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Created May 21, 2018 08:02
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[Sulu] Article fixture example
namespace AppBundle\DataFixtures\Document;
use Sulu\Component\DocumentManager\DocumentManager;
use Sulu\Bundle\DocumentManagerBundle\DataFixtures\DocumentFixtureInterface;
use Sulu\Component\Content\Document\WorkflowStage;
final class ArticleFixture implements DocumentFixtureInterface
public function load(DocumentManager $documentManager)
for ($i = 0; $i < 200; $i++) {
/** @var \Sulu\Bundle\ContentBundle\Document\PageDocument $document */
$document = $documentManager->create('article');
$document->setTitle('foo bar page ' . $i);
'title' => 'foo bar page',
'title' => 'foo title',
'description' => 'bar description for fixture #' . $i,
'categories' => [],
'tags' => []
$documentManager->persist($document, 'en', array(
'parent_path' => '<create an article manually before it and paste its uuid here>',
# Optional: If you don't want your document to be published, remove this line
$documentManager->publish($document, 'en');
public function getOrder()
return 10;
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