16",
"Brand": "Mobyland",
"Operator": "Mobyland Sp. z o.o.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / LTE 1800",
"References and notes": "LTE1800 with 20 MHz channels [122]"
"MCC": "260",
"MNC": "17",
"Brand": "Aero2",
"Operator": "Aero 2 Sp. z o.o.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "260",
"MNC": "34",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. z o.o.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 900",
"References and notes": "NetWorks! with Centertel"
"MCC": "260",
"MNC": "98",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "P4 Sp. z o.o.",
"Status": "Not Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": "Test network"
"Portugal": {
"code": "PT",
"operators": [
"MCC": "268",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone Portugal",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "268",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Optimus",
"Operator": "Sonaecom – Serviços de Comunicações, S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "268",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "TMN",
"Operator": "Telecomunicações Móveis Nacionais",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "268",
"MNC": "21",
"Brand": "Zapp",
"Operator": "Zapp Portugal",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 450",
"References and notes": "Closed down CDMA network on September 31, 2011"
"Puerto Rico": {
"code": "PR",
"operators": [
"MCC": "330",
"MNC": "110",
"Brand": "Claro",
"Operator": "Puerto Rico Telephone Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "330",
"MNC": "120",
"Brand": "Open Mobile",
"Operator": "PR Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "LTE 700 / PCS 1900 / AWS 1700",
"References and notes": null
"Qatar": {
"code": "QA",
"operators": [
"MCC": "427",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Qtel",
"Operator": "Qtel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "427",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone Qatar",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "427",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Ministry of Interior",
"Operator": "Ministry of Interior",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "TETRA 380",
"References and notes": null
"Réunion (France)": {
"code": "RE",
"operators": [
"MCC": "647",
"MNC": "00",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Orange La Réunion",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[123]"
"MCC": "647",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Outremer",
"Operator": "Outremer Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "647",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "SFR Reunion",
"Operator": "Societe Reunionnaise de Radiotelephone",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Romania": {
"code": "RO",
"operators": [
"MCC": "226",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone România",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Formerly branded as Connex"
"MCC": "226",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Romtelecom",
"Operator": "Romtelecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 420",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "226",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Cosmote",
"Operator": "Cosmote România",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Formerly branded as Cosmorom"
"MCC": "226",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Cosmote",
"Operator": "Cosmote România",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 450",
"References and notes": "Formerly branded as Zapp"
"MCC": "226",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Digi.Mobil",
"Operator": "RCS&RDS",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "226",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Cosmote",
"Operator": "Cosmote România",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Formerly branded as Zapp"
"MCC": "226",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Orange România",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Formerly branded as Dialog"
"Russian Federation": {
"code": "RU",
"operators": [
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "MTS",
"Operator": "Mobile TeleSystems",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100 / TD-LTE 2600 (test)",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "MegaFon",
"Operator": "MegaFon OJSC - previously known as North-West GSM",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100/ TD-LTE 2600",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "NCC",
"Operator": "Nizhegorodskaya Cellular Communications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Sibchallenge",
"Operator": "Sibchallenge",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "ETK",
"Operator": "Yeniseytelecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / CDMA2000 450",
"References and notes": "Mobile Communications Systems"
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Skylink",
"Operator": "CJSC Saratov System of Cellular Communications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 450",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "SMARTS",
"Operator": "Zao SMARTS",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "Skylink",
"Operator": "Khabarovsky Cellular Phone",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 450",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "DTC",
"Operator": "Dontelekom",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "Yota",
"Operator": "Scartel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "LTE 2600",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "Baykalwestcom",
"Operator": "Baykal Westcom / New Telephone Company / Far Eastern Cellular",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / CDMA2000 450",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "Akos",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "13",
"Brand": "KUGSM",
"Operator": "Kuban GSM",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "15",
"Brand": "SMARTS",
"Operator": "SMARTS Ufa, SMARTS Uljanovsk",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "16",
"Brand": "NTC",
"Operator": "New Telephone Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "17",
"Brand": "Utel",
"Operator": "JSC Uralsvyazinform",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Former Ermak RMS"
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "19",
"Brand": "INDIGO",
"Operator": "INDIGO",
"Status": "Not operational[citation needed]",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Since 19 December 2009 merged with Tele2[citation needed]"
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "Tele2",
"Operator": "Tele2",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "23",
"Brand": "Mobicom - Novosibirsk",
"Operator": "Mobicom - Novosibirsk",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "28",
"Brand": "Beeline",
"Operator": "Beeline",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Former EXTEL"
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "35",
"Brand": "MOTIV",
"Operator": "MOTIV",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "38",
"Brand": "Tambov GSM",
"Operator": "Central Telecommunication Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "39",
"Brand": "Utel",
"Operator": "Uralsvyazinform",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "44",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Stavtelesot / North Caucasian GSM",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "50",
"Brand": "MTS",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Based on MTS"
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "91",
"Brand": "Sonic Duo",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "92",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Primtelefon",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "93",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Telecom XXI",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "99",
"Brand": "Beeline",
"Operator": "OJSC Vimpel-Communications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": " ?",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "SkyLink/MTS/the Moscow Cellular communication",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 450",
"References and notes": null
"Rwanda": {
"code": "RW",
"operators": [
"MCC": "635",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "MTN",
"Operator": "MTN Rwandacell SARL",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[124]"
"MCC": "635",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "Rwandatel",
"Operator": "Rwandatel S.A.",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM ???",
"References and notes": "GSM licence revoked in April 2011 [125]"
"MCC": "635",
"MNC": "13",
"Brand": "Tigo",
"Operator": "TIGO RWANDA S.A",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "635",
"MNC": "14",
"Brand": "Airtel",
"Operator": "Airtel RWANDA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Live since 1 April 2012 [126]"
"Saint Kitts and Nevis": {
"code": "KN",
"operators": [
"MCC": "356",
"MNC": "050",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "356",
"MNC": "110",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "LIME",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "356",
"MNC": "070",
"Brand": "Chippie",
"Operator": "UTS",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"Saint Lucia": {
"code": "LC",
"operators": [
"MCC": "358",
"MNC": "050",
"Brand": "Digicel[citation needed]",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "358",
"MNC": "110",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Cable & Wireless",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"Saint Pierre and Miquelon (France)": {
"code": "PM",
"operators": [
"MCC": "308",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Ameris",
"Operator": "St. Pierre-et-Miquelon Télécom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[127]"
"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": {
"code": "VC",
"operators": [
"MCC": "360",
"MNC": "070",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "360",
"MNC": "100",
"Brand": "Cingular Wireless",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "360",
