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Last active January 27, 2025 05:15
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ClojureScript nbb testing with playwright example
(ns testdemo
["playwright$default" :as pw]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is use-fixtures async] :as t]
[promesa.core :as p]))
(def rig (atom nil))
; set up playwright before running and tear it down afterwards
#(async done
(p/let [browser (.launch pw/chromium #js {:headless true})
context (.newContext browser)
page (.newPage context)]
(reset! rig {:page page :browser browser})
#(async done
(p/let [{:keys [browser]} @rig]
(.close browser)
; the actual example test which just loads localhost:8000 and checks the title
(deftest load-localhost
(p/let [{:keys [page]} @rig]
(.goto page "http://localhost:8000")
(p/let [title (.title page)]
(is (= title "Expected Title"))
; handy report printing (prints the name of each test as it runs)
(defmethod t/report [:cljs.test/default :begin-test-var] [m]
(println "TEST ===>" (-> m :var meta :name)))
; prints a summary at the end
(defn print-summary []
(t/report (assoc (:report-counters (t/get-current-env)) :type :summary)))
(defmethod t/report [:cljs.test/default :end-test-vars] [_]
(let [env (t/get-current-env)
counters (:report-counters env)
failures (:fail counters)
errors (:error counters)]
(when (or (pos? failures)
(pos? errors))
(set! (.-exitCode js/process) 1))
; run every test in this namespace
(t/run-tests 'testdemo)
; run a smaller selection of tests instead of all of them
; (defn tests [#'testdemo/some-test #'testdemo/some-other-test])
; (t/test-vars tests)
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