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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Automatic type-safe binding generation sketch (GHC HEAD)
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, GADTs, DataKinds, TypeOperators, FlexibleInstances, OverlappingInstances, ConstraintKinds, MultiParamTypeClasses, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
-- heterogenous list
data HList (ts :: [ * ]) where
E :: HList '[]
(:.) :: t -> HList ts -> HList (t ': ts)
-- type-level list of function arguments
type family Input f where
Input (a -> b) = a ': Input b
Input x = '[]
-- function result
type family Output f where
Output (a -> b) = Output b
Output x = x
-- uncurried function
type i =-> o = HList i -> o
-- convert curried to uncurried
-- not actually used here, included for completeness
class GUncurry f where
guncurry :: f -> (Input f =-> Output f)
instance GUncurry b => GUncurry (a -> b) where
guncurry f (x :. xs) = guncurry (f x) xs
instance (Input r ~ '[], Output r ~ r) => GUncurry r where
guncurry f E = f
-- convert uncurried to curried
class GCurry (ts :: [ * ]) where
type GCurried ts a :: *
gcurry :: (ts =-> a) -> GCurried ts a
instance GCurry '[] where
type GCurried '[] a = a
gcurry c = c E
instance GCurry ts => GCurry (t ': ts) where
type GCurried (t ': ts) a = t -> GCurried ts a
gcurry c x = gcurry (\xs -> c (x :. xs))
-- rules for marshalling arguments
type family MarshalIn (f :: *) :: [ * ] where
MarshalIn (CString -> b) = (String ': MarshalIn b)
MarshalIn (a -> b) = (a ': MarshalIn b)
MarshalIn x = '[]
-- rules for marshalling results
type family MarshalOut (f :: *) :: * where
MarshalOut (a -> b) = MarshalOut b
MarshalOut (IO CInt) = IO Int
MarshalOut x = x
-- convert curried foreign import to uncurried binding
class Marshal f where
marshal' :: f -> (MarshalIn f =-> MarshalOut f)
instance (Marshal b, MarshalOut b ~ IO a) => Marshal (CString -> b) where
marshal' f (s :. as) = withCString s $ \cs -> marshal' (f cs) as
instance (Marshal b, MarshalIn (a -> b) ~ ( a ': MarshalIn b)) => Marshal (a -> b) where
marshal' f (x :. as) = marshal' (f x) as
instance Marshal (IO CInt) where
marshal' m E = fromIntegral <$> m
instance (MarshalOut a ~ a) => Marshal a where
marshal' x E = x
-- convert curried foreign import to curried binding
marshal :: (Marshal f, MarshalIn f ~ i, GCurry i)
=> f -> GCurried (MarshalIn f) (MarshalOut f)
marshal = gcurry . marshal'
-- demo!
foreign import ccall "puts"
puts_ :: CString -> IO CInt
puts = marshal puts_ -- type inference works
puts_' :: CString -> CString -> IO CInt
puts_' = const puts_
puts' = marshal puts_' -- multiple arguments work
main :: IO ()
main = do
puts "oh baby"
puts' "leap of faith" "ka-ching"
return ()
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