"MNC": "110",
"Brand": "Cable & Wireless",
"Operator": "Cable & Wireless",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"Samoa": {
"code": "WS",
"operators": [
"MCC": "549",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "Digicel Pacific Ltd.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[128]"
"MCC": "549",
"MNC": "27",
"Brand": "Bluesky",
"Operator": "Bluesky Samoa Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Samoatel Ltd (Samoatel) [129]"
"San Marino": {
"code": "SM",
"operators": [
"MCC": "292",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "PRIMA",
"Operator": "San Marino Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[130][8]"
"Sao Tome and Principe": {
"code": "ST",
"operators": [
"MCC": "626",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "CSTmovel",
"Operator": "Companhia Santomese de Telecomunicaçôe",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Saudi Arabia": {
"code": "SA",
"operators": [
"MCC": "420",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Al Jawal (STC )",
"Operator": "Saudi Telecom Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[131]"
"MCC": "420",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Mobily",
"Operator": "Etihad Etisalat Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "420",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Zain SA",
"Operator": "Zain Saudi Arabia",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Active September 2008 [132]"
"Senegal": {
"code": "SN",
"operators": [
"MCC": "608",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Sonatel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "608",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Tigo",
"Operator": "Millicom International Cellular S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "former SENTEL GSM"
"MCC": "608",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Expresso",
"Operator": "Sudatel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Serbia": {
"code": "RS",
"operators": [
"MCC": "220",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Telenor",
"Operator": "Telenor Serbia",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former MOBTEL"
"MCC": "220",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Telenor",
"Operator": "Telenor Montenegro",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Discounted on November 11, 2011. Is moving to 297 01, Montenegro MCC and MNC."
"MCC": "220",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "mt:s",
"Operator": "Telekom Srbija",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "220",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "VIP",
"Operator": "VIP Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Seychelles": {
"code": "SC",
"operators": [
"MCC": "633",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Cable & Wireless",
"Operator": "Cable & Wireless Seychelles",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "633",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Mediatech International",
"Operator": "Mediatech International",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "633",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Airtel",
"Operator": "Telecom Seychelles Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Sierra Leone": {
"code": "SL",
"operators": [
"MCC": "619",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Airtel",
"Operator": "Bharti Airtel Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Former Zain, Celtel"
"MCC": "619",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Tigo",
"Operator": "Millicom (SL) Limited",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": "Africell acquired Millicom in 2009[133]"
"MCC": "619",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Africell",
"Operator": "Lintel Sierra Leone Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "619",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Comium",
"Operator": "Comium Sierra leone INC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900/1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "619",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Africell",
"Operator": "Lintel Sierra Leone Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "619",
"MNC": "25",
"Brand": "Mobitel",
"Operator": "Mobitel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "619",
"MNC": " ?",
"Brand": "LeoneCel",
"Operator": "Sierratel",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"Singapore": {
"code": "SG",
"operators": [
"MCC": "525",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "SingTel",
"Operator": "Singapore Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[134]"
"MCC": "525",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "SingTel-G18",
"Operator": "Singapore Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "525",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "M1",
"Operator": "M1 limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "525",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "StarHub",
"Operator": "StarHub Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "525",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Digital Trunked Radio Network",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "iDEN 800",
"References and notes": null
"Slovakia": {
"code": "SK",
"operators": [
"MCC": "231",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Orange Slovensko",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ",[135] Former Globtel"
"MCC": "231",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "T-Mobile",
"Operator": "T-Mobile Slovensko",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Former Eurotel"
"MCC": "231",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Unient Communications",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "231",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "T-Mobile",
"Operator": "T-Mobile Slovensko",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "231",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "O2",
"Operator": "Telefónica O2 Slovakia",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "231",
"MNC": "99",
"Brand": "ŽSR",
"Operator": "Železnice Slovenskej Republiky",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM-R",
"References and notes": "Railway communication and signalling"
"Slovenia": {
"code": "SI",
"operators": [
"MCC": "293",
"MNC": "40",
"Brand": "Si.mobil",
"Operator": "SI.MOBIL d.d.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[136]"
"MCC": "293",
"MNC": "41",
"Brand": "Mobitel",
"Operator": "Mobitel D.D.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "293",
"MNC": "64",
"Brand": "T-2",
"Operator": "T-2 d.o.o.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "293",
"MNC": "70",
"Brand": "Tušmobil",
"Operator": "Tušmobil d.o.o.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Solomon Islands": {
"code": "SB",
"operators": [
"MCC": "540",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "BREEZE",
"Operator": "Solomon Telekom Co Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[137]"
"Somalia": {
"code": "SO",
"operators": [
"MCC": "637",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "SomaCyber",
"Operator": "SomaCyber",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[138]"
"MCC": "637",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Telesom",
"Operator": "Telesom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "637",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Somafone",
"Operator": "Somafone FZLLC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[138]"
"MCC": "637",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Nationlink",
"Operator": "NationLink Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "637",
"MNC": "25",
"Brand": "Hormuud",
"Operator": "Hormuud Telecom Somalia Inc",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Uncertain MNC number"
"MCC": "637",
"MNC": "30",
"Brand": "Golis",
"Operator": "Golis Telecom Somalia",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[138]"
"MCC": "637",
"MNC": "57",
"Brand": "Unittel",
"Operator": "Unitted Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "637",
"MNC": "60",
"Brand": "Nationlink Telecom",
"Operator": "Nationlink Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900/ GSM 1800",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "637",
"MNC": "71",
"Brand": "Somtel",
"Operator": "2G/3G",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "900/1800/2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "637",
"MNC": "82",
"Brand": "Telcom",
"Operator": "Telcom Somalia",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / CDMA2000",
"References and notes": ""
"South Africa": {
"code": "ZA",
"operators": [
"MCC": "655",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Vodacom",
"Operator": "Vodacom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "655",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Telkom Mobile / 8.ta / Telekom SA",
"Operator": "MTN",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "655",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Sentech",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "655",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "Cell C",
"Operator": "Cell C",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "655",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "MTN",
"Operator": "MTN Group",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100 / UMTS 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "655",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "South African Police Service Gauteng",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "TETRA 410",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "655",
"MNC": "13",
"Brand": "Neotel",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "655",
"MNC": "19",
"Brand": "iBurst",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "LTE",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "655",
"MNC": "21",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Cape Town Metropolitan Council",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "TETRA 410",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "655",
