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Last active May 14, 2020 19:01
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censorship on r/btc

r/btc markets itself as a "censorship-free" sub. In reality it attempts to silence the voices of people it disagrees with.

A few screenshot examples of censorship

this article was deleted when posted, which describes how the mods of r/btc are roger ver's employees at

"Exploit code for the recent BTU attack - apparently this was posted to /r/btc, and of course, got censored. :)"

r/btc moderators will often say that "rate-limiting and downvotes are not censorship". The reader can decide for themselves. Suppose you want to discuss bitcoin with others but your own posts are limited to once every 10 minutes, while the other side can post as often as they want. That doesn't seem like an equal debate to me.

censorship of Bitcoin Core (BTCC)

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Someone just got INSTABANNED for mentioning that their secure communications company was invaded by state intelligence agencies who wouldn't let them produce secure encryption hardware. It was me ;) Again, lol.

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