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Last active April 11, 2017 13:28
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Solga - servant but better
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Solga where
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8
import Data.Proxy
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.TypeLits
import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
import System.Random (getStdRandom, random)
-- Solga: simpler typesafe routing
-- API specification. This is a regular inhabited type!
type Example
= "simple" /> Method "GET" :> JSON Int
:<|> "echo" /> Capture :> Method "GET" :> JSON Text
:<|> "concat" /> Capture :> Capture :> Method "GET" :> JSON Text
:<|> "rng" /> Get Int
-- API implementation, briefly.
exampleBrief :: Example
exampleBrief = brief $
:<|> id
:<|> Text.append
:<|> getStdRandom random
-- API implementation, written out.
example :: Example
= (Dir $ Method $ JSON 3)
:<|> (Dir $ Capture $ \foo -> Method $ JSON foo)
:<|> (Dir $ Capture $ \str1 -> Capture $ \str2 -> Method $ JSON $ Text.append str1 str2)
:<|> (Dir $ Method $ WithIO $ fmap JSON $ getStdRandom random)
type Segment = Text
type Path = [ Segment ]
data RoutedRequest = RoutedRequest
{ routedRequest :: Wai.Request
, routedPath :: Path
-- The right hand side of Application. Request is already known.
type Responder = (Wai.Response -> IO Wai.ResponseReceived) -> IO Wai.ResponseReceived
class Router r where
-- | Given a request, if the router supports the given request
-- return a function that constructs a response with a concrete router.
tryRoute :: RoutedRequest -> Maybe (r -> Responder)
serve :: Router r => r -> Wai.Application
serve router req cont
= case tryRoute rreq of
Nothing -> cont $ Wai.responseLBS HTTP.status404 [] "not found"
Just r -> r router cont
rreq = RoutedRequest
{ routedRequest = req
, routedPath = Wai.pathInfo req
-- Router composition is just functor composition.
type f :> g = f g
infixr 2 :>
-- For sanity (see later)
(<&>) :: Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
(<&>) = flip fmap
-- | Serve a given WAI Application.
newtype Raw = Raw Wai.Application
instance Router Raw where
tryRoute rreq = Just $ \(Raw app) -> app (routedRequest rreq)
-- | Match a constant directory in the path.
newtype Dir (seg :: Symbol) next = Dir next
type seg /> g = Dir seg :> g
infixr 2 />
instance (KnownSymbol seg, Router next) => Router (seg /> next) where
tryRoute rreq = case routedPath rreq of
s : segs | Text.unpack s == symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy seg)
-> tryRoute rreq { routedPath = segs } <&> \nextRouter (Dir next) -> nextRouter next
_ -> Nothing
-- | Try to route with left, or try to route with right.
data left :<|> right
= left :<|> right
infixr 1 :<|>
instance (Router left, Router right) => Router (left :<|> right) where
tryRoute rreq
= routeLeft <|> routeRight
routeLeft = tryRoute rreq <&> \leftRouter (left :<|> _) -> leftRouter left
routeRight = tryRoute rreq <&> \rightRouter (_ :<|> right) -> rightRouter right
-- Capture a path segment and pass it on.
newtype Capture next = Capture (Segment -> next)
instance Router next => Router (Capture next) where
tryRoute rreq = case routedPath rreq of
[] -> Nothing
seg : segs
-> tryRoute rreq { routedPath = segs }
<&> \nextRouter (Capture f) -> nextRouter (f seg)
-- Accepts requests with a certain method.
newtype Method (method :: Symbol) next = Method next
instance (KnownSymbol method, Router next) => Router (Method method next) where
tryRoute rreq
| Char8.unpack (Wai.requestMethod $ routedRequest rreq) == symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy method)
= tryRoute rreq <&> \nextRouter (Method next) -> nextRouter next
| otherwise = Nothing
-- Return a JSON object
newtype JSON a = JSON a
instance Aeson.ToJSON a => Router (JSON a) where
tryRoute _ = Just $ \(JSON obj) cont ->
cont $ Wai.responseBuilder HTTP.status200 [] $ Aeson.fromEncoding $ Aeson.toEncoding obj
-- Parse a JSON request body
newtype ReqBody a next = ReqBody (a -> next)
instance (Aeson.FromJSON a, Router next) => Router (ReqBody a next) where
tryRoute rreq
= tryRoute rreq <&>
\nextRouter (ReqBody f) cont -> do
reqBody <- Wai.requestBody (routedRequest rreq)
case Aeson.decodeStrict reqBody of
Nothing -> cont $ Wai.responseLBS HTTP.status400 [] "bad request"
Just val -> nextRouter (f val) cont
newtype WithIO next = WithIO (IO next)
instance Router next => Router (WithIO next) where
tryRoute rreq
= tryRoute rreq <&>
\nextRouter (WithIO ioNext) cont -> do
next <- ioNext
nextRouter next cont
-- Servant compatibility
type Get a = Method "GET" :> WithIO :> JSON a
type Post a = Method "POST" :> WithIO :> JSON a
-- Servant-style abbreviation
class Abbreviated a where
type Brief a :: *
brief :: Brief a -> a
instance Abbreviated Raw where
type Brief Raw = Wai.Application
brief = Raw
instance Abbreviated next => Abbreviated (Dir seg next) where
type Brief (Dir seg next) = Brief next
brief = Dir . brief
instance (Abbreviated left, Abbreviated right) => Abbreviated (left :<|> right) where
type Brief (left :<|> right) = Brief left :<|> Brief right
brief (l :<|> r) = brief l :<|> brief r
instance Abbreviated next => Abbreviated (Capture next) where
type Brief (Capture next) = Segment -> Brief next
brief f = Capture (brief . f)
instance Abbreviated next => Abbreviated (Method method next) where
type Brief (Method method next) = Brief next
brief = Method . brief
instance Abbreviated (JSON a) where
type Brief (JSON a) = a
brief = JSON
instance Abbreviated next => Abbreviated (ReqBody a next) where
type Brief (ReqBody a next) = a -> Brief next
brief f = ReqBody (brief . f)
instance Abbreviated next => Abbreviated (WithIO next) where
type Brief (WithIO next) = IO (Brief next)
brief = WithIO . fmap brief
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