"MNC": "30",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Bokamoso Consortium",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "655",
"MNC": "31",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Karabo Telecoms (Pty) Ltd.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "655",
"MNC": "32",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Ilizwi Telecommunications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "655",
"MNC": "33",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Thinta Thinta Telecommunications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"South Ossetia": {
"code": "no ISO code",
"operators": [
"MCC": "250",
"MNC": "30",
"Brand": "Megafon",
"Operator": "Ostelecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Russian MCC is used"
"South Sudan": {
"code": "SS[139]",
"operators": [
"MCC": "659",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "MTN",
"Operator": "MTN South Sudan",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900/1800, UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[140][141]"
"MCC": "659",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Gemtel",
"Operator": "Gemtel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900/1800",
"References and notes": "[140][141]"
"MCC": "659",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Vivacell",
"Operator": "Network of the World (NOW)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900/1800",
"References and notes": "[140][141]"
"MCC": "659",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Zain",
"Operator": "Zain South Sudan",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900/1800",
"References and notes": "[140][141]"
"MCC": "659",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "Sudani",
"Operator": "Sudani",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA",
"References and notes": "[141]"
"Spain": {
"code": "ES",
"operators": [
"MCC": "214",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone Spain",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Also use MNC 019 and also 015 Some MVNO use this MNC (Hits, Eroski, Lebara, PepePhone)"
"MCC": "214",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "France Telecom España SA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Also use MNC 033 Some MVNO use this MNC (CarrefourOnline, Dia, Hualong, Llamaya, MasMovil, The Phone House Spain)"
"MCC": "214",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Yoigo",
"Operator": "Xfera Moviles SA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "214",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "TME",
"Operator": "Telefónica Móviles España",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Used by resellers"
"MCC": "214",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone Spain",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Used by resellers/Also use MNC 019"
"MCC": "214",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "movistar",
"Operator": "Telefónica Móviles España",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Some MVNO use this MNC (Tu, Sweno, Vectone Movil, ZeroMovil)"
"MCC": "214",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "Euskaltel",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": "Some MVNO use this MNC (RACC)"
"MCC": "214",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "France Telecom España SA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Used by resellers"
"MCC": "214",
"MNC": "15",
"Brand": "BT",
"Operator": "BT Group España Compañia de Servicios Globales de Telecomunicaciones S.A.U.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "214",
"MNC": "16",
"Brand": "TeleCable",
"Operator": "Telecable de Asturias S.A.U.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "214",
"MNC": "17",
"Brand": "Móbil R",
"Operator": "R Cable y Telecomunicaciones Galicia S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "214",
"MNC": "18",
"Brand": "ONO",
"Operator": "Cableuropa S.A.U.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "214",
"MNC": "19",
"Brand": "Simyo",
"Operator": "E-PLUS Moviles Virtuales España S.L.U.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "214",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "Fonyou",
"Operator": "Fonyou Telecom S.L.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "214",
"MNC": "21",
"Brand": "Jazztel",
"Operator": "Jazz Telecom S.A.U.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "214",
"MNC": "22",
"Brand": "DigiMobil",
"Operator": "Best Spain Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "214",
"MNC": "23",
"Brand": "Barablu",
"Operator": "Barablu Móvil España",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "214",
"MNC": "24",
"Brand": "Eroski",
"Operator": "Eroski Móvil España",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": "Also use MNC 01. Some MVNO use this MNC (Orbitel, Vizzavi)"
"MCC": "214",
"MNC": "25",
"Brand": "LycaMobile",
"Operator": "LycaMobile S.L.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": ""
"Sri Lanka": {
"code": "LK",
"operators": [
"MCC": "413",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Mobitel",
"Operator": "Sri Lanka Telecom Mobitel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "413",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Dialog",
"Operator": "Dialog Axiata",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "413",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Etisalat",
"Operator": "Etisalat Lanka",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former Tigo or Celltel"
"MCC": "413",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Airtel",
"Operator": "Bharti Airtel Lanka",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "413",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "Hutch",
"Operator": "Hutchison Telecommunications Lanka",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"Sudan": {
"code": "SD",
"operators": [
"MCC": "634",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Zain SD",
"Operator": "Zain Group - Sudan",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former, Mobitel"
"MCC": "634",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "MTN",
"Operator": "MTN Sudan",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "634",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "Sudani One",
"Operator": "Sudatel Group",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 / CDMA2000 800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "634",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "Privet Network",
"Operator": "NEC",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "634",
"MNC": "",
"Brand": "Canar",
"Operator": "Canar Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 450",
"References and notes": null
"Suriname": {
"code": "SR",
"operators": [
"MCC": "746",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Telesur",
"Operator": "Telecommunications Company Suriname (Telesur)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "746",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "Digicel Group Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900/ GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "746",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Uniqa",
"Operator": "Intelsur N.V. / UTS N.V.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Swaziland": {
"code": "SZ",
"operators": [
"MCC": "653",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Swazi MTN",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Sweden": {
"code": "SE",
"operators": [
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Telia",
"Operator": "SwedenTeliaSonera",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[142]"
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "3",
"Operator": "Hutchison 3G",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Nordisk Mobiltelefon",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 450",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "SWEDEN",
"Operator": "3G Infrastructure Services",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Owned by Hi3G Access (3) and Telenor"
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Sweden 3G",
"Operator": "Svenska UMTS-Nät",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Owned by Telia and Tele2"
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Telenor",
"Operator": "Telenor Sweden",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "Tele2",
"Operator": "Tele2 Sweden",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "Telenor",
"Operator": "Telenor Sweden",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "djuice",
"Operator": "Telenor Sweden",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Spring Mobil",
"Operator": "Tele2",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Lindholmen Science Park",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Barablu Mobile Scandinavia",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "13",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Ventelo Sverige",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "14",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "TDC Mobil",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "15",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Wireless Maingate Nordic",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "16",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "42IT",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "17",
"Brand": "Gotanet",
"Operator": "Götalandsnätet",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Wireless Maingate Message Services",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "21",
"Brand": "MobiSir",
"Operator": "Trafikverket (formerly Banverket)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM-R 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "24",
"Brand": "Sweden 2G",
"Operator": "Net4Mobility",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900/1800",
"References and notes": "Owned by Telenor and Tele2"
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "25",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "DigiTelMobile",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "26",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Beepsend",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "240",
