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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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TagPro Player Following Helper
// ==UserScript==
// @name TagPro Follow Helper
// @namespace
// @description Follow the Flag Carrier, or someone else, automatically!
// @include http://tagpro-**
// @include http://maptest**
// @require
// @downloadURL
// @license MIT
// @author snaps
// @version 0.1.1
// ==/UserScript==
* Follows flag carrier around, or a random player if no flag carrier
* is available. When spectating, press E to enable, and D to disable.
* Feedback should be visible through the chat.
(function(window, document) {
// Wait until the tagpro object is available before running the
// provided function.
function runOnTagpro(fn) {
if (typeof tagpro !== 'undefined') {
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
// Keys to be removed/added from tagpro.keys when
var KEYS = {
centerZoom: [67],
resetZoom: [90],
specBlueFC: [83],
specNext: [81],
specPrev: [87],
specRedFC: [65],
toggleAutoJoin: [32],
zoomIn: [61, 187],
zoomOut: [173, 189]
// Flags that may be picked up.
var FLAGS = [3, 4, 16, 19, 20, 21];
// tagpro team<->number correspondences.
var TEAMS = {
red: 1,
blue: 2
// Key codes for keys used in this script.
var KEY_CODES = {
e: 69,
d: 68
// Array of numbers in KEY_CODES.
var LISTENED_KEYS = [69, 68];
// Remove keys from tagpro.keys.
function removeKeys() {
if (typeof tagpro == "undefined") return;
for (var key in KEYS) {
tagpro.keys[key] = [];
// Add keys to tagpro.keys.
function addKeys() {
if (typeof tagpro == "undefined") return;
for (var key in KEYS) {
tagpro.keys[key] = KEYS[key].slice();
// Whether the player-following behavior is enabled.
var enabled = false;
// Prevent macro keys from impacting tagpro play.
runOnTagpro(function() {
tagpro.ready(function() {
// Run function once before removing.
tagpro.rawSocket.once("spectator", function() {
// Initialize the script if spectating.
function init() {
// Listen for flag events.
tagpro.socket.on("mapupdate", function(e) {
if (enabled) {
var val = e.v;
if (FLAGS.indexOf(Math.floor(Number(val))) !== -1) {
// Flag tile updated.
// Delay to allow player update to occur.
setTimeout(getTarget, 125);
// Add document listener for enable/disable keys.
document.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
var keyCode = Number(e.keyCode);
if (LISTENED_KEYS.indexOf(keyCode) !== -1) {
if (keyCode == KEY_CODES.e) {
} else if (keyCode == KEY_CODES.d) {
}, false);
// Delay for a few seconds so it's visible after the Spectator
// text.
setTimeout(function() {
showInfo("Loaded! Press E to enable and D to disable.");
}, 3e3);
// Enable the player-following behavior.
function followEnable() {
if (!enabled) {
enabled = true;
// Remove keys from tagpro.
tagpro.viewport.followPlayer = true;
tagpro.zoom = 1;
tagpro.zooming = 0;
// Disable the player-following behavior.
function followDisable() {
if (enabled) {
enabled = false;
// Retrieve target player to follow and follow them.
function getTarget() {
// Get flag carriers.
var flagCarriers = [];
for (var p in tagpro.players) {
if (tagpro.players[p].flag !== null) {
if (flagCarriers.length > 0) {
// Pick a flag carrier.
var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * flagCarriers.length);
var id = flagCarriers[i];
var player = tagpro.players[id];
if ( == {
} else {
} else {
// Go to the next person.
// Show feedback to user.
function showInfo(message) {
if (typeof io !== "undefined" && io.__loopback &&
typeof tagpro !== "undefined") {
tagpro.socket.emit("local:chat", {
to: "all",
from: null,
message: "Player Follower: " + message
})(window, document);
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