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Created July 13, 2019 15:29
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Sybil attack success probability
#! /usr/bin/python3
##this file calculates the success probability of a sybil attack on the
# orderbook with fidelity bonds used in joinmarket
# see
from scipy.optimize import brentq
from time import time
from datetime import timedelta
def descend_probability_tree(weights, remaining_descents, branch_probability):
if remaining_descents == 0:
return branch_probability
total_weight = sum(weights)
result = 0
for i, w in enumerate(weights):
#honest makers are at index 0
if i == 0:
#an honest maker being chosen means the sybil attack failed
#so this branch contributes zero to the attack success prob
if w == 0:
descended_weights = weights.copy()
descended_weights[i] = 0
result += descend_probability_tree(descended_weights,
remaining_descents-1, branch_probability*w/total_weight)
return result
def calculate_sybil_attack_success_probability(honest_weight, sybil_count,
sybil_weight, taker_peer_count):
if taker_peer_count > sybil_count:
#raise ValueError("attack success always zero if the peer count is " +
# "than the sybil count")
return 0
weights = [honest_weight] + sybil_count*[sybil_weight]
return descend_probability_tree(weights, taker_peer_count, 1.0)
def calculate_top_makers_sybil_attack_success_probability(weights,
honest_weight = sum(weights[taker_peer_count:])
weights = [honest_weight] + weights[:taker_peer_count]
return descend_probability_tree(weights, taker_peer_count, 1.0)
def calculate_required_sybil_weight(honest_weight, taker_peer_count,
def f(sybil_weight, honest_weight, taker_peer_count,
return (calculate_sybil_attack_success_probability(honest_weight,
taker_peer_count, sybil_weight, taker_peer_count)
- target_success_probability)
return brentq(f, a=honest_weight, b=honest_weight*1e6, args=(honest_weight,
taker_peer_count, target_success_probability))
def btcf(b):
return "%0.8f" % (b,)
def weight_to_burned_coins(w):
#calculates how many coins need to be burned to produce a certain bond
return w**0.5
def weight_to_locked_coins(w, r, locktime_months):
#calculates how many coins need to be locked to produce a certain bond
return w**0.5 / r / locktime_months * 12
def coins_locked_to_weight(c, r, locktime_months):
return (c*r*locktime_months/12.0)**2
def coins_burned_to_weight(c):
return c*c
#0 = calculate required fidelity bond value for sybil attacking where value
# of honest fidelity bonds is 1
#1 = calculate required fidelity bond value for sybil attacking with
# honest fidelity bonds estimated using real life data
#2 = calculate probability of sybil attack success if the top k makers in the
# real life data were actually sybils
task = 2
print_csv = True
#sybil attack succeeds if takers coinjoin only with the sybil attacker
# with this probability
target_success_probability = 0.95
#time value of money
r = 0.003
#time coins are locked for
locktime_months = 6
#which range of peer counts to calculate for
taker_peer_count_range = (2, 8)
print("task = " + str(task))
if task == 1 or task == 2:
f_name = "joinmarket-orderbook-maxsizes-data.csv"
fd = open(f_name)
maxsizes ="\n")
maxsizes = [float(m) for m in maxsizes]
#locked all those coins
timelocked_weights = [coins_locked_to_weight(m, r, locktime_months)
for m in maxsizes]
print("timelocked weights = " + str(timelocked_weights))
print("equivalent burned coins = " + str([weight_to_burned_coins(w)
for w in timelocked_weights]))
if task == 0 or task == 1:
if task == 0:
honest_weight = 1
elif task == 1:
honest_weight = sum(timelocked_weights)
print("honest_weight coin equivalent = " +
str(weight_to_burned_coins(honest_weight)) + "btc burned, or " +
str(weight_to_locked_coins(honest_weight, r, locktime_months)) +
" btc locked for 6m")
print("calculating sybil attack required weight for honest weight="
+ str(honest_weight))
data = []
for taker_peer_count in range(*taker_peer_count_range):
st = time()
sybil_weight = calculate_required_sybil_weight(honest_weight,
taker_peer_count, target_success_probability)
et = time()
btc_equiv = weight_to_burned_coins(sybil_weight)
total_btc_burned = btc_equiv * taker_peer_count
total_btc_locked_for_6m = weight_to_locked_coins(sybil_weight, r,
locktime_months) * taker_peer_count
print("required sybil_weight=" + str(sybil_weight) +
" for peer count=" + str(taker_peer_count) +
" equivalent_burned_coin=" + btcf(btc_equiv) + " btc per" +
" sybil or " + btcf(total_btc_burned) +
" btc in total or " + btcf(total_btc_locked_for_6m) +
" btc locked for " + str(locktime_months) + " months, time_taken=" +
data.append((taker_peer_count, sybil_weight, total_btc_burned,
if print_csv:
print("peer-count,sybil-weight,total-btc-burned,total-btc-" +
str(locktime_months) + "m-locked")
for pc, sw, tbb, tbl in data:
print(str(pc) + "," + str(sw) + "," + str(tbb) + "," + str(tbl))
elif task == 2:
data = []
for taker_peer_count in range(*taker_peer_count_range):
st = time()
success_prob = calculate_top_makers_sybil_attack_success_probability(
timelocked_weights, taker_peer_count)
et = time()
print("success prob of self-sybil attack = "
+ str(round(success_prob*100, 2))
+ "% taker_peer_count=" + str(taker_peer_count) + ", time_taken="
+ str(timedelta(seconds=et-st)))
data.append((taker_peer_count, success_prob))
if print_csv:
for pc, sp in data:
print(str(pc) + "," + str(sp))
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