"MNC": "33",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Mobile Arts AB",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": "[143]"
"Switzerland": {
"code": "CH",
"operators": [
"MCC": "228",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Swisscom",
"Operator": "Swisscom Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[144]"
"MCC": "228",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Sunrise",
"Operator": "Sunrise Communications AG",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "228",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Orange Communications SA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "228",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Togewanet AG (Comfone)",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": "Planned"
"MCC": "228",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "SBB-CFF-FFS",
"Operator": "SBB AG",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM-R 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "228",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "IN&Phone",
"Operator": "IN&Phone SA",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "228",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "Tele4u",
"Operator": "TelCommunication Services AG",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "owned by Sunrise, former Tele2"
"MCC": "228",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Comfone",
"Status": "Inactive",
"Bands (MHz)": "Roaming Hub",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "228",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Sunrise",
"Status": "Inactive",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "228",
"MNC": "50",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "3G Mobile AG",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Planned"
"MCC": "228",
"MNC": "51",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "BebbiCell AG",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "MVNO",
"References and notes": "Also for paging"
"MCC": "228",
"MNC": "52",
"Brand": "Barablu",
"Operator": "Barablu",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "228",
"MNC": "53",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "UPC",
"Status": "Inactive",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "228",
"MNC": "54",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Lyca Mobile",
"Status": "Inactive",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"Syria": {
"code": "SY",
"operators": [
"MCC": "417",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Syriatel",
"Operator": "Syriatel Mobile Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[145]"
"MCC": "417",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "MTN",
"Operator": "MTN Syria",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former Spacetel"
"Taiwan": {
"code": "TW",
"operators": [
"MCC": "466",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "FarEasTone",
"Operator": "Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[146]"
"MCC": "466",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "APTG",
"Operator": "Asia Pacific Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "466",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Tuntex",
"Operator": "Tuntex Telecom",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Acquired by KG Telecom in 1999"
"MCC": "466",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "Chunghwa LDM",
"Operator": "LDTA/Chunghwa Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Refer to 466-92 Chunghwa Telecom",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "466",
"MNC": "88",
"Brand": "KG Telecom",
"Operator": "KG Telecom",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Acquired by FarEasTone in 2004. KG Telecom brand was operated until 2009"
"MCC": "466",
"MNC": "89",
"Brand": "VIBO",
"Operator": "VIBO Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "466",
"MNC": "92",
"Brand": "Chungwa",
"Operator": "Chunghwa Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "466",
"MNC": "93",
"Brand": "MobiTai",
"Operator": "Mobitai Communications",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Acquired by Taiwan Mobile in 2004. MobiTai brand was operated until 2008"
"MCC": "466",
"MNC": "97",
"Brand": "Taiwan Mobile",
"Operator": "Taiwan Mobile Co. Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "466",
"MNC": "99",
"Brand": "TransAsia",
"Operator": "TransAsia Telecoms",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Acquired by Taiwan Mobile in 2002. TransAsia brand was operated until 2008"
"Tajikistan": {
"code": "TJ",
"operators": [
"MCC": "436",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Tcell",
"Operator": "JV Somoncom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[147]"
"MCC": "436",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Tcell",
"Operator": "Indigo Tajikistan",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "436",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "MLT",
"Operator": "TT Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "436",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Babilon-M",
"Operator": "Babilon-Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[9]"
"MCC": "436",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Beeline",
"Operator": "Vimpelcom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[10]"
"MCC": "436",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "Tcell",
"Operator": "Indigo",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": ""
"Tanzania": {
"code": "TZ",
"operators": [
"MCC": "640",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "tiGO",
"Operator": "MIC Tanzania Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Former Mobitel and Buzz"
"MCC": "640",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Zantel",
"Operator": "Zanzibar Telecom Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "640",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Vodacom",
"Operator": "Vodacom Tanzania Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "640",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Airtel/CelTel Tanzania",
"Operator": "Bharti Airtel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Former Celtel (Zain) [24]"
"MCC": "640",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Sasatel",
"Operator": "Dovetel Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA",
"References and notes": "[148]"
"MCC": "640",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "TTCL Mobile",
"Operator": "Tanzania Telecommunication Company LTD (TTCL)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 800",
"References and notes": "[148]"
"MCC": "640",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "Benson Online (BOL)",
"Operator": "Benson Informatics Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA",
"References and notes": "[148]"
"MCC": "640",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "Hits",
"Operator": "ExcellentCom Tanzania Limited",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": " ???",
"References and notes": "[148]"
"MCC": "640",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "SmileCom",
"Operator": "Smile Telecoms Holdings Ltd.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": " ???",
"References and notes": "[148]"
"Thailand": {
"code": "TH",
"operators": [
"MCC": "520",
"MNC": "00",
"Brand": "\"my\" CAT 3G+",
"Operator": "CAT Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 850",
"References and notes": "GSM roaming with True Move"
"MCC": "520",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "AIS",
"Operator": "Advanced Info Service",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "520",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "CAT CDMA",
"Operator": "CAT Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 2000 1x EVDO REV.A 800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "520",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": " ?",
"Operator": "WCS IQ",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "520",
"MNC": "15",
"Brand": "TOT 3G",
"Operator": "Telephone Organization of Thailand (TOT)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former known as Thaimobile 1900 (ACT Mobile)"
"MCC": "520",
"MNC": "18",
"Brand": "dtac",
"Operator": "Total Access Communication",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "520",
"MNC": "23",
"Brand": "AIS GSM 1800",
"Operator": "Digital Phone (AIS)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "520",
"MNC": "88",
"Brand": "True Move H",
"Operator": "True Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 850",
"References and notes": "Uses CAT 3G+ for radio access, also GSM roaming with True Move (MVNO on my network)"
"MCC": "520",
"MNC": "99",
"Brand": "True Move",
"Operator": "True Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "520",
"MNC": " ??",
"Brand": "WE PCT",
"Operator": "True Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "PHS 1900",
"References and notes": "In Bangkok area"
"Togo": {
"code": "TG",
"operators": [
"MCC": "615",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Togo Cell",
"Operator": "Togo Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[149]"
"MCC": "615",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Moov",
"Operator": "Moov Togo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Tonga": {
"code": "TO",
"operators": [
"MCC": "539",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Tonga Communications Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "539",
"MNC": "43",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Shoreline Communication",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "539",
"MNC": "88",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM",
"References and notes": null
"Trinidad and Tobago": {
"code": "TT",
"operators": [
"MCC": "374",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "bmobile",
"Operator": "TSTT",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "374",
"MNC": "130",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "Digicel (Trinidad & Tobago) Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"Tunisia": {
"code": "TN",
"operators": [
