What do you think separates a good react engineer from a great react engineer? It's a good question. What separates a good react engineer from a great react engineer? I don't know if I can think of anything that's gonna be particularly tailored to react. In general, the best engineers that I've worked with communicate super well.
[00:10:55] And when I say that they, like let's say, I come into your office and I say, hey, I need you to build this new search functionality that allows users to checkout faster or something like that, right? A good engineer is going to ask a lot of follow up questions so that they can get the product requirements down to like, okay, we need to build this and this and this and so they understand the problem domain really, really well before they start working on something.
[00:11:23] That has been historically that the engineers I've seen that perform the best at can take something that's really ambiguous and distill it down to step by step steps that they can t