"MCC": "605",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Orange Tunisie",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "605",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Tunicell",
"Operator": "Tunisie Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "605",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Tunisiana",
"Operator": "Orascom Telecom Tunisie",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Turkey": {
"code": "TR",
"operators": [
"MCC": "286",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Turkcell",
"Operator": "Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "286",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "Vodafone Turkey",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Formerly known as Telsim"
"MCC": "286",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Avea",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Formerly Aria and Aycell"
"MCC": "286",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Aycell",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Merged into Aria to form Avea"
"Turkmenistan": {
"code": "TM",
"operators": [
"MCC": "438",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "MTS",
"Operator": "ES \"MTS-Turkmenistan\"",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "438",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "TM-Cell",
"Operator": "Altyn Asyr",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Turks and Caicos Islands": {
"code": "TC",
"operators": [
"MCC": "376",
"MNC": "350",
"Brand": "C&W",
"Operator": "Cable & Wireless West Indies Ltd (Turks & Caicos)",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "376",
"MNC": "352",
"Brand": "Islandcom",
"Operator": "Islandcom Telecommunications",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "338",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Digicel",
"Operator": "Digicel (Turks & Caicos) Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"Tuvalu": {
"code": "TV",
"operators": [
"MCC": "553",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "TTC",
"Operator": "Tuvalu Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"Uganda": {
"code": "UG",
"operators": [
"MCC": "641",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Airtel",
"Operator": "Bharti Airtel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Former Celtel (Zain)[24]"
"MCC": "641",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "MTN",
"Operator": "MTN Uganda",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "641",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "UTL",
"Operator": "Uganda Telecom Ltd.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "641",
"MNC": "14",
"Brand": "Orange",
"Operator": "Orange Uganda",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Former HITS Telecom"
"MCC": "641",
"MNC": "22",
"Brand": "Warid Telecom",
"Operator": "Warid Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"Ukraine": {
"code": "UA",
"operators": [
"MCC": "255",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "MTS",
"Operator": "MTS Ukraine",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / CDMA 450",
"References and notes": "Former UMC"
"MCC": "255",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Beeline",
"Operator": "Kyivstar GSM JSC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Former WellCOM"
"MCC": "255",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Kyivstar",
"Operator": "Kyivstar GSM JSC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "255",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "IT",
"Operator": "Intertelecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "255",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Golden Telecom",
"Operator": "Kyivstar GSM JSC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "255",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "life:)",
"Operator": "Astelit",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "255",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "3Mob",
"Operator": "3Mob",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Former Utel(Ukrtelecom),GSM roaming with Kyivstar"
"MCC": "255",
"MNC": "21",
"Brand": "PEOPLEnet",
"Operator": "Telesystems of Ukraine",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "255",
"MNC": "23",
"Brand": "CDMA Ukraine",
"Operator": "ITC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA 800",
"References and notes": null
"United Arab Emirates": {
"code": "AE",
"operators": [
"MCC": "424",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Etisalat",
"Operator": "E mirates Telecom Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[150]"
"MCC": "424",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "du",
"Operator": "Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"United Kingdom": {
"code": "GB",
"operators": [
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "00",
"Brand": "BT",
"Operator": "BT Group",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "UK MNC list from OfCom:[151]"
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Vectone Mobile",
"Operator": "Mundio Mobile Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Previously: Mapesbury Communications Ltd."
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "O2 (UK)",
"Operator": "Telefónica Europe",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 & 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Airtel-Vodafone",
"Operator": "Jersey Airtel Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "FMS Solutions Ltd",
"Operator": "FMS Solutions Ltd",
"Status": "Reserved",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "COLT Mobile Telecommunications Limited",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Internet Computer Bureau Limited",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Cable & Wireless Worldwide",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "OnePhone (UK) Ltd",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Tismi BV",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "O2 (UK)",
"Operator": "Telefónica Europe",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 & 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "O2 (UK)",
"Operator": "Telefónica Europe",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 & 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "Railtrack",
"Operator": "Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "13",
"Brand": "Railtrack",
"Operator": "Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "14",
"Brand": "Hay Systems Ltd",
"Operator": "Hay Systems Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "15",
"Brand": "Vodafone UK",
"Operator": "Vodafone",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100 & 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "16",
"Brand": "Talk Talk (Opal Tel Ltd)",
"Operator": "TalkTalk Communications Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Uses Vodafone for radio access"
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "17",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "FleXtel Limited",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "18",
"Brand": "Cloud9",
"Operator": "Cloud9",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "19",
"Brand": "Private Mobile Networks PMN",
"Operator": "Teleware plc",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "20",
"Brand": "3",
"Operator": "Hutchison 3G UK Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "National roaming with Orange (UK)'s 2G network"
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "22",
"Brand": "RoutoMessaging",
"Operator": "Routo Telecommunications Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "24",
"Brand": "Greenfone",
"Operator": "Stour Marine",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "25",
"Brand": "Truphone",
"Operator": "Truphone",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Uses Vodafone for radio access"
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "30",
"Brand": "T-Mobile (UK)",
"Operator": "Everything Everywhere Limited (TM)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Previously owned by T-Mobile and Deutsche Telekom"
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "31",
"Brand": "Virgin Mobile UK",
"Operator": "Virgin Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Joint venture between Virgin Mobile and Everything Everywhere Limited (TM). Operated by Everything Everywhere Limited (TM)"
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "32",
"Brand": "Virgin Mobile UK",
"Operator": "Virgin Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Joint venture between Virgin Mobile and Everything Everywhere Limited (TM). Operated by Everything Everywhere Limited (TM)"
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "33",
"Brand": "Orange (UK)",
"Operator": "Everything Everywhere Limited (TM)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Previously owned by Orange (telecommunications) and France Telecom"
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "34",
"Brand": "Orange (UK)",
"Operator": "Everything Everywhere Limited (TM)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Previously owned by Orange (telecommunications) and France Telecom"
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "35",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "JSC Ingenium (UK) Limited",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "36",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Cable and Wireless Isle of Man Limited",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "37",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Synectiv Ltd",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "50",
"Brand": "JT-Wave",
"Operator": "Jersey Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "51",
"Brand": "UK Broadband Limited",
"Operator": "UK Broadband Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "TD-LTE",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "55",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Cable & Wireless Guernsey / Sure Mobile (Jersey)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 (Guernsey) / GSM 1800 (Jersey) / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "58",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Manx Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "76",
"Brand": "BT",
"Operator": "BT Group",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "234",
"MNC": "78",
"Brand": "Airwave",
"Operator": "Airwave (communications network)[citation needed]",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "TETRA",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "235",
"MNC": "00",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Mundio Mobile Limited",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "235",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Everything Everywhere Limited (TM)",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "235",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Everything Everywhere Limited (TM)",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "235",
"MNC": "77",
"Brand": "BT",
"Operator": "BT Group",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "235",
"MNC": "91",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Vodafone United Kingdom",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "235",
"MNC": "92",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Cable & Wireless UK",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "235",
"MNC": "94",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Hutchison 3G UK Ltd",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "235",
"MNC": "95",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Network Rail Infrastructure Limited",
"Status": "",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": null
"United States of America": {
"code": "US",
"operators": [
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "053",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Virgin Mobile US",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 1900.",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "054",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Alltel US",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "066",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "U.S. Cellular",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM AND CDMA",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "004",
"Brand": "Verizon",
"Operator": "Verizon Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "005",
"Brand": "Verizon",
"Operator": "Verizon Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "010",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "MCI",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "012",
"Brand": "Verizon",
"Operator": "Verizon Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "013",
"Brand": "MobileTel",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "014",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Testing",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "016",
"Brand": "Cricket Communications",
"Operator": "Cricket Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 1900 / CDMA2000 1700 / CDMA2000 2100",
"References and notes": "EV-DO"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "017",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "North Sight Communications Inc.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "020",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Union Telephone Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "Or APC Sprint Spectrum"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "026",
"Brand": "T-Mobile",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Formerly Cook Inlet Voicestream"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "030",
"Brand": "Centennial",
"Operator": "Centennial Communications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "034",
"Brand": "Airpeak",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": "Formerly Nevada Wireless"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "040",
"Brand": "Concho",
"Operator": "Concho Cellular Telephone Co., Inc.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "046",
"Brand": "SIMMETRY",
"Operator": "TMP Corp",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "060",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Consolidated Telcom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "070",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Highland Cellular",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": "Cellular One reseller"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "080",
"Brand": "Corr",
"Operator": "Corr Wireless Communications LLC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "090",
"Brand": "Cricket Communications",
"Operator": "Cricket Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 1900 / CDMA2000 1700 / CDMA2000 2100",
"References and notes": "EV-DO"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "100",
"Brand": "Plateau Wireless",
"Operator": "New Mexico RSA 4 East Ltd. Partnership",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "110",
"Brand": "PTI Pacifica",
"Operator": "PTI Pacifica Inc.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "120",
"Brand": "Sprint",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "150",
"Brand": "AT&T",
"Operator": "AT&T Mobility",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": "Formerly Cingular Wireless, previously BellSouth Mobility DCS"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "160",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "T-Mobile",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "170",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "T-Mobile",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "Formerly Cingular Wireless CA/NV known as \"Cingular Orange\", previously Pacific Bell Wireless"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "180",
"Brand": "West Central",
"Operator": "West Central Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "190",
"Brand": "Dutch Harbor",
"Operator": "Alaska Wireless Communications, LLC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": "Probably \"Alaska Communications Services\", seems to be using CDMA"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "200",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "T-Mobile",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "Formerly Smith Bagley"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "210",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "T-Mobile",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "Iowa"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "220",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "T-Mobile",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "Kansas / Oklahoma"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "230",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "T-Mobile",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "Utah"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "240",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "T-Mobile",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "New Mexico / Texas / Arizona"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "250",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "T-Mobile",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "Hawaii"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "260",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "T-Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900 / UMTS 1700 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Universal USA code"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "270",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "T-Mobile",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "Formerly Powertel"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "280",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "T-Mobile",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "290",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "T-Mobile",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "300",
"Brand": "Big Sky Mobile",
"Operator": "Smart Call (Truphone)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "310",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "T-Mobile",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "Formerly Aerial Communications"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "311",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Farmers Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "320",
"Brand": "Cellular One",
"Operator": "Smith Bagley, Inc.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "330",
"Brand": "T-Mobile",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "340",
"Brand": "Westlink",
"Operator": "Westlink Communications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "Kansas"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "350",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Carolina Phone",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "380",
"Brand": "AT&T",
"Operator": "AT&T Mobility",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": "Formerly Cingular Wireless known as \"Cingular Blue\", previously AT&T Wireless Services"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "390",
"Brand": "Cellular One of East Texas",
"Operator": "TX-11 Acquisition, LLC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "400",
"Brand": "i CAN_GSM",
"Operator": "Wave Runner LLC (Guam)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "410",
"Brand": "AT&T",
"Operator": "AT&T Mobility",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": "Formerly Cingular Wireless"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "420",
"Brand": "Cincinnati Bell",
"Operator": "Cincinnati Bell Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "430",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Alaska Digitel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "Also known as \"General Communications, Inc.\""
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "440",
"Brand": "Cellular One",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "450",
"Brand": "Viaero",
"Operator": "Viaero Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "460",
"Brand": "Simmetry",
"Operator": "TMP Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "470",
"Brand": "nTelos",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 1900",
"References and notes": "Note that 310-470 is presented on this page as also being used by Guamcell"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "480",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Choice Phone",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "490",
"Brand": "T-Mobile",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "Formerly SunCom"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "500",
"Brand": "Alltel",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800 / CDMA2000 1900",
"References and notes": "EV-DO"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "510",
"Brand": "Airtel",
"Operator": "Airtel Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": "Formerly PSC Wireless"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "520",
"Brand": "VeriSign",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "530",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "West Virginia Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "540",
"Brand": "Oklahoma Western",
"Operator": "Oklahoma Western Telephone Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "560",
"Brand": "AT&T",
"Operator": "AT&T Mobility",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": "Formerly Cellular One DCS, Dobson"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "570",
"Brand": "Cellular One",
"Operator": "MTPCS, LLC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "Formerly Chinook Wireless"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "580",
"Brand": "T-Mobile",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": "Formerly PCS One"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "590",
"Brand": "Alltel",
"Operator": "Alltel Communications Inc",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "GSM roamer network only"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "610",
"Brand": "Epic Touch",
"Operator": "Elkhart Telephone Co.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "620",
"Brand": "Coleman County Telecom",
"Operator": "Coleman County Telecommunications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "630",
"Brand": "AmeriLink PCS",
"Operator": "Choice Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "640",
"Brand": "Airadigm",
"Operator": "Airadigm Communications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "650",
"Brand": "Jasper",
"Operator": "Jasper Wireless, inc",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "660",
"Brand": "T-Mobile",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "Formerly DigiPhone PCS / DigiPH"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "670",
"Brand": "Northstar",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "680",
"Brand": "AT&T",
"Operator": "AT&T Mobility",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "Formerly Cellular One DCS, NPI Wireless"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "690",
"Brand": "Immix",
"Operator": "Immix Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "730",
"Brand": "SeaMobile",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "740",
"Brand": "Convey",
"Operator": "Convey Communications Inc.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "760",
"Brand": "Panhandle",
"Operator": "Panhandle Telecommunications Systems Inc.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "770",
"Brand": "i wireless",
"Operator": "Iowa Wireless Services",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "780",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Airlink PCS",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "790",
"Brand": "PinPoint",
"Operator": "PinPoint Communications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "800",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "T-Mobile",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "Formerly SOL Communications"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "830",
"Brand": "Caprock",
"Operator": "Caprock Cellular",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "840",
"Brand": "telna Mobile",
"Operator": "Telecom North America Mobile, Inc.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "[citation needed]"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "850",
"Brand": "Aeris",
"Operator": "Aeris Communications, Inc.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 1900 / GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "870",
"Brand": "PACE",
"Operator": "Kaplan Telephone Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "880",
"Brand": "Advantage",
"Operator": "Advantage Cellular Systems",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "890",
"Brand": "Unicel",
"Operator": "Rural Cellular Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": "Former Unicel markets split between AT&T Mobility and Verizon Wireless."
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "900",
"Brand": "Mid-Rivers Wireless",
"Operator": "Mid-Rivers Communications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 1900",
"References and notes": "Assigned 3/1/2010"
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "910",
"Brand": "First Cellular",
"Operator": "First Cellular of Southern Illinois",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "940",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Iris Wireless LLC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "950",
"Brand": "XIT Wireless",
"Operator": "Texas RSA 1 dba XIT Cellular",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "960",
"Brand": "Plateau Wireless",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "970",
"Brand": "Globalstar",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Satellite",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "980",
"Brand": "AT&T",
"Operator": "AT&T Mobility",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "310",
"MNC": "990",
"Brand": "AT&T",
"Operator": "AT&T Mobility",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "000",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Mid-Tex Cellular",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 850 / CDMA2000 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "010",
"Brand": "Chariton Valley",
"Operator": "Chariton Valley Communications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "020",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Missouri RSA 5 Partnership",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "030",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Indigo Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "040",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Commnet Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "050",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Wikes Cellular",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "060",
"Brand": "Farmers Cellular",
"Operator": "Farmers Cellular Telephone",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "070",
"Brand": "Easterbrooke",
"Operator": "Easterbrooke Cellular Corporation",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "080",
"Brand": "Pine Cellular",
"Operator": "Pine Telephone Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "090",
"Brand": "Long Lines Wireless",
"Operator": "Long Lines Wireless LLC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "100",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "High Plains Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "110",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "High Plains Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "120",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Choice Phone",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "130",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Cell One Amarillo",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "140",
"Brand": "Sprocket",
"Operator": "MBO Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "150",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Wilkes Cellular",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "160",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Endless Mountains Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "170",
"Brand": "PetroCom",
"Operator": "Broadpoint Inc",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850",
"References and notes": "Maritime"
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "180",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Cingular Wireless",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850 / UMTS 850 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "190",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Cellular Properties",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "210",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Emery Telcom Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "Formerly Farmers Cellular"
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "220",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "U.S. Cellular",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "230",
"Brand": "does not work",
"Operator": "C Spire Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": "Formerly Cellular South"
"MCC": "204",
"MNC": "0436",
"Brand": "works with gevey t-mobile tested",
"Operator": "C Spire Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA/GSM IPHONE 4S",
"References and notes": "Formerly Cellular South"
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "330",
"Brand": "Bug Tussel Wireless",
"Operator": "Bug Tussel Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "480",
"Brand": "Verizon",
"Operator": "Verizon Wireless",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "LTE 700 MHz C Block (4G LTE Network)",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "481-9",
"Brand": "Verizon",
"Operator": "Verizon Wireless",
"Status": "Not Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "LTE 700",
"References and notes": "C Block for future use."
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "660",
"Brand": "metroPCS",
"Operator": "metroPCS",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 1900 / CDMA 2000 LTE/AWS 1700",
"References and notes": "1X EV-DO Rev.A in approx. 33% CDMA 1900 Markets. LTE/AWS 1700 uses 1700 MHz as downlink and 2100 MHz as uplink."
"MCC": "311",
"MNC": "970",
"Brand": "Big River Broadband",
"Operator": "Big River Broadband, LLC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "LTE/AWS 1700",
"References and notes": "Utilizing 20 MHz in A block LTE/AWS 1700 uses 2100 MHz tower to phone and 1700 MHz phone to tower"
"MCC": "313",
"MNC": "100",
"Brand": "700 MHz Public Safety Broadband",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "700 MHz Public Safety Broadband",
"References and notes": "D Block"
"MCC": "313",
"MNC": "101-199",
"Brand": "700 MHz Public Safety Broadband",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Future",
"Bands (MHz)": "Reserved for 700 MHz Public Safety Broadband",
"References and notes": "D Block for future use"
"MCC": "316",
"MNC": "010",
"Brand": "Nextel",
"Operator": "Nextel Communications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "iDEN 800",
"References and notes": "Merged with Sprint forming Sprint Nextel"
"MCC": "316",
"MNC": "011",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Southern Communications Services",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "iDEN 800",
"References and notes": null
"Uruguay": {
"code": "UY",
"operators": [
"MCC": "748",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Antel",
"Operator": "Compania estatal (ANTEL)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900/1800/ UMTS 850/2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "748",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "Movistar",
"Operator": "Telefónica Móviles Uruguay",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 850/1900 / UMTS 850",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "748",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "Claro UY",
"Operator": "AM Wireless Uruguay S.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM/UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": null
"Uzbekistan": {
"code": "UZ",
"operators": [
"MCC": "434",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Buztel",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "434",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Uzmacom",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "434",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Beeline",
"Operator": "Unitel LLC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[152]"
"MCC": "434",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Ucell",
"Operator": "Coscom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[153]"
"MCC": "434",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Perfectum Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "434",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "MTS",
"Operator": "Uzdunrobita",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"Vanuatu": {
"code": "VU",
"operators": [
"MCC": "541",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "SMILE",
"Operator": "Telecom Vanuatu Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Vatican": {
"code": "VA",
"operators": [
"MCC": "225",
"MNC": "",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Not operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "",
"References and notes": "The Vatican is served by Italian networks TIM, Vodafone Italy, Wind and 3"
"Venezuela": {
"code": "VE",
"operators": [
"MCC": "734",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Digitel",
"Operator": "Corporacion Digitel C.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 900",
"References and notes": "Formerly INFONET"
"MCC": "734",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Digitel",
"Operator": "Corporacion Digitel C.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "734",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Digitel",
"Operator": "Corporacion Digitel C.A.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 900",
"References and notes": "Formerly DIGICEL"
"MCC": "734",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "movistar",
"Operator": "Telefónica Móviles Venezuela",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 850 / GSM 850 / GSM 1900 / UMTS 1900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "734",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "Movilnet",
"Operator": "Telecomunicaciones Movilnet",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 850 / GSM 850 / UMTS 850",
"References and notes": ""
"Vietnam": {
"code": "VN",
"operators": [
"MCC": "452",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "MobiFone",
"Operator": "Vietnam Mobile Telecom Services Company (VMS)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": "[154]"
"MCC": "452",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "Vinaphone",
"Operator": "Vietnam Telecom Services Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "452",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "S-Fone",
"Operator": "S-Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "452",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Viettel Mobile",
"Operator": "Viettel Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "452",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "Vietnamobile",
"Operator": "Hanoi Telecom",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / UMTS 1900 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "452",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "EVNTelecom",
"Operator": "EVNTelecom - EVN",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 450",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "452",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "3G EVNTelecom",
"Operator": "EVNTelecom - EVN",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "452",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "G-Mobile",
"Operator": "GTEL Mobile JSC",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "[155]"
"Yemen": {
"code": "YE",
"operators": [
"MCC": "421",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "SabaFon",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "421",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "MTN",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "421",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Yemen Mobile",
"Operator": "Yemen Mobile",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "CDMA2000 800",
"References and notes": ""
"Zambia": {
"code": "ZM",
"operators": [
"MCC": "645",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Airtel",
"Operator": "Bharti Airtel",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Former Celtel (Zain) brand [24]"
"MCC": "645",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "MTN",
"Operator": "MTN Group",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "Former Telecel brand [156]"
"MCC": "645",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "ZAMTEL",
"Operator": "Zambia Telecommunications Company Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"Zimbabwe": {
"code": "ZW",
"operators": [
"MCC": "648",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "Net*One",
"Operator": "Net*One Cellular (Pvt) Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": "[157]"
"MCC": "648",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Telecel",
"Operator": "Telecel Zimbabwe (PVT) Ltd",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "648",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Econet",
"Operator": "Econet Wireless (Private) Limited",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100",
"References and notes": null
"International": {
"code": null,
"operators": [
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "01",
"Brand": "ICO",
"Operator": "ICO Satellite Management",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Satellite",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "02",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Sense Communications International",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "03",
"Brand": "Iridium",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Satellite",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "04",
"Brand": "Globalstar",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Satellite",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "05",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Thuraya RMSS Network",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Satellite",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "06",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Thuraya Satellite Telecommunications Company",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Satellite",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "07",
"Brand": "Ellipso",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "08",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": "Reserved for station identification where the mobile does not have a subscription IMSI"
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "09",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Tele1 Europe",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "10",
"Brand": "ACeS",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Satellite",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "11",
"Brand": "Inmarsat",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Satellite",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "12",
"Brand": "Telenor",
"Operator": "Maritime Communications Partner AS",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Maritime [11] [158]"
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "13",
"Brand": "GSM.AQ",
"Operator": "Global Networks Switzerland Inc.",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Antarctica [159] +88234 Network"
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "14",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "AeroMobile AS",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Air[160][161]"
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "15",
"Brand": "OnAir",
"Operator": "OnAir Switzerland Sarl",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Air[162][163]"
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "16",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Jasper Systems",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": "Global SIM [12]"
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "17",
"Brand": "Navitas",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Maritime [13][14][164]"
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "18",
"Brand": "Cellular @Sea",
"Operator": "AT&T Mobility",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 / GSM 1900 / CDMA2000 1900",
"References and notes": "Maritime [15] [165]"
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "19",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Vodafone Malta Maritime",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": null
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "21",
"Brand": "Seanet",
"Operator": "Seanet Maritime Communications",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Maritime [16] [166]"
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "23",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Beeline",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "24",
"Brand": "iNum",
"Operator": "Voxbone",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": "[167]+883 iNum"
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "26",
"Brand": "TIM",
"Operator": "Telecom Italia",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "28",
"Brand": "Vodafone",
"Operator": "GDSP (Vodafone's Global Data Service Platform)",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "Roaming SIM",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "29",
"Brand": "Telenor",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Unknown",
"Bands (MHz)": "Unknown",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "18f",
"Brand": "Vision of the Seas",
"Operator": "",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900 850 1800 1900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "32",
"Brand": "Sky High",
"Operator": "MegaFon",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 900",
"References and notes": ""
"MCC": "901",
"MNC": "36",
"Brand": "",
"Operator": "Azerfon",
"Status": "Operational",
"Bands (MHz)": "GSM 1800",
"References and notes": "Air"
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